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Patterns of species range evolution in Indo-Pacific reef assemblages reveal the Coral Triangle as a net source of transoceanic diversity ArchiMer
Evans, Sean M.; Mckenna, Caroline; Simpson, Stephen D.; Tournois, Jennifer; Genner, Martin J..
The Coral Triangle in the Indo-Pacific is a region renowned for exceptional marine biodiversity. The area could have acted as a 'centre of origin' where speciation has been prolific or a 'centre of survival' by providing refuge during major environmental shifts such as sea-level changes. The region could also have acted as a 'centre of accumulation' for species with origins outside of the Coral Triangle, owing to it being at a central position between the Indian and Pacific oceans. Here, we investigated support for these hypotheses using population-level DNA sequence-based reconstructions of the range evolution of 45 species (314 populations) of Indo-Pacific reef-associated organisms. Our results show that populations undergoing the most ancient...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Coral reef; Climate change; Species distributions; Bayesian skyline plot.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Projected impacts of warming seas on commercially fished species at a biogeographic boundary of the European continental shelf ArchiMer
Maltby, Katherine M.; Rutterford, Louise A.; Tinker, Jonathan; Genner, Martin J.; Simpson, Stephen D.; Punt, Andre.
Projecting the future effects of climate change on marine fished populations can help prepare the fishing industry and management systems for resulting ecological, social and economic changes. Generating projections using multiple climate scenarios can provide valuable insights for fisheries stakeholders regarding uncertainty arising from future climate data. Using a range of climate projections based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change A1B, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 climate scenarios, we modelled abundance of eight commercially important bottom dwelling fish species across the Celtic Sea, English Channel and southern North Sea through the 21st century. This region spans a faunal boundary between cooler northern waters and warmer southern waters,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic Sea; Climate change; English Channel; Fish; Fisheries; North Sea; Regional projections; Uncertainty.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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