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Trade off between quantity and size of pollen grains in the heterandrous flowers of Senna pendula (Fabaceae) Acta Botanica
Pinheiro-Costa,Bruna Karen; Mesquita-Neto,José Neiva; Rego,Juliana Ordones; Schlindwein,Clemens.
ABSTRACT Heteranthery, the presence of different types of stamens in a flower, may reduce the conflict between pollinators and plants by ensuring the resource for the pollinator without drastically affecting the availability of viable male gametes for fertilization, according to the division-of-labor hypothesis. We investigated whether the poricidal anthers of Senna pendula, a buzz-pollinated heterantherous species, present morphological and physiological differences among pollen grains from the three sets of stamens. We compared quantity, ornamentation, size and fecundity of pollen from long, medium and short stamens. The short feeding stamens produced larger but fewer pollen grains than the long pollinating stamens, which produced smaller pollen grains...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bees; Buzz-pollination; Division-of-labor; Heteranthery; Pollen economy; Senna pendula; Stamen dimorphism.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Dimorphandra wilsonii Rizzini (Fabaceae): distribution, habitat and conservation status Acta Botanica
Fernandes,Fernando Moreira; Rego,Juliana Ordones.
Dimorphandra wilsonii Rizzini is a rare species. Although cited as endemic to the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, it has been recorded only for the municipalities of Paraopeba and Caetanópolis and therefore has not been extensively studied. This long-term, intensive survey, conducted from 2004 to 2012 in the central region of the state, was aimed at assessing its distribution, describing its habitat, and verifying its endemism, as well as assessing threats and determining its conservation status. Given the considerable size of the area to be studied and the difficulty of locating individuals of the species, we adopted popular participation as a complementary tool and we employed spatial distribution modeling. Communities were mobilized through the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Extinction; Endemism; Faveiro-de-wilson; Inventory; Popular participation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Reproductive biology of a highly endemic species: Cipocereus laniflorus N.P. Taylor & Zappi (Cactaceae) Acta Botanica
Rego,Juliana Ordones; Franceschinelli,Edivani Villaron; Zappi,Daniela Cristina.
Cipocereus laniflorus N.P. Taylor & Zappi is an endemic species from the Serra do Caraça, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In order to propose conservation strategies for this species, its reproductive strategies were investigated, including reproductive phenology, floral biology, floral visitors and breeding system. The flowering and fruiting period extends from May to October. Few flowers per plant open each night, producing up to 0.4 ml nectar, but 30% of them are nectarless. Probably pollen is also offered as a resource. Fruiting efficiency of C. laniflorus (47%) is close to that found in other Cactaceae species. Pollen of this species was detected in Anoura geoffroy, Soricina glossophaga and Pygoderma bilabiatum bats. Amongst the characteristics...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bat-pollination; Endemic species; Rare species; Serra do Caraça.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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