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Association of rumen fill score and energy status during the close-up dry period with conception at first artificial insemination in dairy cows OAK
Kawashima, Chiho; Karaki, Chihiro; Munakata, Megumi; Matsui, Motozumi; Shimizu, Takashi; Miyamoto, Akio; Kida, Katsuya.
Recent studies have shown significant associations between prepartum energy status and postpartum fertility in dairy cows; therefore, the assessment of energy status by blood metabolites and metabolic hormones and suitable improvement of management during the prepartum period may enhance reproductive performance. Rumen fill score (RFS) is associated with feed intake; however, it is unknown whether RFS is also related to blood parameters. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between RFS and energy status during the prepartum period, and their associations with conception at first artificial insemination (AI) after parturition. In 42 multiparous Holstein cows, RFS assessment and blood sampling were carried out twice a week during 3 weeks of...
Palavras-chave: Dairy cow; Dry period; First artificial insemination; Rumen fill score.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Relationship between metabolic hormones and ovulation of dominant follicle during the first follicular wave post-partum in high-producing dairy cows OAK
Kawashima, Chiho; Fukihara, Saori; Maeda, Mayumi; Kaneko, Etsushi; Montoya, Carlos Amaya; Matsui, Motozumi; Shimizu, Takashi; Matsunaga, Nobuyoshi; Kida, Katsuya; Miyake, Yoichi; Schams, Dieter; Miyamoto, Akio; 川島, 千帆; 松井, 基純; 清水, 隆; 木田, 克弥; 三宅, 陽一; 宮本, 明夫.
Recent studies suggest that IGF-I is a crucial regulatory factor in follicular growth during early post-partum period. The aim of the present study was to determine in detail the changing profiles of metabolic and reproductive hormones in relation to ovulation of the dominant follicle (DF) of the first follicular wave post-partum in high-producing dairy cows. Plasma concentrations of related hormones in 22 multiparous Holstein cows were measured from 4 weeks pre-partum to 3 weeks post-partum, and the development of DF was observed with colour Doppler ultrasound. Thirteen cows showed ovulation by 15.2 days post-partum. Anovulatory cows showed higher GH and lower IGF-I levels than those in ovulatory cows during the peri-partum period. Each DF developed...
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sperm Binding to Oviduct Epithelial Cells Enhances TGFB1 and IL10 Expressions in Epithelial Cells as Well as Neutrophils In Vitro: Prostaglandin E-2 As a Main Regulator of Anti-Inflammatory Response in the Bovine Oviduct OAK
Yousef, Mohamed Samy; Marey, Mohamed Ali; Hambruch, Nina; Hayakawa, Hiroyuki; Shimizu, Takashi; Hussien, Hassan Ali; Abdel-Razek, Abdel-Razek Khalifa; Pfarrer, Christiane; Miyamoto, Akio.
Sperm are allogenic to the female genital tract; however, oviducts provide optimal conditions for survival and capacitation of these non-self cells until fertilization. Recently, we showed that oviduct-conditioned media and prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) suppress sperm phagocytosis by polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) under physiological conditions. We hypothesized that sperm binding to bovine oviduct epithelial cells (BOECs) could change the local innate immunity via PGE2. As the first step to obtain basic information, sub-confluent BOEC monolayers were co-cultured with swim-up sperm for 2 h. BOECs with viable bound sperm were cultured for an additional 3, 6, 12, or 24 h. Then, we confirmed the impact of the sperm-BOEC binding on both BOECs and PMN gene...
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Bovine embryo induces an anti-inflammatory response in uterine epithelial cells and immune cells in vitro: Possible involvement of interferon tau as an intermediator OAK
Talukder, Anup K.; Yousef, Mohamed S.; Rashid, Mohammad B.; Awai, Kensuke; Acosta, Tomas J.; Shimizu, Takashi; Okuda, Kiyoshi; Shimada, Masayuki; Imakawa, Kazuhiko; Miyamoto, Akio.
Recent observations suggest that the bovine uterus starts to react to the early embryo immediately after its arrival from the oviduct. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of the early developing embryo on the immune-related gene profile in bovine uterine epithelial cells (BUECs) in vitro, and to further examine the impact of conditioned media (CM), either from embryo-BUEC co-culture or embryo culture alone, on gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). First, BUECs were co-cultured with morulae (n = 10) for D5-D9 (D0 = IVF), and gene expression in BUECs was analyzed. Subsequently, PBMCs were cultured in CM from embryo-BUEC co-culture or D5-D9 embryo culture, and gene expression was evaluated. In BUECs, the embryo induced...
Palavras-chave: Bovine; Embryo; Immunity; Interferon tau (IFNT); Uterus.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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