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Studies of a full-scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements ArchiMer
Ageron, M; Aguilar, J; Albert, A; Ameli, F; Anghinolfi, M; Anton, G; Anvar, S; Ardellier Desages, F; Aslanides, E; Aubert, J; Auer, R; Barbarito, E; Basa, S; Battaglieri, M; Bazzotti, M; Becherini, Y; Bethoux, N; Beltramelli, J; Bertin, V; Bigi, A; Billault, M; Blaes, R; De Botton, N; Bouwhuis, M; Bruijn, R; Brunner, J; Burgio, G; Busto, J; Cafagna, F; Caillat, L; Calzas, A; Capone, A; Caponetto, L; Carmona, E; Carr, J; Castel, D; Castorina, E; Cavasinni, V; Ceechini, S; Ceres, A; Charvis, P; Chauchot, Pierre; Chiarusi, T; Circella, M; Coail, Jean-yves; Colnard, C; Compere, Chantal; Coniglione, R; Cottini, N; Coyle, P; Cuneo, S; Cussatlegras, A; Damy, Gilbert; Van Dantzig, R; Debonis, G; De Marzo, C; De Vita, R; Dekeyser, I; Delagnes, E; Denans, D; Deschamps, Anne; Dessa, J; Destelle, J; Dinkespieler, B; Distefano, C; Donzaud, C; Drogou, Jean-francois; Druillole, F; Durand, D; Ernenwein, J; Escoffier, S; Falchini, E; Favard, S; Fehr, F; Feinstein, F; Florello, C; Flaminio, V; Fratini, K; Fuda, J; Galeotti, S; Gallone, J; Giacomelli, G; Girard, N; Gojak, C; Goret, P; Graf, K; Guilloux, F; Hallewell, G; Harakeh, M; Hartmann, B; Heijboer, A; Heine, E; Hello, Y; Hernandez Rey, J; Hossl, J; Hoffman, C; Hogenbirk, J; Hubbard, J; Jaquet, M; Jaspers, M; De Jong, M; Jouvenot, F; Kalantar Nayestanaki, N; Kappes, A; Karg, T; Katz, U; Keller, P; Kneib, J; Kok, E; Kok, H; Kooijman, P; Kopper, C; Kouchner, A; Kretschmer, W; Kruijer, A; Kuch, S; Lagier, P; Lahmann, R; Lamanna, G; Lamare, P; Lambard, G; Languillat, J; Laschinsky, H; Lavalle, J; Le Guen, Yvon; Le Provost, H; Van Suu, A; Lefevre, D; Legou, T; Lelaizant, G; Lim, G; Lo Presti, D; Loaec, Gerard; Loehner, H; Loucatos, S; Louis, F; Lucarelli, F; Lyashuk, V; Mangano, S; Marcelin, M; Margiotta, A; Masullo, R; Mazeas, Florence; Mazure, A; Megna, R; Melissas, M; Migneco, E; Mongelli, M; Montaruli, T; Morganti, M; Moscoso, L; Motz, H; Musumeci, M; Naumann, C; Naumann Godo, M; Niess, V; Noble, A; Olivetto, C; Ostasch, R; Palanque Delabrouille, N; Payre, P; Peek, H; Perez, Amparo; Petta, C; Piattelli, P; Pillet, R; Pineau, J; Poinsignon, J; Popa, V; Pradier, T; Racca, C; Randazzo, N; Van Randwijk, J; Real, D; Regnier, M; Van Rens, B; Rethore, F; Rewiersma, P; Riccobene, G; Rigaud, Vincent; Ripani, M; Roca, V; Roda, C; Rolin, Jean-francois; Rostovtsev, A; Roux, Jean; Ruppi, M; Russo, G; Rusydi, G; Salesa, F; Salomon, K; Sapienza, P; Schmitt, F; Schuller, J; Shanidze, R; Sokalski, I; Spona, T; Spurio, M; Van Der Steenhoven, G; Stolarczyk, T; Streeb, K; Sulak, L; Taiuti, M; Tamburini, C; Tao, C; Tasca, L; Terreni, G; Urbano, F; Valdy, Pierre; Valente, V; Vallage, B; Vaudaine, G; Venekamp, G; Verlaat, B; Vernin, P; Van Wijk, R; Wijnker, G; Wobbe, G; De Wolf, E; Yao, A; Zaborov, D; Zaccone, H; Zornoza, J; Zuniga, J.
full-scale mechanical prototype line was deployed to a depth of 2500 m to test the leak tightness of the electronics containers and the pressure-resistant properties of an electromechanical cable under evaluation for use in the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope. During a month-long immersion study, line parameter data were taken using miniature autonomous data loggers and shore-based optical time domain reflectometry. Details of the mechanical prototype line, the electromechanical cable and data acquisition are presented. Data taken during the immersion study revealed deficiencies in the pressure resistance of the electromechanical cable terminations at the entry points to the electronics containers. The improvements to the termination, which have been...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea deployment; Electromechanical cable; Optical time domain reflectometry; Leak detection; Underwater neutrino telescope; ANTARES.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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