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Functional Characterization of a short neuropeptide F-related receptor in a Lophotrochozoa, the mollusk Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Bigot, Laetitia; Beets, Isabel; Dubos, Marie-pierre; Boudry, Pierre; Schoofs, Liliane; Favrel, Pascal.
Members of the short neuropeptide F (sNPF) family of peptides and their cognate receptors play key roles in a variety of physiological processes in arthropods. In silico screening of GigasDatabase, a specific expressed sequence tag database from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, resulted in the identification of a receptor (CgsNPFR-like) phylogenetically closely related to sNPF receptors (sNPFRs) of insects. A reverse endocrinology approach was undertaken to identify the peptide ligand(s) of this orphan receptor. Though structurally distinct from insect sNPFs, three RFamide peptides derived from the same precursor, i.e. GSLFRFamide, SSLFRFamide and GALFRFamide, specifically activate the receptor in a dose-dependent manner, with respective EC50 values...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oyster; Crassostrea gigas; SNPF; Energy metabolism; Reproduction; Starvation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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