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Effects of coffee husk as floor covering on the behavior of boars R. Bras. Zootec.
Teles,Mariele Cristina; Pereira,Bárbara Azevedo; Rabelo,Stênia Severo; Pontelo,Thais Preisser; Chaves,Bruna Resende; Ferreira,Rony Antonio; Rodríguez-Gil,Joan Enric; Zangeronimo,Márcio Gilberto.
ABSTRACT The objective was to evaluate the influence of coffee husks as floor covering on the aspects of animal welfare such as behavioral characteristics, body surface temperature, and salivary cortisol levels of stabled boars. Sixteen boars were housed in individual stalls; eight were maintained in a conventional system with a concrete floor and eight were maintained on a concrete floor lined with coffee husks. The experimental period was 60 days. All animals were filmed two days prior to the start of the experiment, on both the 7th and 60th days after exposure to coffee husks, and finally two days after the removal of the material. During this period, the number of times that the animals ate, drank, stood, sat, lay down, and dug was recorded....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Alternative materials; Environmental enrichment; Industrial waste; Salivary cortisol; Swine; Welfare.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Semen quality and reproductive performance of boars kept in pens containing conventional coffee husk as a floor covering R. Bras. Zootec.
Teles,Mariele Cristina; Pereira,Bárbara Azevedo; Rocha,Luiz Gustavo Pessoa; Resende,Carla Oliveira; Rodrigues,Valéria Vânia; Pereira,Luciano José; Rodríguez-Gil,Joan Enric; Zangeronimo,Márcio Gilberto.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the putative effects of the use of coffee husk as floor covering on boar semen quality. Sixteen boars were divided into two groups. The first group was held in a conventional system with a compact floor. The second group was kept on a compact floor covered with coffee pods. The experimental period was 60 days. Levels of caffeine and chlorogenic acid in the insemination doses (ID) before and after 96 h of storage at 15 °C and the reproductive performance (litter size and rate of return to estrus) of these doses after their utilization in a standard artificial insemination protocol were evaluated. The ID from the animals kept in pens containing the coffee pods contained 25.4±8.7 µg/mL of caffeine, whereas...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antioxidant; By-product; Caffeine; Pig; Sperm.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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