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Coexistence of an Axillary Arch Muscle (Latissimocondyloideus Muscle) with an Unusual Axillary Artery Branching: Case Report and Review International Journal of Morphology
Soubhagya,R. Nayak; Latha,V. Prabhu; Ashwin,K; Madhan,Kumar S. J.; C. Ganesh,Kumar.
The axilla is a relatively small pyramidal compartment between the thoracic wall and the arm, which contains muscles and vital neurovascular bundles. They are important for their clinical and morphological reasons. We report an anomalous latissimocondyloideus muscle and a rare variant of the axillary artery, which lies beneath the anomalous muscle. The anomaly is one of its kind. The morphology and the clinical significance of the muscle have been reviewed
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Axillary arch; Latissimocondyloideus muscle; Axillary artery; Variation; Morphology.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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