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Ecological and fisheries development of Lake Manzalah (Egypt): hydrography and chemistry of Lake Manzalah OceanDocs
Shakweer, L..
Lake Manzalah; the largest delta Lake in Egypt represents a dynamic system that has been undergoing continuous and pronounced changes since long times. In the last year’s this Lake faced drastic problems that retarded its environmental and fisheries development; the most serious one is the discharge of waste water. It is attempted in the present study to investigate the chemical characters of Lake Manzalah water during 2001-2002. Water temperature ranged from an average of 12.35oC in January and 29.14oC in July. Dissolved Oxygen, pH and total dissolved solids were found in ranges optimum for the living of marine and freshwater fish species. The average concentrations of nutrients lied in the following ranges: 1.24 to 4.89 μmol PO4 -3 l-1 , 5.08 to 28.73...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Hydrography; Water; Chemistry Chemical composition Environments Water content Fisheries Chemical composition Water content Environment
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Impact of drainage water inflow on the environmental conditions and fishery resources of lake borollus OceanDocs
Al Sayes, A.; Radwan, A.; Shakweer, L..
The brackish water lake Borollus occupies a central position at the north between the two branches of the Nile delta. This lake has a particular importance in the fish economy of Egypt. Therefore environmental and fisheries investigation was carried out at the lake during 2000–2002, where 15 stations covering the whole area of the lake were sampled. The present study points out that: 1. The water transparency of the lake is low where the average Secchi disc depth ranged between 21.14 cm and 43.89 cm. 2. The average water temperature attained its minimum in winter and ranged between 16.20 °C and 17.80 °C. The highest temperature was in summer where it ranged between 28.33 °C and 28.52 °C. 3. The recorded pH values indicate that the lake water was generally...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Field Study; Brackish water; Fishery resources; Drainage water; Brackish water; Fishery resources; Drainage water; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Effect of ecological and biological factors on the uptake and concentration of trace elements by aquatic organisms at Edku lake OceanDocs
Abbas, M.M.; Shakweer, L..
The effect of temperature, pH and trace elements concentration in the ambient water on the uptake and accumulation of Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb in various organs of fish and parts of aquatic plants of Edku Lake were studied. It was found that higher water temperature and lower pH during summer increased the rates of trace metals uptake by the most common fish species Oreochromis niloticus. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Ni in the various organs of fish were affected by the concentrations of these elements in the water. Cu, Zn, Ni and Pb attained higher concentrations in the roots of Eichormia crassipes if compared with their concentrations in the other parts of this aquatic plant. Sex of fish can be considered as an important factor affecting the accumulation...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Trace elements; Fish; Aquatic plants; Pollution Accumulation Environments Lake fisheries Lakes Lake fisheries Lakes Environment
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Impacts of drainage water discharge on the water chemistry of Lake Edku OceanDocs
Shakweer, L..
Lake Edku which is considered as important fishing area in Egypt receives its water from two sources. The main source is the drainage water of Kom Belag and Bersik drains where it is annually supplied with 1836.55 × 106 m3 of water. The sea water of Abu Qir Bay enters the lake sometimes through the lake sea connection as subsurface water current under the action of wind specially in winter. The present study pointed out that the water temperature of the lake (22.38oC) was slightly higher than that of the drains average (21.70oC). The average values of total dissolved solids were 1.88 and 1.44 g/L in the lake and drainage water respectively. pH values indicated that both the lake and drainage water were always on the alkaline side where the average values...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Environmental Studies; Drainage water; Drainage water; Http://
Ano: 2006 URL:
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