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Myosin Va is developmentally regulated and expressed in the human cerebellum from birth to old age BJMBR
Souza,C.C.R.; Dombroski,T.C.D.; Machado,H.R.; Oliveira,R.S.; Rocha,L.B.; Rodrigues,A.R.A.; Neder,L.; Chimelli,L.; Corrêa,V.M.A.; Larson,R.E.; Martins,A.R..
Myosin Va functions as a processive, actin-based motor molecule highly enriched in the nervous system, which transports and/or tethers organelles, vesicles, and mRNA and protein translation machinery. Mutation of myosin Va leads to Griscelli disease that is associated with severe neurological deficits and a short life span. Despite playing a critical role in development, the expression of myosin Va in the central nervous system throughout the human life span has not been reported. To address this issue, the cerebellar expression of myosin Va from newborns to elderly humans was studied by immunohistochemistry using an affinity-purified anti-myosin Va antibody. Myosin Va was expressed at all ages from the 10th postnatal day to the 98th year of life, in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Myosin Va; Human cerebellum; Postnatal development; Aging; Immunohistochemical expression.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Participation of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in the peripheral antinociceptive effect of fentanyl in rats BJMBR
Rodrigues,A.R.A.; Castro,M.S.A.; Francischi,J.N.; Perez,A.C.; Duarte,I.D.G..
We examined the effect of several K+ channel blockers such as glibenclamide, tolbutamide, charybdotoxin (ChTX), apamin, tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and cesium on the ability of fentanyl, a clinically used selective µ-opioid receptor agonist, to promote peripheral antinociception. Antinociception was measured by the paw pressure test in male Wistar rats weighing 180-250 g (N = 5 animals per group). Carrageenan (250 µg/paw) decreased the threshold of responsiveness to noxious pressure (delta = 188.1 ± 5.3 g). This mechanical hyperalgesia was reduced by fentanyl (0.5, 1.5 and 3 µg/paw) in a peripherally mediated and dose-dependent fashion (17.3, 45.3 and 62.6%, respectively). The selective blockers of ATP-sensitive K+ channels...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peripheral antinociception; Fentanyl; K+ channel; Μ-Opioid receptor agonist; Glibenclamide.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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