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Seed priming improves the germination and growth rate of melon seedlings under saline stress Ciência Rural
Oliveira,Carlos Eduardo da Silva; Steiner,Fábio; Zuffo,Alan Mario; Zoz,Tiago; Alves,Charline Zaratin; Aguiar,Viviane Cabrera Baptista de.
ABSTRACT: The germination and growth of melon (Cucumis melo L.) plants can be severely affected by excess salts in the soil or irrigation water; however, negative effects of salt stress can be attenuated using appropriate methods of seed priming. Thus, effects of osmopriming as inducer of salt stress tolerance in melon seeds exposed to salinity levels were investigated in this study. Seeds were soaked for 22 h at 25 °C in the dark in distilled water (hydropriming) or 0.5% KNO3 solution (osmopriming), and after drying, were distributed in plastic boxes with blotter paper containing different NaCl solutions prepared with osmotic pressure of 0.0 MPa (control), -0.3 MPa (mild stress), and -0.6 MPa (severe stress). Unprimed dry seeds were taken as control. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cucumis melo L.; Salinity; Hydropriming; Osmopriming; Salt tolerance..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Response of wheat to foliar application of zinc Ciência Rural
Zoz,Tiago; Steiner,Fábio; Fey,Rubens; Castagnara,Deise Dalazen; Seidel,Edleusa Pereira.
Wheat is grown in Brazil, mostly in no-till, a system in which the zinc can become potentially deficient, due to excessive application of acidity corrective and phosphate fertilizers in surface and, or at shallow depths. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foliar application of zinc in agronomic characteristics and yield of wheat. The experimental design was randomized blocks with five replications. Treatments consisted of four doses of zinc (0, 54, 108 and 216g ha-1 Zn), divided into two foliar applications, the first at tillering (18 days after plant emergence) and the second at the boot stage (65 days after emergence). Foliar application of zinc increased the number of fertile tillers and yield of wheat, however, have little effect on the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Triticum aestivum; Plants nutrition; Tillering; Foliar fertilization.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Comparação entre métodos para a avaliação do vigor de lotes de sementes de triticale Ciência Rural
Steiner,Fábio; Oliveira,Silvia Sanielle Costa de; Martins,Cibele Chalita; Cruz,Sihélio Júlio Silva.
Dentro de um programa de controle de qualidade, a avaliação do vigor de sementes é fundamental e necessária para o sucesso da produção. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes testes de vigor na avaliação da qualidade fisiológica de sementes de triticale (X. triticosecale Wittmack), buscando a diferenciação de lotes. Cinco lotes da cultivar 'IPR 111' foram submetidos ao teste de germinação, primeira contagem, teste de frio, condutividade elétrica (50 sementes 50mL-1 de água; 25°C 24h-1), lixiviação de potássio (50 sementes 75mL-1 de água; 25°C 3h-1), envelhecimento acelerado (43°C 48h-1) e teor de água. O teste de condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio são eficientes na diferenciação do vigor de lotes de sementes de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: X. triticosecale; Condutividade elétrica; Teste de frio; Envelhecimento acelerado.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Plant density and nitrogen fertilization in Swiss chard Horticultura Brasileira
Echer,Márcia de M; Zoz,Tiago; Rossol,Charles Douglas; Steiner,Fábio; Castagnara,Deise D; Lana,Maria do C.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of plant spacing and nitrogen fertilization on Swiss chard's yield, from September to November 2009. The experimental design was of randomized blocks in split plot with four replications. In the plots were allocated the two plant spacings (0.30 and 0.50 m) and in the subplots the five doses of nitrogen (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1). The crop was harvested 90 days after transplanting. The plant spacing of 0.50 m provided increased production of total fresh weight of shoot (961.7 g plant-1) and marketable (873.1 g plant-1). However, the highest total yield (77.8 t ha-1) and marketable (64.5 t ha-1) was achieved with the smaller spacing between plants (0.30 m). The N rates applied in coverage until 160 kg...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Beta vulgaris var. cycla; Nitrogen; Yield.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Assessment of micronutrient extractants from soils of Paraná, Brazil Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Sarto,Marcos Vinicius Mansano; Steiner,Fábio; Lana,Maria do Carmo.
In Brazil, plant-available micronutrients in the soil can be determined by several chemical extractants, the most common of which are dilute acid and chelating solutions. The purpose of this study was to assess the extractants 0.1 mol L-1 HCl, Mehlich-1, Mehlich-3 and DTPA for analysis of the micronutrients Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn in soils from the state of Paraná. In samples from 12 soils (0-20 cm layer), wheat was planted (Triticum aestivum), grown for 42 days after emergence, and then bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for 38 days. At the end of each planting period, the soil was sampled again. All extractants tested to assess the availability of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn correlated with each other. The efficiency of the extractants HCl, Mehlich-3 and DTPA in assessing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Soil analysis; Correlation; Copper; Zinc; Iron; Manganese.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Suprimento de potássio em função da adubação potássica residual em um Latossolo Vermelho do Cerrado Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Rosolem,Ciro Antonio; Vicentini,João Paulo Testa Moura Montans; Steiner,Fábio.
Em alguns solos com baixos teores de potássio trocável, formas não trocáveis participam do suprimento às plantas. Há evidências de que a disponibilização do K não trocável depende mais da demanda das plantas pelo nutriente do que das propriedades do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o suprimento e a exaustão de formas de K em um Latossolo Vermelho do Cerrado em decorrência da adubação potássica residual e do cultivo de Brachiaria ruziziensis (Syn. Urochloa ruziziensis). Amostras de solos foram coletadas na camada de 0-20 cm, em parcelas de um experimento de campo em que a soja vinha sendo adubada anualmente, por 10 anos, com 0, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1 de K2O. Em casa de vegetação, as amostras de solo receberam a aplicação de 0, 150 e 300 mg dm-3 de...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brachiaria ruziziensis; K não trocável; Disponibilidade; Fertilização.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Atributos físicos do solo e produtividade do milho sob sistemas de manejo e adubações AGRIAMBI
Costa,Mônica S. S. de M.; Pivetta,Laércio A.; Costa,Luiz A. de M.; Pivetta,Laerte G.; Castoldi,Gustavo; Steiner,Fábio.
O sistema plantio direto (SPD) é uma técnica eficiente no controle da erosão do solo porém alguns estudos indicam a ocorrência de compactação, principalmente na camada superficial. Estratégias que elevem o teor de matéria orgânica, como a rotação de culturas e a adubação orgânica, podem ser utilizadas para resolver este problema. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de sistemas de manejo (rotação e sucessão de culturas) e adubações (mineral, orgânica e organomineral) sobre as propriedades físicas do solo e a produtividade do milho, de 2006 a 2008. As avaliações foram realizadas em fevereiro de 2007, após a colheita do milho de verão, e em setembro de 2008, após a colheita do milho safrinha. A rotação de culturas promoveu redução na densidade e...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compactação do solo; Rotação de culturas; Adubação orgânica.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sources and doses of aluminum in experiments with rice in nutrient solution AGRIAMBI
Freitas,Lucas B. de; Fernandes,Dirceu M.; Maia,Suelen C. M.; Moniz,Arianne; Mazziero,Beatriz G.; Steiner,Fábio.
ABSTRACT The aluminum source to produce toxicity in upland rice in nutrient solution experiments is not yet well established, althought the aluminum potassium sulfate has been utilized source to produce aluminum toxicity. However, in recent studies have used aluminum chloride. The aim of this study was to evaluate the capacity of aluminum sources and doses to produce toxicity in upland rice plants grown in nutrient solution. The experiment was arranged in a block randomized design, in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme and four repetitions. The treatments were two aluminum sources (aluminum potassium sulfate - AlK(SO4)2.12H2O and aluminum chloride - AlCl3.6H2O) and five aluminum doses in nutrient solution (0, 370, 740, 1100 and 1480 μmol L-1). The experiment was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oryza sativa; Ionic activity; Visual Minteq; Root length.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Initial physic nut nutrition and potassium balance in the soil-plant system AGRIAMBI
Freiberger,Mariângela B.; Guerrini,Iraê A.; Castoldi,Gustavo; Steiner,Fábio; Büll,Leonardo T..
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the mineral nutrition and the response of physic nut to potassium fertilization as well as to assess whether the species can absorb K from the non-exchangeable soil fraction. The study was conducted in a greenhouse, in randomized blocks, and with four repetitions. Physic nut plants were cultivated in plastic recipients filled with 50 dm³ of a Dark Red Latosol fertilized with rates of 0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 mg K dm-3 of soil. One hundred and fifty days after planting, the height, stem diameter and leaf area of the plants were measured, and the dry mass, concentration in leaf and total accumulation of macro and micronutrients were determined, as well as the soil contents of exchangeable and non-exchangeable K....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Jatropha curcas; Dynamic of nutrient uptake; Non-exchangeable K.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Physiological maturity of seeds and colorimetry of fruits of Jatropha curcas L. Rev. bras. sementes
Dranski,João Alexandre Lopes; Pinto Júnior,Artur Soares; Steiner,Fábio; Zoz,Tiago; Malavasi,Ubirajara Contro; Malavasi,Marlene de Matos; Guimarães,Vandeir Francisco.
The objective was to relate the coloration of fruits of Jatropha curcas L during the maturation process with morphometric (fruits and seeds) and germinative characteristics (seeds). Fruits were collected at various maturation stages from mast trees located in Eldorado/MS, and six maturation stages were visually classified based on fruit's epicarp color. Epicarp digital colorimetry was used to characterize maturation stages in addition to morphometric variables of length and width of fruits and seeds, as well their water content. For determining the physiological potential it was used germination test, emergence velocity index and first count of germination. Results indicated that seeds of J. curcas should be harvested when fruit epicarp shows a reading...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Maturation stage; Germination; Refractance; Morphometry.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Effect of boron and zinc fertilization on white oats grown in soil with average content of these nutrients R. Bras. Zootec.
Castagnara,Deise Dalazen; Krutzmann,Alexandre; Zoz,Tiago; Steiner,Fábio; Conte e Castro,Ana Maria; Neres,Marcela Abbado; Oliveira,Paulo Sérgio Rabello de.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilization with zinc or boron on the growth and dry matter production, nutritional value and accumulation of nutrients in white oats. The study comprised two experiments conducted in glasshouses, the first consisting of the application of four doses of zinc (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/dm³) in the form of zinc sulphate (20% Zn), and the second consisting of the application of four doses of boron (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/dm³) in the form of Borax (11% B). The experimental design in each case was a randomized block design, with five replicates. Fertilization with zinc and boron increased the growth of white oats, but had no significant effect on the nutritional value of the forage. Higher levels of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Avena sativa; Crude protein; Dry matter.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contribution of non-exchangeable K in soils from Southern Brazil under potassium fertilization and successive cropping Rev. Ciênc. Agron.
Steiner,Fábio; Lana,Maria do Carmo.
ABSTRACT Intense cropping of plants in pots was used to assess the contribution of non-exchangeable K to plant uptake in different soils of Paraná State, Brazil. Surface samples from nine soil types were fertilized or not with K fertilizer and subjected to six successive cropping (i.e., soybean, pearl millet, wheat, common beans, soybean and maize) under greenhouse conditions. The crops were grown in 8-L pots for 45 days, and at the end of the sixth cropping, the soil was sampled to determination non-exchangeable and exchangeable K. Shoot dry matter yield, K taken up, non-exchangeable pool contribution to K nutrition of plants were also determined. Soils differ in the ability to K supply to the plants in the short to medium term, due to the wide range of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Successive cropping of plants; Soil potassium budget; Exchangeable K; Potential buffer capacity of K.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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