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Nanoinformatics: an emerging area of information technology at the intersection of bioinformatics, computational chemistry and nanobiotechnology Biol. Res.
González-Nilo,Fernando; Pérez-Acle,Tomás; Guínez-Molinos,Sergio; Geraldo,Daniela A; Sandoval,Claudia; Yévenes,Alejandro; Santos,Leonardo S; Laurie,V. Felipe; Mendoza,Hegaly; Cachau,Raúl E.
After the progress made during the genomics era, bioinformatics was tasked with supporting the flow of information generated by nanobiotechnology efforts. This challenge requires adapting classical bioinformatic and computational chemistry tools to store, standardize, analyze, and visualize nanobiotechnological information. Thus, old and new bioinformatic and computational chemistry tools have been merged into a new sub-discipline: nanoinformatics. This review takes a second look at the development of this new and exciting area as seen from the perspective of the evolution of nanobiotechnology applied to the life sciences. The knowledge obtained at the nano-scale level implies answers to new questions and the development of new concepts in different...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Bioinformatics; Molecular simulation; Nanobiotechnology; Nanoinformatics; Nanomedicine.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evolution of hematophagous habit in Triatominae (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) RChHN
Otálora-Luna,Fernando; Pérez-Sánchez,Antonio J; Sandoval,Claudia; Aldana,Elis.
All members of Triatominae subfamily (Heteroptera: Reduviidae), potential vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi etiologic agent of the Chagas disease, feed on blood. Through evolution, these bugs have fixed special morphological, physiological, and behavioral aptations (adaptations and exaptations) adequate to feed on blood. Phylogeny suggests that triatomines evolved from predator reduvids which in turn descended from phytophagous hemipterans. Some pleisiomorphic traits developed by the reduvid ancestors of the triatomines facilitated and modeled hematophagy in these insects. Among them, mouthparts, saliva composition, enzymes, and digestive symbionts are the most noticeable. However, the decisive step that allowed the shift from predation to hematophagy was a...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Latin America; Chagas' disease; Phylogeny; Blood-sucking habit; Triatomines.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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