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Adapted vs. conventional cattle genotypes: sustainability for organic and low input dairy production systems Organic Eprints
Zollitsch, Werner; Ferris, Conrad; Sairanen, Auvo; Rinne, Marketta; Steinwidder, Andreas; Horn, Marco; Moorby, Jon; Vestergaard, Mogens.
Dairy cow strains arising from conventional breeding programmes are frequently perceived as unsuitable for organic and low input milk production systems. While farmers have identified a number of breeds and strains as being ‘adapted’ to organic and low input systems, there is often little scientific evidence to indicate that these breeds are more appropriate than conventional genotypes. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine the response of different dairy genotypes (i.e. "conventional" versus "adapted") to an undersupply with nutrients and energy, which is a characteristic of low input systems with limited dietary supplementation and to provide information on the metabolic response of dairy cows to such dietary restrictions.
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Breeding and genetics.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Sward and milk production response to early turnout of dairy cows to pasture in Finland Organic Eprints
Virkajärvi, Perttu; Sairanen, Auvo; Nousiainen, Jouni I.; Khalili, Hannele.
The timing of turnout is an important factor affecting the grazing management of dairy cows. However, its consequences are not well known in the short grazing season of northern Europe. Thus, the effect of the turnout date of dairy cows to pasture on sward regrowth, herbage mass production and milk production was studied in two experiments, 1) a grazing trial with 16 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows and 2) a plot trial where the treatments simulated the grazing trial. The treatments were early turnout (1 June) and normal turnout (6 June). Early turnout decreased the annual herbage mass (HM) production in the plot trial (P=0,005), but due to a higher average organic matter (OM) digestibility (P<0,001) the difference in digestible OM yield was not significant...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Comparison of part-time grazing and indoor silage feeding on milk production Organic Eprints
Sairanen, Auvo; Khalili, Hannele; Virkajärvi, Perttu; Hakosalo, Jenni.
Cows were assigned randomly to indoor silage feeding (with 2 h outdoor exercise) or part-time grazing treatment in two different experiments. One group was kept in confinement with ad libitum grass silage within each experiment. The other group had ad libitum grass silage indoors and they were put out on grass pasture during part of the 24 hour period, 12 hours (night, Experiment 1) and 6 hours (day, Experiment 2) in June, July and August. In Experiment 2, the concentrate (9 kg d-1) was given at two crude protein levels: high crude protein [185 g kg-1 dry matter (DM)] and low crude protein (135 g kg-1 DM). In Experiment 1, night-time grazing increased total DM intake and milk (3.9 kg d-1) production. There was interaction between month and forage feeding...
Tipo: Journal paper Palavras-chave: Feeding and growth.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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