Voorwald,Fabiana Azevedo; Tiosso,Caio de Faria; Toniollo,Gilson Hélio. |
A incontinência urinária adquirida é uma condição debilitante e, muitas vezes, incurável que acomete fêmeas castradas e raramente fêmeas inteiras ou machos. A manifestação clínica pode ocorrer em qualquer momento após a gonadectomia e resulta em graves problemas no manejo do paciente. Os mecanismos que desencadeiam a incontinência após ovariectomia envolvem decréscimo na pressão de fechamento uretral, alterações hormonais, aumento na deposição de colágeno na musculatura lisa da bexiga, diminuição na contratilidade do músculo detrusor e redução na resposta aos estímulos elétricos e ao carbachol. O diagnóstico é realizado pelo histórico do animal, pelo exame físico, pelos exames laboratoriais, pelo perfil de pressão uretral, pela ultrassonografia e pelas... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Incontinência urinária; Ovariectomia; Esfíncter uretral; Estrógeno; Gonadotrofinas; Colágeno; Colpossuspensão. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782010000300038 |
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Tiosso,Caio de Faria; Voorwald,Fabiana Azevedo; Brun,Maurício Veloso; Nakaghi,Luciana Cristina Padilha; Crivelaro,Roberta Martins; Apparicio,Maricy; Vicente,Wilter Ricardo Russiano. |
ABSTRACT: SILSTM via an umbilical hernia opening was used in the correction of an abdominal cryptorchidism in a dog. The SILSTMport was inserted through a 2.5 cm skin incision on the umbilical hernia and pneumoperitoneum was established with CO2. A 10mm telescope, 5mm laparoscopic Babcock clamp, and a clamp with combined cutting and coagulation features were used for the dissection and removal of the testicle through the SILSTM port. The treatment proved to be effective, easy, and quick to perform. However, the lack of triangulation between clamps and telescope limited the movement of the instruments, making it more laborious than a multiple-trocar approach. It can be concluded that the use of a SILSTM port through a pre-existing opening of the abdominal... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Single-port; Laparoscopy; SILS; Cryptorchidism; Canine.. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782019001000601 |
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Coutinho,Alexandre José; Gasser,Beatriz; Rodriguez,Mariana Garcia Kako; Uscategui,Ricardo Andres Ramirez; Santos,Victor José Correia; Tiosso,Caio de Faria; Barros,Felipe Farias Pereira da Câmara; Toniollo,Gilson Hélio. |
ABSTRACT: In order to use and study minimally invasive techniques to reduce side effects of ovarian-hysterectomy (OHE) in bitches, the aim of this study was to compare time, surgical complications, pain and postoperative inflammatory response, caused by single port videolaparoscopic OHE and traditional miniceliotomy with snook hook. Twenty-four healthy bitches were randomly divided in two groups: videolaparoscopy (Video) and miniceliotomy (MiniLap). Surgical time and complications, pain, need for analgesic rescue, C-reactive protein concentration, glycaemia and voluntary food ingestion were evaluated during 24 hours following the procedure and compared statistically. Surgical time (38±7min), surgical complications (17%), postoperative pain intensity, need... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Videosurgery; C-reactive protein; Glycaemia; Postoperative pain; Surgical complications. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0103-84782018001000603 |
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