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Using egg albumin foam to extinguish fires BABT
Alsaati,Hytham A.; Ditzler,Danielle; Burapatana,Vorakan; Tanner,Robert D..
Oil, coal and chemical fires are often difficult to put out using water. In certain hydrocarbon fires, protein foam can extinguish fires better than water by keeping air (oxygen) away from the flames and by ''blowing'' the flame away from its fuel source. Egg albumin is a relatively inexpensive protein and is representative of foaming proteins, which are candidates for use as fire suppression agents. This paper begins to deal with the effect of the foam bulk pH, foam protein concentration and generating air flow rate into the foam on the fire extinguishing time in laboratory experiments. A Bunsen burner was used to generate a small, controlled laboratory fire within a plastic container, which represented a point source in a partially open room in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Protein Foam; Albumin; Fire Suppression; Biodegradable Foams; Natural Gas Flame.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Estimating the turnover number in enzyme kinetic reactions using transient and stationary state data BJPS
Uludag-Demirer,Sibel; Duran,Jorge; Tanner,Robert D..
Substrate and product concentration data obtained by simulating enzyme-substrate reaction rate equations were used to test two proposed kinetic rate constant estimation techniques in this study. In the first technique, the turnover number, k3, was calculated using early transient time domain data, which are difficult to obtain experimentally. The technique used an iterative approach to calculate k3 with a pair of data and the value of k3 could be retrieved with 35% error. The second technique calculated k3 using stationary domain data and the value of k3 could be retrieved with less than 5% error. This second technique also offered internal consistency in the calculation of k3 by calculating k3 both from the intercept and the slope of the linear plot...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Enzyme; Kinetics/rate constant; Enzyme reactions.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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