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Influence of animal fat substitution by vegetal fat on Mortadella-type products formulated with different hydrocolloids Scientia Agricola
Saldaña,Erick; Lemos,Ana Lúcia da Silva Corrêa; Selani,Miriam Mabel; Spada,Fernanda Papa; Almeida,Marcio Aurélio de; Contreras-Castillo,Carmen Josefina.
Meat has played a crucial role in human evolution and is an important component of a healthy and well-balanced diet on account of its nutritional properties, its high biological value as a source of protein, and the vitamins and minerals it supplies. We studied the effects of animal fat reduction and substitution by hydrogenated vegetal fat, sodium alginate and guar gum. Fatty acid composition, lipid oxidation, color and instrumental texture as well as the sensorial difference between low, substituted-fat and the traditional formulations for mortadella-type products were analyzed. Both substitution and reduction of animal fat decreased the saturated fatty acids percentage from 40% down to 31%. A texture profile analysis showed differences between the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lipid profile; Lipid oxidation; Fat-replacers; Fat vegetal; Texture.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Influence of natural and synthetic carotenoids on the color of egg yolk Scientia Agricola
Spada,Fernanda Papa; Selani,Miriam Mabel; Coelho,Antonio Augusto Domingos; Savino,Vicente José Maria; Rodella,Arnaldo Antônio; Souza,Miriam Coelho; Fischer,Flavia Salgado; Lemes,Dayane Elizabethe Aokui; Canniatti-Brazaca,Solange Guidolin.
ABSTRACT Carotenoids are incorporated into the diet of laying hens in order to modify the yolk color. A natural source of carotenoids in tropical countries is annatto, which could be used in the diets of hens. This study aimed to evaluate the addition of natural (annatto) and synthetic carotenoids to the diet of laying hens (commercial and alternative) and their effects on yolk color and consumer sensory perception of fresh and stored eggs obtained from two different preparations (boiled and fried). Physicochemical analysis of proximate composition, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), emulsion activity and instrumental color were performed. Cooking caused significant alterations to the moisture in the preparations and this may have directly...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bixa orellana; Prepared foods; Sensory evaluation; Genetic diversity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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