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La caballa (Scomber japonicus) y las condiciones del ambiente en elárea "El Rincón" 39°40'-41°30'S del Mar Argentino. Septiembre 2000 OceanDocs
Perrotta, R.G.; Viñas, M.D.; Madirolas, A.; Reta, R.; Akselman, R.; Castro Machado, F.; Garciarena, A.D.; Macchi, G.J.; Moriondo Danovaro, P.; Llanos, V.; Urteaga, J.R..
Between September 1st and 6th a research cruise was carried out in the Buenos Aires shelf area of "El Rincon" 39°40'-41°30'S, Argentine Sea SW Atlantic. The total area studied was 2,527.8 nautical mile2. Knowledge of the commercial fleet location at the time of the survey allowed to intensify sampling in a 'miniarea' of 52,8 nautical mile2. The acoustic assessment of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) biomass was 49,511.9 t, 94 of which corresponded to this last area. Fish samples coming from fishing trawls included only adult individuals of 240-460 mm total length (TL) and ages ranging 2-11 years. The limit age was estimated at 13 years and natural and total mortality rates at 0.23 and 0.54, respectively. Oceanographic conditions were those typical of the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Population characteristics; Echo surveys; Mackerel fisheries; Fishery oceanography; Biomass; Environmental conditions; Fishery oceanography; Biomass; Environmental conditions; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Variaciones interanuales (1995-2000) de la temperatura y la salinidad registradas en los meses de enero en el golfo San Jorge y aguas adyacentes (43°S-47°S). OceanDocs
Louge, E.; Reta, R.; Santos, B.A.; Hernandez, D.R..
Temperature and salinity interannual variations are analyzed south ofthe hake (Merluccius hubbsi)spawning grounds area, in the San Jorge Gulf and adjacent waters Argentine Sea, SW Atlantic. The study period comprises the months of January 1995-2000. Results of cruises carried out on board of INIDEP research vessels to assess hake juveniles were studied. Statistically significant increase of temperature from 1997 was observed. Change trends over a period of 20 years at a global climate scale are discussed. Mean salinity did not show variations except for 2000 when it was slightly higher probably due to the scarce influence of the Patagonian Current in the area. Temperature and salinity fields showed a horizontal gradient south of the Gulf (thermohaline...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Salinity; Temperature; Shelf fronts; Thermocline; Environmental factors; Nursery grounds; Climatic changes; Environmental factors; Salinity; Temperature; Nursery grounds; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Evaluación de la merluza (Merluccius hubbsi) en julio y agosto de 1994, entre 34º y 36ºS del Atlántico sudoccidental. OceanDocs
Villarino, M.F.; Simonazzi, M.A.; Bambill, G.A.; Ibañez, P.M.; Castrucci, R.; Reta, R..
This report contains the objectives, data collected and results from a hake assessment survey carried out in the Argentine Sea between 34° and 46° S, during July and August 1994, on board of the R/Vs "Dr. E. L. Holmberg" and "Cap. Oca Balda". The main objectives of the survey were: 1) to estimate total biomass and total abundance per age class; 2) to study the size and age composition; 3) to define the maturity ogive per size and age; 4) to quantitatively determine cannibalism and predation indexes. The area covered by the survey where 149 trawls and 184 oceanographic stations were performed was close to 100,440 nm2 . Hake biomass between 34° and 46° S was estimated in 1,105,284 tons and the confidence interval at 95. was ± 23.12. . Most of the biomass...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Abundance; Biomass; Fishery surveys; Population structure; Stock assessment; Biomass; Population structure; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Las condiciones oceanográficas en el área marplatense (37° 00' S-38° 24' S) y su relación con la distribución de la caballa (Scomber japonicus). Octubre-noviembre de 1999 OceanDocs
Reta, R.; Perrotta, R.G.; Garciarena, A.D..
Results obtained during a research cruise carried out along the coastal area of Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in November 1999 are presented. The objective of the research cruise was to estimate chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) abundance with acoustic methods and establish its relation to the hydrographic conditions. The information gathered was complemented with data of catches obtained by a commercial vessel that operated simultaneously in the study area. Environmental data from other research cruises and satellite information were also taken into account to obtain contemporary sea surface temperature and wind speed and direction data. The main species of catches of the research cruise and commercial vessel were horse mackerel (Trachurus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental conditions; Oceanic fronts; Wind fields; Coastal fisheries; Marine environment; Marine environment; Environmental conditions; Coastal fisheries; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Resultados de la campaña de evaluación de peces demersales australes efectuada en el verano de 1997. OceanDocs
Wöhler, O.C.; Giussi, A.R.; García de la Rosa, S.B.; Sánchez, M.F.; Hansen, J.E.; Cordo, H.D.; Alvarez Colombo, G.L.; Incorvaia, I.S.; Reta, R.; Abachián, V.E..
An assessment survey on the austral fish was carried out during the summer 1997 on both the shelf and slope off southern Argentina. The cruise covered 101,508 nm2 between 45° and 54° 30'S and depths between 50 and 400 m. The survey did not include the area controlled by the United Kingdom. Considering the total area as an undivided stratum, a random sampling was used to estimate demersal fish biomass and a delta distribution-based model to evaluate mean densities. Out of the forty five species caught 28 were bony fish and 17 elasmobranch. Four cephalopod mollusc species were also identified. A biomass of 3.2 million tons (CI(95o/o): 1.90 - 6.06 millions) proved that longtail hake was the most abundant resource within the region followed by common hake...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Demersal fisheries; Fishery surveys; Biomass; Population structure; Feeding; Parasitism; Environmental conditions.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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El ecosistema de la plataforma patagónica austral durante el verano, marzo-abril 2000. Estimación de la biomasa fitoplanctónica a partir de la distribución de clorofila a OceanDocs
Reta, R..
The distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration in the austral Patagonian (SW Atlantic Ocean) shelf between 47º S-54º S with in situ data collected in March-April 2000 is analyzed. Data derived from Niskin samples and continuous in situ fluorometry. Two areas with high chlorophyll values (~- 1.6 mg m-3) on the central shelf corresponding to the area between isolines 100-150 m depth and near the coastal region off Bahía Grande south of the Santa Cruz river (Argentina) were identified. Minimum values (~, 0.5 mg m-3) were found in the coastal zone close to the 50 m isobath and to the southern region of the Patagonian shelf. Fluorescence: chlorophyll-a concentration ratios were more variable at sea surface than at different depths of the water column. The...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton chlorophylls fluorescence vertical distribution continental shelves Atlántico Sudoccidental; Argentina; Santa Cruz Atlántico Sudoccidental; Argentina; Patagonia marine environment.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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