Stanbury, Kb; Starr, Rm. |
Marine scientists often assess habitats to understand the distribution and relative abundance of marine resources. Due to the spatial nature of habitats and associated temporal changes, however, assimilating data using traditional analytical methods is often difficult. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are proving to be effective tools to help address problems inherent in the analysis of spatial data. GIS can be used to effectively collate, archive, display, analyze, and model spatial and temporal data. Additionally, by combining dissimilar data types, such as socio-political boundaries, bottom types, and fish distributions, for example, resource managers can use GIS to make informed management decisions. In this way, GIS provides resource managers with... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Systèmes d'information géographique; Réserve marine; Gestion des ressources; Geographic information system; Marine sanctuary; Resource management. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43593/44034.pdf |
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Greene, Hg; Yoklavich, Mm; Starr, Rm; O'Connell, Vm; Wakefield, Ww; Sullivan, De; Mcrea, Je; Cailliet, Gm. |
A standard, universally useful classification scheme for deepwater habitats needs to be established so that descriptions of these habitats can be accurately and efficiently applied among scientific disciplines. In recent years many marine benthic habitats in deep water have been described using geophysical and biological data. These descriptions can vary from one investigator to another, which makes it difficult to compare habitats and associated biological assemblages among geographic regions. Using geophysical data collected with a variety of remote sensor systems and in situ biological and geologic observations, we have constructed a classification scheme that can be used in describing marine benthic habitats in deep water. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Habitat; Classification universelle; Benthique; Gestion des pêcheries; Habitat; Universal classification; Benthic; Fisheries management. |
Ano: 1999 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00325/43590/44030.pdf |
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