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Study on the microalgal pigments extraction process: Performance of microwave assisted extraction ArchiMer
Pasquet, Virginie; Cherouvrier, Jean-rene; Farhat, Firas; Thiery, Valerie; Piot, Jean-marie; Berard, Jean-baptiste; Kaas, Raymond; Serive, Benoit; Patrice, Thierry; Cadoret, Jean-paul; Picot, Laurent.
The performance of microwaves irradiation (MAE and VMAE) to extract pigments from two marine microalgae was compared to conventional processes (cold and hot soaking and ultrasound-assisted extraction). Pigments were quantified by RP-HPLC and extraction performance was assessed regarding rapidity, reproducibility and extraction yields. Scanning electron microscopy was used at all extraction steps to assess the impact of the process on microalgal cell integrity. Freeze-drying and pigments extraction preserved microalgae cell integrity (except sonication) and evoked agglutination in superposed cells layers. All processes performed on Dunaliella tertiolecta (chlorophyte) lead to rapid pigments extraction, and equivalent pigments extraction yields, the absence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pigments; Microalgae; Microwave; Extraction; Chlorophyll; Fucoxanthin; Carotene; MAE; VMAE.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Impact of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration of an industrial fish protein hydrolysate on its bioactive properties ArchiMer
Picot, Laurent; Ravallec, Rozenn; Fouchereau-peron, Martine; Vandanjon, Laurent; Jaouen, Pascal; Chaplain-derouiniot, Maryse; Guerard, Fabienne; Chabeaud, Aurelie; Legal, Yves; Martinez Alvarez, Oscar; Berge, Jean-pascal; Piot, Jean-marie; Batista, Irineu; Pires, Carla; Thorkelsson, Gudjon; Delannoy, Charles; Jakobsen, Greta; Johansson, Inger; Bourseau, Patrick.
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have demonstrated that in vitro controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of fish and shellfish proteins leads to bioactive peptides. Ultrafiltration (UF) and/or nanofiltration (NF) can be used to refine hydrolysates and also to fractionate them in order to obtain a peptide population enriched in selected sizes. This study was designed to highlight the impact of controlled UF and NF on the stability of biological activities of an industrial fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) and to understand whether fractionation could improve its content in bioactive peptides. RESULTS: The starting fish protein hydrolysate exhibited a balanced amino acid composition, a reproducible molecular weight (MW) profile, and a low sodium chloride content, allowing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fish protein hydrolysate; Ultrafiltration; Nanofiltration; Membrane separation; Fractionation process; Bioactive peptide.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Di and tripeptides from marine sources can target adipogenic process and contribute to decrease adipocyte number and functions ArchiMer
Ben Henda, Yesmine; Laamari, Mariem; Lanneluc, Isabelle; Travers, Marie-agnes; Agogue, Helene; Arnaudin, Ingrid; Bridiau, Nicolas; Maugard, Thierry; Piot, Jean-marie; Sannier, Frederic; Bordenave-juchereau, Stephanie.
The effect of 11 marine-derived cryptides was investigated on proliferation, differentiation and maturation of human white pre-adipocytes (HWP). They were all formerly identified as potent Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme inhibitors.Val-Trp (VW),Val-Tyr (VY), Lys-Tyr (KY), Lys-Trp (KW), Ile-Tyr (IY), Ala-Pro (AP),Val-Ile-Tyr (VIY), Leu-Lys-Pro (LKP), Gly-Pro-Leu (GPL), Ala-Lys-Lys (AKK) and Val-Ala-Pro (VAP) were previously found in fish products and coproducts as well as other marine resources like wakame. Treatment with AP, VAP and AKK greatly affected viability of HWP during the proliferation period while KW and VW treatment reduced the number of viable cells during the differentiation stage. A GPL and IY incubation during the differentiation stage allowed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioactive peptides; Obesity; Human white pre-adipocytes'; Proliferation; Differentiation; Adipocyte differentiation markers.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Antiproliferative Activity of Violaxanthin Isolated from Bioguided Fractionation of Dunaliella tertiolecta Extracts ArchiMer
Pasquet, Virginie; Morisset, Perrine; Ihammouine, Said; Chepied, Amandine; Aumailley, Lucie; Berard, Jean-baptiste; Serive, Benoit; Kaas, Raymond; Lanneluc, Isabelle; Thiery, Valerie; Lafferriere, Mathieu; Piot, Jean-marie; Patrice, Thierry; Cadoret, Jean-paul; Picot, Laurent.
Dunaliella tertiolecta (DT) was chemically investigated to isolate molecules inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in vitro. The potency to inhibit cell growth was used for the bio-guided fractionation and isolation of active compounds using chromatographic techniques. The DT dichloromethane extract exhibited a strong anti-proliferative activity on MCF-7 and LNCaP cells, and was further fractionated and sub-fractionated by RP-HPLC. High resolution mass spectrometry and spectrophotometric analysis unequivocally identified violaxanthin as the most antiproliferative molecule present in DT DCM extract. Violaxanthin purified from DT induced MCF-7 dose- dependent growth inhibition in continuous and discontinuous treatments, at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pigments; Microalgae; Dunaliella; Violaxanthin; Carotenoid; Cancer; Apoptosis.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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