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Dietary TAG source and level affect performance and lipase expression in larval sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) ArchiMer
Morais, Sophia; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino-infante, Jose-luis; Robin, Jean; Ronnestad, I; Dinis, M; Conceicao, L.
The influence of dietary TAG source (fish oil, triolein, and coconut oil) and level (7.5 and 15% of the diet) on growth, lipase activity, and mRNA level was studied in sea bass larvae, from mouth opening until day 24 and from day 37 to 52. Fish oil and triolein induced better growth in both experiments, this being significant at a higher dietary level. Coconut oil significantly decreased growth at the higher level, possibly as the result of an excessive supply of medium-chain TAG. Growth was not related to lipase specific activity, suggesting a production in excess to dietary needs. Body lipid content was positively related to dietary lipid level and was affected by lipid quality. In addition, larval FA composition generally reflected that of the diet. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lipase activity; Dietary; Growth; Larvae; Sea bass; Fish culture.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Dietary neutral lipid level and source in marine fish larvae: Effects on digestive physiology and food intake ArchiMer
Morais, Sofia; Conceicao, L; Ronnestad, I; Koven, W; Cahu, Chantal; Zambonino, Jose-luis; Dinis, M.
A growth depressing effect of high dietary neutral lipid levels in marine fish larvae has been reported. This may be a result of a decrease in the efficiency or activity of digestive enzymes, a reduction in absorption efficiency and/or a decrease in food intake. The present work reviews recent studies carried out on commercially valuable species (Atlantic herring, Senegalese sole, European seabass and gilthead seabream) that investigated the effects of neutral lipid level and lipid source (fatty acid composition) on some of these key factors influencing larval growth. The results seem to collectively indicate that lipid transport from the enterocytes into the body may be more problematic in larval stages dealing with high neutral lipid diets than lipolytic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ingestion; Lipid droplets; Digestion; Absorption; Fatty acid composition; Lipid quantity.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Expression and activities of pancreatic enzymes in developing sea bass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) in relation to intact and hydrolyzed dietary protein; involvement of cholecystokinin ArchiMer
Cahu, Chantal; Ronnestad, I; Grangier, V; Zambonino, Jose-luis.
In order to assess the influence of dietary protein on digestive enzyme expression and cholecystokinin (CCK) content in sea bass larvae, four groups of larvae were fed experimental diets from mouth opening until day 42: three isonitrogenous diets with increasing protein hydrolysate levels (0%, 14% and 46% of crude matter) and one diet incorporating starch. The groups fed high starch or high protein hydrolysate level exhibited the lowest growth. The final weight in these groups was 9.5 and 5.6 mg, respectively, whereas it reached approximately 20.0 mg in the groups fed 0% or 14% protein hydrolysate level. The highest levels of trypsin secretion were observed in larvae fed the lowest protein hydrolysate level. Paradoxically, the groups fed diet containing...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Starch; Sea bass larvae; Protein hydrolysate; Pancreatic enzyme secretion; Cholecystokinin.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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