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Perspectives and Integration in SOLAS Science ArchiMer
Garcon, Veronique; Bell, Thomas G; Wallace, Douglas; Arnold, Steve R.; Baker, Alex R.; Bakker, Dorothee C. E.; Bange, Hermann W.; Bates, Nicholas R.; Bopp, Laurent; Boutin, Jacqueline; Boyd, Phili^w.; Bracher, Astrid; Burrows, John P.; Carpenter, Lucy J; De Leeuw, Gerrit; Fennel, Katja; Font, Jordi; Friedrich, Tobias; Garbe, Christoph S.; Gruber, Nicolas; Jaegle, Lyatt; Lana, Arancha; Lee, James D.; Liss, Peter S.; Miller, Lisa A.; Olgun, Nazli; Olsen, Are; Pfeil, Benjamin; Quack, Birgit; Read, Katie A.; Reul, Nicolas; Rodenbeck, Christian; Rohekar, Oliver; Saiz-lopez, Alfonso; Saltzman, Eric S.; Schneising, Oliver; Schuster, Ute; Seferian, Roland; Seinhoff, Tobias; Le Traon, Pierre-yves; Ziska, Franziska.
Why a chapter on Perspectives and Integration in SOLAS Science in this book? SOLAS science by its nature deals with interactions that occur: across a wide spectrum of time and space scales, involve gases and particles, between the ocean and the atmosphere, across many disciplines including chemistry, biology, optics, physics, mathematics, computing, socio-economics and consequently interactions between many different scientists and across scientific generations. This chapter provides a guide through the remarkable diversity of cross-cutting approaches and tools in the gigantic puzzle of the SOLAS realm. Here we overview the existing prime components of atmospheric and oceanic observing systems, with the acquisition of ocean–atmosphere observables either...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Spatial and temporal variability of iodine in aerosol ArchiMer
Gómez Martín, Juan Carlos; Saiz-lopez, Alfonso; Cuevas, Carlos A; Fernandez, Rafael P; Gilfedder, Benjamin; Weller, Rolf; Baker, Alex R; Droste, Elise; Lai, Senchao.
In this work, we describe the compilation and homogenization of an extensive data set of aerosol iodine field observations in the period between 1963 and 2018 and we discuss its spatial and temporal dependences by comparison with CAM‐Chem model simulations. A close to linear relationship between soluble and total iodine in aerosol is found (∼80% aerosol iodine is soluble), which enables converting a large subset of measurements of soluble iodine into total iodine. The resulting data set shows a distinct latitudinal dependence, with an enhancement toward the Northern Hemisphere (NH) tropics and lower values toward the poles. This behavior, which has been predicted by atmospheric models to depend on the global distribution of the main oceanic iodine source...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aerosol composition; Atmospheric iodine; Iodine sources.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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120,000 year record of sea ice in the North Atlantic ArchiMer
Maffezzoli, Niccolò; Vallelonga, Paul; Edwards, Ross; Saiz-lopez, Alfonso; Turetta, Clara; Kjær, Helle Astrid; Barbante, Carlo; Vinther, Bo; Spolaor, Andrea.
Although it has been demonstrated that the speed and magnitude of recent Arctic sea ice decline is unprecedented for the past 1,450 years, few records are available to provide a paleoclimate context for Arctic sea ice extent. Here we present a 120 kyr record of bromine enrichment from the RECAP ice core, coastal East Greenland, and reconstruct past sea ice conditions in the North Atlantic as far north as the entrance of the Arctic Ocean (50–85° N). Bromine enrichment has been previously employed to reconstruct first-year sea ice (FYSI) in the Canadian Arctic over the last glacial cycle. We find that during the last deglaciation, the transition from multi-year sea ice (MYSI) to FYSI started at ∼ 17.6 kyr, synchronous with sea ice reductions observed in the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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