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Breeding of resistant strawberry cultivars for organic fruit production – Diallel crossing strategies and resistance tests for Botrytis cinerea and Xanthomonas fragariae Organic Eprints
Bestfleisch, M.; Höfer, M.; Richter, K.; Hanke, M.-V.; Schulte, E.; Peil, A.; Flachowsky, H..
Organic strawberry production suffers from high yield losses caused by numerous fungal and bacterial diseases. Two of the most important diseases are the grey mould disease caused by Botrytis cinerea Pers. (teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana), and the bacterial angular leaf spot disease caused by Xanthomonas fragariae (Kennedy & King). Beside cultivation methods and organic plant protection measures, the development of resistant cultivars seems to be the most promising strategy in order to improve the productivity in organic strawberry cultivation. Therefore, we established resistance tests to determine resistant and susceptible strawberry cultivars and breeding selections. In a first run, 40 different cultivars and selections were tested for their...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries Breeding; Genetics and propagation.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Resistance Breeding in Apple at Dresden-Pillnitz Organic Eprints
Peil, A.; Dunemann, F.; Richter, K.; Hoefer, M.; Király, I.; Flachowsky, H.; Hanke, M.-V..
Resistance breeding in apple has a long tradition at the Institute of Fruit Breeding now Julius Kuehn-institute in Dresden-Pillnitz. The breeding was aimed at the production of multiple resistance cultivars to allow a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production of apple. In the last decades a series of resistant cultivars (Re®-cultivars) bred in Dresden-Pillnitz has been released, ‘Recolor’ and ‘Rekarda’ in 2006. The main topic in the resistance breeding programme was scab resistance and the donor of scab resistance in most cultivars was Malus x floribunda 821. Due to the development of strains that are able to overcome resistance genes inherited by M. x floribunda 821 and due to the fact that single resistance genes can be broken easily,...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Resistenzzüchtung in Dresden-Pillnitz - Der Apfel Organic Eprints
Peil, A.; Lesemann, S.; Dunemann, F.; Höfer, M.; Flachowsky, H.; Hanke, V.-M..
The Institute of Fruit Breeding has a long tradition in breeding resistant apple cultivars. Systematic resistance breeding started in the 1930 ties in Müncheberg. Material developed in Müncheberg was transferred in the 1970 ties to the Institute for Fruit Research, the antecessor of the Institute of Fruit Breeding. Based on this material, a couple of multiple resistant cultivars were generated. The time schedule for combining biotic and abiotic resistant traits which demonstrates the long-lasting period necessary for systematic resistance breeding is given. An overview of resistant cultivars of Dresden-Pillnitz and the respective resistant traits is presented. This assortment of cultivars was developed to provide a resistant cultivar for each ripening...
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Breeding; Genetics and propagation Fruit and berries.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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