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Le banc de Gorringe : résultats de la campagne Cyagor (août 1977) ArchiMer
Auzende, Jean-marie; Charvet, Jacques; Le Lann, Alain; Le Pichon, Xavier; Monteiro, José Hippolyte; Nicolas, Adolphe; Olivet, Jean-louis; Ribeiro, Antonio.
Gorringe bank is one of the structures which are found on the Europe-Africa plate boundary. It is located between Tagus abyssal plain in the North and Horseshoe plain in the South. It is oriented NE-SW and is in the exact prolongation of the large "tardi-hercynien" fractures which cross the iberian peninsula and its continental margin. Gorringe bank show two summits just under the sea levels, separated by a saddle. [NOT CONTROLLED OCR]
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Histoire Ifremer.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Stratigraphie et structure de Trás-os-Montes oriental (Portugal) Naturalis
Ribeiro, Antonio; Almeida Rebelo, Jose.
Rocks in the eastern part of the province of Trás-os-Montes, N. Portugal belong to five units: 1: a complex of pre-Ordovician schists and greywackes; 2: Ordovician and Silurian sediments; 3: a low-grade metamorphic scries of Silurian age; 4: two complexes of probably Precambrian, predominantly meso- to catazonal rocks (amphibolites, eclogites, basic and ultrabasic igneous rocks, augengneisses and micaschists) : the units of Morais-Bragança; 5: igneous rocks (intrusive hercynian granites, small gabbro massifs and dykes of dolerite and granite-prophyry). The stratigraphy of the (meta)sedimentary series is described. Three hercynian tectonic phases affected the region, a first giving rise to axial plane cleavage of varying dip and strike, a second phase...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1967 URL:
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