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Biodiversity offsets for offshore wind farm projects: The current situation in Europe ArchiMer
Vaissiere, Anne-charlotte; Levrel, Harold; Pioch, Sylvain; Carlier, Antoine.
The European Union׳s energy policy aims to increase the proportion of energy derived from renewable sources in Europe. Marine renewable energy, offshore wind energy especially, contributes to the renewable energy mix. Offshore wind farms appear to be clean, and are supported by governments and NGOs as a way to reduce the use of conventional energy resources and thus decrease greenhouse gas emissions. However, developing infrastructure in marine areas can impact marine ecosystems. European directives ask offshore wind farm developers to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including a mitigation hierarchy, i.e. envisaging measures that would avoid, reduce, and if possible offset significant adverse effects on ecosystems and human activities....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mitigation hierarchy; Offshore wind farms; EIA.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Marine biodiversity offsetting: An analysis of the emergence of an environmental governance system in California ArchiMer
Jacob, Celine; Thorin, Sebastien; Pioch, Sylvain.
Most research studies related to biodiversity offsetting have focused on governance systems already in place in the terrestrial realm – these studies tend to rely on an approach of organizational economics, in particular in relation to mitigation banking schemes. In this study, emerging marine offsetting governance systems has been analyzed using the Actor–Network Theory (ANT) with the aim of highlighting the key elements that enable the emergence of marine offsetting tools. The ANT framework has been applied to four case studies in California using data collected in a field study that consisted of interviewing 30 stakeholders working closely with the issue of marine offsetting. Employing ANT allowed to ascertain the role of commonly studied elements such...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Governance; Biodiversity offset; Marine ecosystems; Actor Network theory; California.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Coût d’opportunité versus coût du maintien des potentialités écologiques : deux indicateurs économiques pour mesurer les coûts de l’érosion de la biodiversité ArchiMer
Levrel, Harold; Hay, Julien; Bas, Adeline; Gastineau, Pascal; Pioch, Sylvain.
The cost of ecosystem services degradation is a major topic as underlined by the TEEB program (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity), which proposed an assessment of the costs of policy inaction in the field of biodiversity conservation. In the same vein, the report of the French Centre for Strategic Analysis on the Economic Approach to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services turns its attention to the value of ecosystem services, suggesting some elements that could help measure the cost of biodiversity degradation. There is however some confusion regarding the notion of cost. Thus, in the case of TEEB the proposed cost assessment translates into monetary terms the loss of potential profits from ecological services. Yet, another way of assessing these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Services écologiques; Biodiversité; Valeur; Coûts; Méthodes d’estimation; Ecosystem services; Biodiversity; Value; Costs; Assessmentmethodology.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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The multi-use in wind farm projects: more conflicts or a win-win opportunity? ArchiMer
Lacroix, Denis; Pioch, Sylvain.
The pressures on the use of the seashore are steadily rising, not only in developed countries but worldwide. Anthropogenic activity has long impacted the marine continental shelf down to a depth of approximately -200 m. New activities are now affecting this coastal space such as renewable energies, recreational uses and aquaculture in addition to the traditional ones of navigation or fishing. This evolution raises new sources of conflict amongst users which can require state involvement in order to manage the different stakeholders and pressure groups. However, the coastal space still offers a large potential for development for two reasons. Firstly, the physical three dimensional potential of this space enables the whole water column to be used,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Integrated coastal zone management; Marine continental shelf management; Ecological engineering; Off-shore wind farm; Aquaculture; Artificial habitat; Eco-design; Green infrastructure.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Wetland mitigation banking: Negotiations with stakeholders in a zone of ecological-economic viability ArchiMer
Vaissiere, Anne-charlotte; Levrel, Harold; Pioch, Sylvain.
Wetland mitigation banking (WMB) is an organizational form that attempts to balance the ecological goals of wetland conservation and the economic goals of development with the aim of improving the implementation of wetland offsetting. Given the resulting tension, it is important to understand how the way stakeholders employ the WMB regulatory framework affects the goal of No Net Loss of wetlands. In this study, we interviewed WMB stakeholders in Florida in the United States to identify their strategies during negotiations around different aspects of defining wetland mitigation credits (e.g. service areas, types of credit and credit release schedules). Using the approach of New Institutional Economics, we found that within a framework of well-defined rules...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Wetland offsetting; Wetland mitigation banking; Asset specificity; Environmental uncertainty; Stakeholders' strategy; Ecological-economic viability.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Faraway, so close : les enjeux de la marée noire DeepWater Horizon vus depuis la France ArchiMer
Pioch, Sylvain; Hay, Julien; Levrel, Harold.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2010 URL:
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