Registros recuperados: 32 | |
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Davidson, Keith; Anderson, Donald M.; Mateus, Marcos; Reguera, Beatriz; Silke, Joe; Sourisseau, Marc; Maguire, Julie. |
The “Applied Simulations and Integrated Modelling for the Understanding of Harmful Algal Blooms” (Asimuth) project sought to develop a harmful algal bloom (HAB) alert system for Atlantic Europe. This was approached by combining, at a national or regional level, regulatory monitoring phytoplankton and biotoxin data with satellite remote sensing and other information on current marine conditions, coupled with regional scale models that included a representation of HAB transport. Synthesis of these products was achieved by expert interpretation within HAB risk alert bulletins that were prepared on a regular basis (typically weekly) for use by the aquaculture industry. In this preface to the Asimuth Special Issue we outline the main HAB species of concern in... |
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Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00333/44435/45789.pdf |
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Huret, Martin; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Petitgas, Pierre; Lazure, Pascal; Sourisseau, Marc. |
Une simulation 'hindcast' de la dynamique physique et biogéochimique du golfe de Gascogne a été réalisée pour la période 1971-2007 à l'aide du modèle ECO-MARS3D. Ce modèle couplant physique et biogéochimie fournit une série longue de données simulées, moyennées ou intégrées sur 3 jours (température, salinité, sels nutritifs, phytoplancton, zooplancton), qui sont ensuite utilisées pour des calculs d'indices hydrologiques 2D synthétiques (indices méso-échelle : stratification, upwellings, surface tourbillonnaire ; indices biologiques : chlorophylle-a de surface, production primaire intégrée). Nous nous proposons dans ce document de présenter la configuration et les forçages utilisés pour cette simulation, et de lister les différentes variables sauvegardées... |
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Palavras-chave: Projet FP6 RECLAIM; Halieutique; Indices hydrologiques; Hindcast; ECO MARS3D; Modélisation couplée; Golfe de Gascogne. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/rapport-5164.pdf |
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Cadier, Mathilde; Sourisseau, Marc; Gorgues, Thomas; Edwards, Christopher A.; Memery, Laurent. |
Tidal front ecosystems are especially dynamic environments usually characterized by high phytoplankton biomass and high primary production. However, the description of functional microbial diversity occurring in these regions remains only partially documented. In this article, we use a numerical model, simulating a large number of phytoplankton phenotypes to explore the three-dimensional spatial patterns of phytoplankton abundance and diversity in the Iroise Sea (western Brittany). Our results suggest that, in boreal summer, a seasonally marked tidal front shapes the phytoplankton species richness. A diversity maximum is found in the surface mixed layer located slightly west of the tidal front (i.e., not strictly co-localized with high biomass... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Plankton functional traits; Biodiversity; Biogeography; Local adaptation; Dynamical transport; Tidal front. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00367/47861/48101.pdf |
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Metegnier, Gabriel; Paulino, Sauvann; Ramond, Pierre; Siano, Raffaele; Sourisseau, Marc; Destombe, Christophe; Le Gac, Mickael. |
Harmful algal blooms are caused by specific members of microbial communities. Understanding the dynamics of these events requires comparing the strategies developed by the problematic species to cope with environmental fluctuations to the ones developed by the other members of the community. During three consecutive years, the meta-transcriptome of micro-eukaryote communities was sequenced during blooms of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. The dataset was analyzed to investigate species specific gene expression dynamics. Major shifts in gene expression were explained by the succession of different species within the community. Although expression patterns were strongly correlated with fluctuation of the abiotic environment, and more... |
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Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00622/73390/72602.pdf |
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Vandromme, Pierre; Nogueira, Enrique; Huret, Martin; Lopez-urrutia, Angel; Gonzalez-nuevo Gonzalez, G.; Sourisseau, Marc; Petitgas, Pierre. |
Linking lower and higher trophic levels requires special focus on the essential role played by mid-trophic levels, i.e., the zooplankton. One of the most relevant pieces of information regarding zooplankton in terms of flux of energy lies in its size structure. In this study, an extensive data set of size measurements is presented, covering parts of the western European continental shelf and slope, from the Galician coast to the Ushant front, during the springs from 2005 to 2012. Zooplankton size spectra were estimated using measurements carried out in situ with the Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) and with an image analysis of WP2 net samples (200 μm mesh size) performed following the ZooScan methodology. The LOPC counts and sizes particles within... |
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Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00221/33246/31744.pdf |
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Alves-de-souza, Catharina; Pecqueur, David; Le Floc'H, Emilie; Mas, Sebastien; Roques, Cecile; Mostajir, Behzad; Vidussi, Franscesca; Velo-suarez, Lourdes; Sourisseau, Marc; Fouilland, Eric; Guillou, Laure. |
Dinoflagellate blooms are frequently observed under temporary eutrophication of coastal waters after heavy rains. Growth of these opportunistic microalgae is believed to be promoted by sudden input of nutrients and the absence or inefficiency of their natural enemies, such as grazers and parasites. Here, numerical simulations indicate that increasing nutrient availability not only promotes the formation of dinoflagellate blooms but can also stimulate their control by protozoan parasites. Moreover, high abundance of phytoplankton other than dinoflagellate hosts might have a significant dilution effect on the control of dinoflagellate blooms by parasites, either by resource competition with dinoflagellates (thus limiting the number of hosts available for... |
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Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00274/38478/36938.pdf |
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Benedetti, Fabio; Jalabert, Laëtitia; Sourisseau, Marc; Becker, Beatriz; Cailliau, Caroline; Desnos, Corinne; Elineau, Amanda; Irisson, Jean-olivier; Lombard, Fabien; Picheral, Marc; Stemmann, Lars; Pouline, Patrick. |
Marine Protected Areas have become a major tool for the conservation of marine biodiversity and resources. Yet our understanding of their efficacy is often limited because it is measured for a few biological components, typically top predators or species of commercial interest. To achieve conservation targets, marine protected areas can benefit from ecosystem-based approaches. Within such an approach, documenting the variation of plankton indicators and their covariation with climate is crucial as plankton represent the base of the food webs. With this perspective, we sought to document the variations in the emerging properties of the plankton to better understand the dynamics of the pelagic fishes, mammals and seabirds that inhabit the region. For the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Iroise Sea; Plankton; MPA; Temporal variability; Community composition; Size structure. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00490/60213/63561.pdf |
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Huret, Martin; Sourisseau, Marc; Petitgas, Pierre; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Lazure, Pascal. |
Multiple year oceanographic simulations (hindcast) are identified as a priority oceanography product for fisheries and environment studies since they provide a unique continuous long-term dataset allowing integrated assessment of the ocean state and evolution. We performed a 37 year (1972–2008) hindcast run with a coupled physical–biogeochemical model in the Bay of Biscay. The coupled model and the hindcast configuration are described. A model skill assessment is performed with a large set of in-situ data. Average seasonal currents show major circulation patterns over the shelf. Among tracers, temperature and salinity have the best agreement, ahead of nitrates and silicates, chlorophyll, and finally phosphates and ammonium. For chlorophyll, improved... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Physical-biogeochemical model; Hindcast; Skill assessment; Environmental indices; Seasonal pattern; Interannual variability; Fisheries oceanography; Bay of Biscay. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00114/22538/20237.pdf |
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Huret, Martin; Petitgas, Pierre; Struski, Caroline; Leger, Fabien; Sourisseau, Marc; Lazure, Pascal. |
Overexploitation and climate change are increasingly causing unanticipated changes in marine ecosystems, such as higher variability in fish recruitment and shifts in species distribution, pressing for developing fisheries oceanography. In the meantime, operational oceanography rapidly progresses and its products become easy to access to a large community, among them fisheries scientists. Multiyear oceanographic reanalyses (hindcasts) were identified has a priority product by the ICES WG on Operational Oceanographic Products for Fisheries and Environment (WGOOFE). We performed a 37 years hindcast (1972-2008) run with a coupled physical-biogeochemical model (ECO-MARS3D) over the Bay of Biscay, using realistic meteorological and run-off forcing. We first... |
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Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00023/13432/10442.pdf |
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Sourisseau, Marc; Simard, Y.; Saucier, F. J.. |
A set of high-resolution observations on short-term dynamics of krill diel vertical migrations (DVM) in the St. Lawrence Estuary are presented here, including vertical mass transfer measurements from multifrequency echo sounding coupled with stratified net sampling and tracers of individual vertical movements from stomach pigments over a 72 h period. The data set is supplemented by vertical migration speeds and biomass diel patterns from ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) time series lasting up to 3 months. All krill always rapidly migrated to the surface in synchrony at sunset. Soon after the ascent, fed krill started to swim downward. A scattering layer was then formed at their daytime depth with sometimes a significant backscatter at intermediate... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-7373.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 32 | |