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Evaluation expérimentale et théorique du comportement de panneaux de superstructures en composites ArchiMer
Damonte, R; Iaccarino, R; Puccini, G; Rizzuto, E; Tedeschi, R.
Composite materials represent for shipbuilding industries a possible way to improve the competitiveness of products, particularly in the field of high technology vessels where high strength and stiffness to weight ratios allow increased payload capacity to be obtained, improved performances and lower propulsion costs. In fact with these materials the designer can obtain considerable saving in structural weights, easier production and assembly techniques for complex shapes structures, and better long term performances of the structures when exposed to the marine environment. Unfortunately potentially wide application of F.R.P. structures is restrained by a general lack of knowledge on the mechanical and physical behaviour of these structures. In this...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Evaluation; Ship design; Numerical analysis; Glass reinforced plastics; Ship technology; Composite materials; Etude expérimentale; Etude numérique; Panneaux sandwich; Superstructures navales.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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