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Intraerythrocytic organic phosphates and hemoglobins of skua - Catharacta maccormicki (Stercoraridae): at two different stages of the year in relation to Antartic migration BABT
Landini,Gustavo Fraga; Di Vito Neto,Alfredo; Schwantes,Arno Rudi; Schwantes,Maria Luiza Barcellos; Santos,Marcelo dos.
Catharacta maccormicki blood samples were collected in the winter (October) and in the summer (February) in order to study the intraerythrocytic organic phosphates, hemoglobin (Hb) electrophoretic patterns, oxygen blood equilibrium and stripped Hbs, as well as the effect of 2,3-biphosphoglycerate (BPG) and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) on oxygen affinity. All the samples (five from the winter and five from the summer) showed the same electrophoretic pattern: one minor fast component and one major slow one. No differences in oxygen affinity and Bohr effect in the samples collected in the winter and in the summer were found. Oxygen affinity was higher in the stripped Hb than in the blood. BPG seemed to have no effect on the functional properties of skua Hb...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Birds; Blood; Electrophoresis; Cold; Affinity; Oxygen.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Dental pulp vascular permeability changes induced by dental bleaching BABT
Costa,Cristiane da; Miyagi,Sueli Patricia Harumi; Santos,Marcelo dos; Machado,Manoel Eduardo de Lima; Marques,Márcia Martins.
Aiming to compare the effect of different light sources for dental bleaching on vascular permeability of dental pulps, forty-eight incisors were used. The bleaching agent (35 % hydrogen peroxide) was activated by halogen light; LED (Light Emitting Diode) or LED, followed by laser phototherapy (LPT) (λ = 780 nm; 3 J/cm²). After the bleaching procedures, the animals received an intra-arterial dye injection and one hour later were sacrificed. The teeth were diaphanized and photographed. The amount of blue stain content of each dental pulp was quantified using a computer imaging program. The data was statistically compared (p < 0.05). The results showed a significant higher (p < 0.01) dye content in the groups bleached with halogen light, compared with...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dental pulp; Laser; LED; Tooth bleaching; Vascular permeability.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Lactate dehydrogenase of Mugil sp. (Mugilidae, Perciformes). Lack of electrokinetic, thermostability and kinetic differences among individuals with different number of scales Genet. Mol. Biol.
Santos,Marcelo dos; Schwantes,Maria Luiza B.; Schwantes,Arno Rudi.
The scale number in lateral sets (SNS) of Mugil sp. (Mugilidae, Perciformes) collected in the lagoon-estuarine region of Cananéia, State of São Paulo ranges from 33 to 39. Electrokinetic, kinetic and thermostability properties of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were tested to determine if individuals with different SNS correspond to different species or populations of mullet. As in many other teleosts, LDH-A*, LDH-B*, and LDH-C* loci were detected. Through a two-fold serial dilution method applied to 10 different tissues of Mugil sp., a bidirectionally divergent expression of these loci was suggested. No association among LDH electrophoretic pattern, thermal inactivation, kinetic responses and different SNS was observed. The apparent Km (pyr) values obtained...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2000 URL:
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