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Projet Velyger (2008-2010) : Observer, Analyser et Gérer la variabilité du recrutement de l’huître creuse en France. Rapport de synthèse ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Bernard, Ismael; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Huvet, Arnaud; Talarmain, Eric; Auby, Isabelle; Maurer, Daniele; Barbier, Claire; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; D'Amico, Florence; Rumebe, Myriam; Neaud-masson, Nadine; Bedier, Edouard; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Claude, Serge; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Hitier, Benoist; Stanisiere, Jean-yves; Breerette, Stephane; Robert, Stephane; Guilpain, Patrice; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Guesdon, Stephane; Soletchnik, Patrick; Le Moine, Olivier; Dumas, Franck; Quemener, Loic; Barbot, Stephane; Repecaud, Michel; Mille, Dominique; Geay, A; Bouquet, Anne-lise.
L’ostréiculture constitue la principale activité aquacole française. Cette activité de quasi-monoculture, basé sur l’élevage de l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, repose en grande partie sur le recrutement naturel de l’espèce qui assure 70% des besoins en jeunes huîtres (naissain). Or, depuis une dizaine d'années, dans les bassins d'Arcachon et de Marennes-Oléron, principaux centres de captage français pour l’huître creuse, la collecte du naissain ou captage devient encore plus variable qu’auparavant: à des années de captage presque nul (par exemple les années 2002, 2005, 2007) succèdent des années où il est surabondant (par exemple les années 2003 ou 2006). En parallèle, et probablement en raison du progressif réchauffement des eaux, la reproduction de...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Large and local-scale influences on physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters of Western Europe during winter ArchiMer
Treguer, Paul; Goberville, Eric; Barrier, Nicolas; L'Helguen, Stephane; Morin, Pascal; Bozec, Yann; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Czamanski, Marie; Grossteffan, Emilie; Cariou, Thierry; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic.
There is now a strong scientific consensus that coastal marine systems of Western Europe are highly sensitive to the combined effects of natural climate variability and anthropogenic climate change. However, it still remains challenging to assess the spatial and temporal scales at which climate influence operates. While large-scale hydro-climatic indices, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or the East Atlantic Pattern (EAP) and the weather regimes such as the Atlantic Ridge (AR), are known to be relevant predictors of physical processes, changes in coastal waters can also be related to local hydro-meteorological and geochemical forcing. Here, we study the temporal variability of physical and chemical characteristics of coastal waters located at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coastal systems; Climate variability; Large-scale hydro-climatic indices; River inputs; Time-series; Weather regimes.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Growth of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Gulf of Lions based on conventional tagging ArchiMer
Mellon-duval, Capucine; De Pontual, Helene; Metral, Luisa; Quemener, Loic.
Growth of European hake was estimated from the results of a conventional tagging study in the Gulf of Lions, the first tagging experiment to have been undertaken on the species in Mediterranean waters. In all, 4277 hake 15–40 cm long were tagged and released on the inshore fishing grounds during spring 2006. The overall recapture rate was 6.5% and times-at-liberty ranged from 1 to 717 d. Growth rate in hake varied with size and sex. The estimated growth parameter (von Bertalanffy k) was estimated as double previously published values based on size frequency distribution in the area. Compared with recent growth parameters derived from the tagging experiments in the Bay of Biscay, k was estimated to be slightly lower in the Gulf of Lions. With this faster...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Age estimation; European hake; Growth; Mediterranean; Tagging.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Cod (Gadus morhua) rearing attempts in France ArchiMer
Suquet, Marc; Omnes, Marie-helene; Normant, Yvon; Petton, Bruno; Severe, Armelle; Fauvel, Christian; Barone, Herve; Quemener, Loic; Buchet, Vincent; Pasco, Laurent; Menard, E; Gaignon, Jean-louis.
Because of its rapid growth, its good reputation and the promising aquaculture experiences conducted in Norway and Scotland, cod is considered as a good candidate for cold water aquaculture. The aim of this paper is to present the work carried out in France since 1999: the selection of cod as a promising candidate for aquaculture and the assessment of its rearing performances in this environment.
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Ano: 2002 URL:
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The annual and seasonal variability of the carbonate system in the Bay of Brest (Northwest Atlantic Shelf, 2008–2014) ArchiMer
Salt, Lesley A.; Beaumont, L.; Blain, S.; Bucciarelli, E.; Grossteffan, E.; Guillot, A.; L'Helguen, S.; Merlivat, L.; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Rimmelin-maury, P.; Treguer, P.; Bozec, Y..
From 2008 to 2014, the MAREL-Iroise buoy, located in the Bay of Brest, collected high-frequency measurements of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and ancillary hydrographic parameters, in conjunction with a comprehensive sampling regime of two additional carbonate system variables total alkalinity (AT), and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Biological processes drive variations in AT and DIC throughout the year, except in winter, when primary production is negligible and large freshwater inputs occur. Annually, the Bay of Brest generally behaves as a source of CO2 to the atmosphere (0.14 ± 0.20 mol C m− 2 yr− 1), showing inter-annual variability significantly linked to annual net community production (NCP). The presence of a large community of benthic filter...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Brest; Carbonate system; Dissolved inorganic carbon; Total alkalinity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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La Bouée MOLIT : un nouveau concept de bouée instrumentée ArchiMer
Quemener, Loic; Repecaud, Michel; Jegou, Paul; Aoustin, Yannick; Retho, Michael; Barbot, Stephane; Gautier, Laurent; Podeur, Christian; Pichavant, Pascal.
La validité du concept de station de mesure haute-fréquence Marel a été vérifié par le déploiement d’un réseau constitué de stations de type axisymétrique (Réseau Baie de Seine, Bouée Iroise en rade de Brest). Le mouillage et le comportement de ces bouées en terme d’accessibilité et de maintenance est un handicap pour l’extension vers les zones plus exposées du large. La bouée MOLIT (Mer Ouverte LITtorale) constitue une réponse technique et financière.
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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The Recopesca Project : a new example of participative approach to collect fisheries and in situ environmental data ArchiMer
Leblond, Emilie; Lazure, Pascal; Laurans, Martial; Rioual, Celine; Woerther, Patrice; Quemener, Loic; Berthou, Patrick.
Face to the lack of data to assess precisely the spatial distribution of catches and fishing effort and for the environmental characterization of the fishing area, Ifremer has been implemented since 2005 a new project, Recopesca. It consists in fitting out a sample of voluntary fishing vessels with sensors recording data on fishing effort (and at mid-terms catches) and physical parameters such as temperature or salinity. Recopesca aims at setting up a network of sensors, for scientific purposes, to collect data and improve resources assessment and diagnostics on fisheries, and environmental data required for ecosystem-based management initiatives. The challenge was to develop sensors with no trouble for the fishermen, tough enough to be fixed up on fishing...
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Ano: 2010 URL:
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National observation infrastructures in a European framework: COAST-HF A fixed-platform network along French coasts ArchiMer
Charria, Guillaume; Schmitt, François; Artigas, Felipe; Berthebaud, Eric; Bonnat, Armel; Bourrin, François; Bozec, Yann; Cariou, Thierry; Claquin, Pascal; Conan, Pascal; Coppola, Laurent; Delalée, Franck; Facq, Jean-valery; Farcy, Patrick; Ferreira, Sophie; Garcia, Fabrice; Grisoni, Jean-michel; Jacqueline, Franck; Jacquet, Matthias; Lefebvre, Alain; Leredde, Yann; Le Roux, Jean-francois; Mas, Sébastien; Mostajir, Behzad; Mousseau, Laure; Pairaud, Ivane; Petton, Sebastien; Pouvreau, Stephane; Quemener, Loic; Ravel, Christophe; Raimbault, Patrick; Repecaud, Michel; Retho, Michael; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Riou, Philippe; Savoye, Nicolas; Souchu, Philippe; Verney, Romaric; Vuillemin, Renaud.
COAST-HF (Coastal OceAn observing SysTem – High Frequency) is a French national observation network of the physical and biogeochemical dynamics of the coastal ocean, at high frequency. COAST-HF aims at understanding and analysing changes of contrasted coastal ecosystems at different temporal scales from extreme or intermittent high frequency (hour, day) events to multi-year trends. Since several years (from 2000 for the longest time series in Bay of Brest), the network extends along the English Channel, Atlantic and Mediterranean French coasts through 14 fixed platforms instrumented for the in situ high-frequency (≤ 1h) observations. Several French research institutes (IFREMER, CNRS, Marine Universities) are operating these systems. The organization of...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Monitoring water quality in estuarine environments: lessons from the MAGEST monitoring program in the Gironde fluvial-estuarine system ArchiMer
Etcheber, H.; Schmidt, S.; Sottolichio, Aldo; Maneux, E.; Chabaux, G.; Escalier, J. -m.; Wennekes, H.; Derriennic, H.; Schmeltz, M.; Quemener, Loic; Repecaud, Michel; Woerther, Patrice; Castaing, P..
The Gironde Estuary, one of the largest European ones, presents temporary low dissolved oxygen content in its fluvial section close to the Bordeaux urban area. In a context of population growth and of long-term environmental changes, the development of a high-frequency monitoring programme of the fluvial-estuarine system of the Gironde, called MAGEST (MArel Gironde ESTuary), had appeared essential to address current and future water-quality issues/evaluations. The objectives of the MAGEST survey program are to establish a reference database to improve the knowledge of the Gironde Estuary functioning, encompassing the aspects of hydrology, sediment dynamics and biogeochemistry. Through examples of results from intratidal to seasonal time scales, we...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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SOMLIT-Brest / MAREL-Iroise : des séries d’observation physico-chimiques au service de la recherche scientifique ArchiMer
L'Helguen, Stéphane; Rimmelin-maury, Peggy; Repecaud, Michel; Quemener, Loic; Beaumont, L.; Grosssteffan, Emilie; Tréguer, Paul; Bozec, Yann.
Les écosystèmes côtiers sont soumis à de multiples forçages physiques et chimiques qui agissent à des échelles de temps très différentes. Pour décrire et prédire l’impact de ces forçages sur les écosystèmes, il est impératif de mesurer à long terme les caractéristiques physiques, chimiques et biologiques des eaux côtières. Depuis plus de 15 ans, un partenariat réunit l’IUEM/UBO, l’IFREMER et l'INSU pour assurer le suivi régulier et à long terme de la physico-chimie des eaux côtières à l’interface de la rade de Brest et de la mer d’Iroise (site de Ste Anne du Portzic, 48°21’60 N, 4°33’04 W ). Ce suivi repose sur une stratégie combinée de mesures à basse fréquence (série SOMLIT-Brest - Service d’Observation en Milieu LITtoral) et de mesures à haute fréquence...
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Ano: 2016 URL:
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Influence de l'hydrodynamique des bassins sur la survie et la croissance des larves de turbot (Psetta maxima) ArchiMer
Gaignon, Jean-louis; Petton, Bruno; Quemener, Loic.
During larval rearing phase of turbot, a substantial variability in survival and growth is frequently observed. In this paper, we studied the effects of hydrodynamics in larvae rearing tanks on the survival and the growth of fed and starved larvae, using the following conditions: water flows of 600 and 1200, constant and progressive ones, air flows of 10 and 30, downward and upward water circulation, with direction change during the rearing phase. We also studied the interactions between water circulation direction and feeding conditions by (1) shifting the first feeding day (4 occasions, at 8 hours intervals, from 52 to 76 hours after 95% of hatching) and (2) using 2 amounts of preys (which differ by a factor 3). The results show that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbot; Techniques d'élevage; Alimentation; Turbot; Rearing methods; Feeding.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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New instruments to monitor coastal sea water masses according to European Water Framework Directive, Trophimatique project ArchiMer
Repecaud, Michel; Degres, Yves; Bernard, Nathalie; Allenou, Jean-pierre; Aoustin, Yannick; Arrondeau, Jean-pierre; Bouget, Jean-francois; Bucas, Karenn; Daniel, Anne; Guillaud, Jean-francois; Hamon, Michel; Jegou, Paul; Laes, Agathe; Le Roux, Dominique; Le Piver, David; Quemener, Loic; Rolin, Jean-francois; Rudelle, Tiphaine; Legrand, Jacques; Vuillemin, Renaud.
The automated monitoring of physico-chemical parameters in the coastal zone has been using large buoys and fixed infrastructures. A better understanding of many estuaries is needed in order to fulfil the agenda and requirements of the European Water Framework Directive. In order to address the fluxes of nutrients as well as algal blooms and low oxygen events, the "TROPHIMATIQUE" project has developed a new generation of instruments able to be deployed in sea waters. The smaller size of the new instruments is intended to facilitate the maintenance. A new multi-parameter probe has been developed. The measurements of all nutrients are performed thanks to the CHEMINI flow injection analysers for nitrate, ammonia, silicate and phosphate. A sampler using similar...
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Ano: 2009 URL:
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Observer, Analyser et Gérer la variabilité de la reproduction et du recrutement de l’huître creuse en France : Le Réseau Velyger. Rapport annuel 2012 ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Bellec, Gwenael; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Queau, Isabelle; Talarmain, Eric; Alunno-bruscia, Marianne; Auby, Isabelle; Maurer, Daniele; Barbier, Claire; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; D'Amico, Florence; Rumebe, Myriam; Fleury, Elodie; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Collin, Karine; Fortune, Mireille; Hitier, Benoist; Bedier, Edouard; Robert, Stephane; Guilpain, Patrice; Grizon, James; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Guesdon, Stephane; Lagarde, Franck; Le Gall, Patrik; Messiaen, Gregory; Roque D'Orbcastel, Emmanuelle; Gohin, Francis; Bryere, Philippe; Quemener, Loic; Repecaud, Michel; Bucas, Karenn; Barbot, Stephane; Guillemot, Anne; Nonnotte, Lidwine; Duros, Wenceslas; Bonnat, Armel; Tarot, Stephane; Mille, Dominique; Geay, Amelie; Bouquet, Anne-lise.
La conchyliculture, et principalement l’élevage de l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, constitue la principale activité aquacole française. Cette activité repose, en grande partie, sur le recrutement naturel de l’espèce qui assure 70% des besoins en jeunes huîtres (naissain) : cette activité de collecte s’appelle le captage. Les deux principaux centres de captage en France sont les bassins d’Arcachon et de Marennes-Oléron. Or, depuis une dizaine d'années, sur le Bassin d'Arcachon, le captage devient très variable: à des années de captage nul (par exemple les années 2002, 2005, 2007) ou faible (2009, 2010, 2011) succèdent des années excellentes voire pléthoriques (les années 2003, 2006, 2008, 2012). A Marennes-Oléron, cette variabilité existe, mais s’avère...
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Ano: 2013 URL:
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Combined effects of water quality and stocking density on welfare and growth of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) ArchiMer
Person, Jeannine; Labbe, Laurent; Le Bayon, Nicolas; Severe, Armelle; Le Roux, Annick; Le Delliou, Herve; Quemener, Loic.
An 84-day experiment assessed the combined effects of two fresh water quality levels (H: 1.71 +/- 0.15 mg O(2)l(-1) and 0.28 +/- 0.01 mg l(-1) total ammonia nitrogen (T-AN), L: 5.15 +/- 0.07 mg O2l(-1) and 0.54 +/- 0.01 mg T- AN l(-1)) and 3 stabilized stocking densities: 24.8 +/- 0.2, 74.2 +/- 0.5 and 120.0 +/- 0.9 kg m(-3)) on rainbow trout. Fish were fed using demand feeders with rewards proportional to stocking density. Mass increase was significantly affected by water quality and stocking density, being highest in H water and the lowest at 120 kg m(-3). There was no significant difference in final weight between 25 and 74 kg m(-3), but at 120 kg m(-3) it was 27% and 19% lower in H and L water respectively than at 25 kg m(-3). Feed intake (FI) from day...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Growth; Welfare; Stocking density; Water quality; Rainbow trout.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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ORFISH - Development of innovative, low-impact offshore fishing practices for small-scale vessels in outermost regions - MARE/2015/06. WP3 Developing and testing low impact fishing techniques ArchiMer
Berthou, Patrick; Macabiau, Christophe; Begot, Eric; Le Blond, Samuel; Henrique, Ramos; Cruces, Lorenzo; Lucas, Georges; Gomez, Cesar; Lebechnech, Léa; Guyader, Olivier; Quemener, Loic; Vignot, Celine; Leblond, Emilie.
In many European fisheries and particularly ORs, small-scale vessels are often multipurpose targeting different species using different gears. Given the narrow island shelves, vessels may develop their activity in coastal areas, on the edge of the continental shelf or offshore in deep-water or large pelagic fisheries but it is currently difficult to quantify the distribution of fishing effort between the different fishing gears and between the different areas. it is an important issue to better quantify the fishing effort, its spatial and temporal distribution with the principal objective of alleviating fishing pressure on the coastal fishing resources. The EU legislation requires that all coastal EU countries over 12 meters should set up a Vessel...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effects of temperature on the growth of pollack (Pollachius pollachius) juveniles ArchiMer
Person, Jeannine; Buchet, Vincent; Vincent, Benoit; Le Delliou, Herve; Quemener, Loic.
Growth of juvenile pollack was assessed at five constant temperatures (9, 12, 15, 18 and 21 degrees C) in an 84-day trial. Duplicate groups of 75 fish (initial weight 143 +/- 2 g) were held in O-2 saturated water (102-103% saturation) and fed to apparent satiation. Growth increased as temperature increased from 9 degrees C up to a plateau at 12-15 degrees C (NS differences between 12 and 15 degrees C) followed by a decrease from 18 degrees C. No growth occurred at 21 degrees C. For the overall period, specific growth rates were 0.52% and 0.53% day(-1) at 12 and 15 degrees C compared to 0.40% day(-1) at 18 degrees C. Feed intake was maximum at 15-18 degrees C (0.68-0.69% day(-1)) and it was significantly lower at 21 degrees C (0.45% day(-1)). Apparent feed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Feed efficiency; Growth; Temperature; Pollack.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Pollack (Pollachius pollachius): Acquisition of biologic data in a breeding purpose ArchiMer
Buchet, Vincent; Suquet, Marc; Omnes, Marie-helene; Petton, Bruno; Normant, Yvon; Severe, Armelle; Quemener, Loic; Barone, Herve; Fauvel, Christian; Gaignon, Jean-louis.
The fishing of pollack which concerns essentially, France, United Kingdom and Norway, and at a lower level Ireland and Denmark, is situated between 10 and 15000 tons a year. In 1996, France was the first producer of Pollack. Since 1980, a decrease of production is observed in Europe. In France, landing reached 3000t. in 1998 (Suquet, 2001). However, the demand remaining strong, aquaculture could be a solution to satisfy the deficit between the French production and the domestic demand.
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Ano: 2002 URL:
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Observer, Analyser et Gérer la variabilité de la reproduction et du recrutement de l’huître creuse en France : Le Réseau Velyger. Rapport annuel 2011 ArchiMer
Pouvreau, Stephane; Bernard, Ismael; Le Souchu, Pierrick; Queau, Isabelle; Talarmain, Eric; Auby, Isabelle; Maurer, Daniele; Barbier, Claire; Tournaire, Marie-pierre; D'Amico, Florence; Rumebe, Myriam; Neaud-masson, Nadine; Bedier, Edouard; Fleury, Elodie; Martin, Anne-genevieve; Claude, Serge; Langlade, Aime; Bouget, Jean-francois; Collin, Karine; Fortune, Mireille; Hitier, Benoist; Robert, Stephane; Guilpain, Patrice; Grizon, James; Seugnet, Jean-luc; Guesdon, Stephane; Quemener, Loic; Repecaud, Michel; Barbot, Stephane; Guillemot, Anne; Nonnotte, Lidwine; Duros, Wenceslas; Bonnat, Armel; Tarot, Stephane; Mille, Dominique; Geay, Amelie; Bouquet, Anne-lise.
La conchyliculture, et principalement l’élevage de l’huître creuse, Crassostrea gigas, constitue la principale activité aquacole française. Cette activité repose, en grande partie, sur le recrutement naturel de l’espèce qui assure 70% des besoins en jeunes huîtres (naissain) : cette activité de collecte s’appelle le captage. Les deux principaux centres de captage en France sont les bassins d’Arcachon et de Marennes-Oléron. Or, depuis une dizaine d'années, sur le bassin d'Arcachon, le captage devient très variable: à des années de captage nul (par exemple les années 2002, 2005, 2007) ou faible (2009, 2010, 2011) succèdent des années excellentes voire pléthoriques (les années 2003, 2006, 2008). A Marennes-Oléron, cette variabilité existe, même si elle est...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Changes in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) sperm quality during the spawning season ArchiMer
Rouxel, Catherine; Suquet, Marc; Cosson, J; Severe, Armelle; Quemener, Loic; Fauvel, Christian.
The biology of cod reproduction is well described in the scientific literature. However, sperm biology and spermatozoa management are poorly studied in this species. Because of its recent farming expansion, a better knowledge of cod gametes is becoming especially useful. This work aimed at establishing tools to study sperm biology in cod, and also investigated the existence of changes in cod sperm quality during the spawning period. We showed that sperm concentration could be assessed using spectrophotometry at 260 nm. Sperm motility significantly decreased after a 168-h storage at 4 degrees C. A 1:9 dilution of sperm in a non-activating medium (1/3 seawater and 2/3 freshwater, osmotic pressure: 360 mOsm kg(-1)) improved sperm storage. Sperm concentration,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spermatozoa; Quality; Ageing; Sperm; Cod; Gadus morhua.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Influence of early thermic and photoperiodic control on growth and smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) ArchiMer
Gaignon, Jean-louis; Quemener, Loic.
Atlantic salmon juveniles were subjected to a precocious (day 104 after first feeding) photoperiodic (P) and thermic (T) control. After rearing the fry at 16 degrees C, constant (16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness, 16 degrees C) (C) and shortened simulated natural S photoperiod and temperature regimes were used in a factorial experimental design until transfer to seawater. The growth obtained with constant (C) regimes was better than with S regimes. In all cases, we observed very early (day 141, mid-June) a clear segregation of the population into two different subpopulations. Among the conditions, all the differences between the upper and lower modes were growth-dependent. We observed different developmental trends of the gill (Na+-K+)-ATPase...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Photopériode; Température; Smolts 0+; Saumon atlantique; Photoperiod; Temperature; 0(+) smolts; Atlantic salmon.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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