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Atlantic bluefin tuna: population dynamics, ecology, fisheries and management ArchiMer
Fromentin, Jean-marc; Powers, Joseph.
Both old and new information on the biology and ecology of Atlantic bluefin tuna have confronted scientists with research challenges: research needs to be connected to current stock-assessment and management issues. We review recent studies on habitat, migrations and population structure, stressing the importance of electronic tagging results in the modification of our perception of bluefin tuna population dynamics and behaviour. Additionally, we question, from both scientific and management perspectives, the usefulness of the classical stock concept and suggest other approaches, such as Clark's contingent and metapopulation theories. Current biological information confirms that a substantial amount of uncertainty still exists in the understanding of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tuna fisheries; Thunnus thynnus; Stock assessment and management; Population structure; Population dynamics; Atlantic bluefin tuna.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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