Registros recuperados: 18 | |
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Home, Robert; Lewis, Olivia; Bauer, Nicole; Fliessbach, Andreas; Frey, David; Lichtensteiner, Stéphanie; Moretti, Marco; Tresch, Simon; Young, Christopher; Zanetta, Andrea; Stolze, Matthias. |
Gardens have effects on the local ecology as well as on the wellbeing of the gardener, but few studies have attempted to study gardens using both ecological and social outcome variables. The aim of this exploratory study is to address this research gap by identifying the characteristics of gardens and the management practices of gardeners that enhance the outcomes of gardening, which we separate into three dimensions: human wellbeing, biodiversity, and soil quality. Data were collected from 18 gardens in Zurich, Switzerland and a typology of gardeners was dentified,which included ‘conservationist’, ‘functional’, ‘minimumeffort’, ‘child-friendly’, and ‘aesthetic’ gardeners. |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Landscape and recreation; Switzerland. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34340/1/Home-2018-Article-EffectsOfGardenManagementPract.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
Comparer la décomposition du thé vert comme un matériau de décomposition rapide avec le thé rooibos comme un matériau qui est difficile à décomposer, permet de calculer l'Indice du Sachet de Thé (Tea Bag Index TBI). Cela fournit des informations sur la capacité du sol en tant qu'organisme vivant à transformer les résidus organiques en nutriments disponibles pour les plantes et à contribuer a l'accumulation d'humus dans le sol. Cette technique est facile à ppliquer. Placez le sachet de thé dans le solet sortez‐le après trois mois pour déterminer combine il reste de matière. Il est fascinant de découvrir le résultat de nos petits auxiliaires travaillant dur dans le sol et comment ce travail fournit des nutriments à une nouvelle génération de plantes. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/32466/1/tresch-fliessbach-2017-teabag-french.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Frey, David; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire; Zanetta, Andrea; Rasche, Frank; Fliessbach, Andreas; Moretti, Marco. |
In the face of growing urban densification, green spaces in cities, such as gardens, are increasingly important for biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, the influences of urban green space management on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationships is poorly understood. We investigated the relationship between soil fauna and litter decomposition in 170 urban garden sites along a gradient of urbanisation intensity in the city of Zurich, CH. |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Biodiversity and ecosystem services. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34339/1/Tresch-et-al-2019-Litter-decomposition-driven-by-soil-fauna-plant.pdf |
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Home, Robert; Lewis, Olivia; Bauer, Nicole; Fliessbach, Andreas; Frey, David; Lichtsteiner, Stéphanie; Moretti, Marco; Tresch, Simon; Young, Christopher; Zanetta, Andrea; Stolze, Matthias. |
This is a pre-print of an article published in Urban Ecosystems. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-018-0806-2. The aim of this exploratory study is to address this research gap by identifying the characteristics of gardens and the management practices of gardeners that enhance the outcomes of gardening, which we separate into three dimensions: human wellbeing, biodiversity, and soil quality. Data were collected from 18 gardens in Zurich, Switzerland and a typology of gardeners was identified, which included ‘conservationist’, ‘functional’, ‘minimum effort’, ‘child-friendly’, and ‘aesthetic’ gardeners. The conservationist gardeners were found to have, on average, the highest species richness in their... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Farming Systems; Environmental aspects. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/36461/1/Effects%20of%20garden%20management%20practices.pdf |
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Lori, Martina; Symanczik, Sarah; Mäder, Paul; Efosa, Norah; Jaenicke, Sebastian; Buegger, Franz; Tresch, Simon; Goesmann, Alexander; Gattinger, Andreas. |
The majority of soil organic nitrogen (N) is bound in protein-like compounds and therefore its proteolysis in peptides and amino acids is considered the initial and rate limiting step of N mineralization. Proteolysis of N bound in organic fertilizer and subsequent provisioning for crops is a central element in agro-ecological intensification. Long-term farming system effects on N provisioning from organic fertilizer to crops and its underlying functional microbial communities were analyzed in experiments conducted in soils from the “DOK” system comparison trial (bio-Dynamic, bio-Organic, and “Konventionell”) subjected to optimal and future projected drought scenarios. A plant nutrition experiment using 15N labeled lupine as a fertilizer (green manure)... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Composting and manuring. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/33347/1/lori-etal-2018-forntEnvSci_online_doi103389fenvs201800040.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Moretti, Marco; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire; Mäder, Paul; Zanetta, Andrea; Frey, David; Stehle, Bernhard; Kuhn, Anton; Munyangabe, Adolphe; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
Soil is the foundation of ecosystem functioning in urban green spaces and provides key ecosystem. |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Surveys and statistics; Soil. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34338/1/Tresch-et-al-2018-Urban-Soil-Quality-Assessmen.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Frey, David; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire; Mäder, Paul; Stehle, Bernhard; Fliessbach, Andreas; Moretti, Marco. |
Urban gardens are popular green spaces that have the potential to provide essential ecosystem services, support human well-being, and at the same time foster biodiversity in cities. We investigated the impact of gardening activities on five soil functions and the relationship between plant (600 spp.) and soil fauna (earthworms: 18 spp., springtails: 39 spp.) in 85 urban gardens (170 sites) across the city of Zurich (Switzerland). Our results suggest that high plant diversity in gardens had a positive effect on soil fauna and soil multifunctionality, and that garden management intensity decreased plant diversity. Indices of biological activity in soil, such as organic and microbial carbon and bacterial abundance, showed a direct positive effect on soil... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Soil quality; Social aspects; Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Landscape and recreation. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/36324/1/tresch-etal-2019-ScientificReports-9-article-9769.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Moretti, Marco; Le Bayon, Renée-Claire; Mäder, Paul; Zanetta, Andrea; Frey, David; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
Gardens are hot spots for urban biodiversity and provide habitats for many plant and animal species, both above- and below-ground. Furthermore, gardens provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including carbon (C) storage and nutrient cycling. Although the soil is the foundation of sustainable gardens providing those ecosystem services, very little is known about the consequences of garden management on soil quality. Here we present a comprehensive assessment of urban garden soil quality, including biotic and abiotic site characteristics combined with land-use history and garden management information in a multivariate evaluation. A set of 44 soil quality indicators was measured at 170 sites of 85 gardens in the city of Zurich, Switzerland, comprising... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Soil quality Ornamentals; Flower bulbs and tree nurseries. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/33244/1/tresch-etal-2018-fenvs-06-00025.pdf |
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Lichtsteiner, Stéphanie; Home, Robert; Moretti, Marco; Frey, David; Fliessbach, Andreas; Tresch, Simon; Young, Christopher; Bauer, Nicole. |
Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gärten als Lebensraum für Pflanzen und Tiere, den Bewirtschaftungsweisen der Gärten sowie dem Wohlbefinden der Gartennutzer und der Stadtbevölkerung sind wichtige aktuelle Forschungsfelder, die bislang nur wenig untersucht wurden. Im interund transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt «BetterGardens» sollen diese Zusammenhänge analysiert und Strategien zur nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung von Stadtgärten erarbeitet werden. |
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article |
Palavras-chave: Biodiversity and ecosystem services; Policy environments and social economy. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/31116/1/lichtsteiner-etal-2016-Hotspot-no33-p22.pdf |
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Frey, David; Young, Christopher; Zanetta, Andrea; Tresch, Simon; Fliessbach, Andreas; Bauer, Nicole; Lewis, Olivia; Home, Robert; Moretti, Marco. |
Die trans- und interdisziplinäre Studie BetterGardens wird vom Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL (Projektleitung) und von der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL durchgeführt. Sie findet in den drei Städten Bern, Lausanne und Zürich statt. Das Projekt wird von städtischen Behörden und dem Schweizerischen Familiengärtnerverband unterstützt und vom Nationalfonds (Sinergia) finanziert. BetterGardens untersucht die sozialen und ökologischen Eigenschaften von Gärten in der Stadt sowie deren Wechselwirkungen. Die Studie zielt darauf hin, wissenschaftliche Grundlagen für Gartenformen zu schaffen, welche Biodiversität fördern und Ökosystemleistungen in der Stadt erbringen. Sie soll ausserdem den Wert urbaner... |
Tipo: Newspaper or magazine article |
Palavras-chave: Community development; Soil quality; Biodiversity and ecosystem services. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/34343/1/Tresch-2017-Bettergardens.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
La comparación de la descomposición del té verde, un material de descomposición rápida, con el té rooibos, un material difícil de degradar, permite el cálculo del índice de bolsas de té. Este método proporciona información sobre la capacidad del suelo,como un organismo “vivo”, para ransformar los residuos orgánicos en nutrientes disponibles para las plantas y contribuir a la acumulación de humus en el suelo. Esta técnica es fácil de aplicar. Se coloca una bolsa de té en el suelo y se saca a los tres meses mirando cuánto material queda. Es fascinante descubrir el resultado del trabajo incesante de nuestros minúsculos ayudantes del suelo, y cómo esta labor proporciona nutrientes a una nueva generación de plantas. English version available at... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover. |
Ano: 2017 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/32465/1/tresch-fliessbach-2017-teabag-spanish.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
Indeks čajne vrečke izračunamo s primerjavo razgradnje hitro razgradljivega zelenega čaja in težko razgradljivega čaja rooibos (»rdeči grm«). S tem postopkom dobimo informacije o zmožnosti tal (kot živega organizma) za predelavo organskih ostankov v rastlinam dostopna hranila in za izgradnjo humusa. Uporaba te tehnike je enostavna. Čajno vrečko zakopljemo v tla, jo po treh mesecih izkopljemo in pogledamo, koliko je od nje ostalo. Zelo zanimivo je videti sadove dela naših pridnih talnih pomočnikov in spremljati, kako njihovo delo zagotavlja hranila za novo generacijo rastlin za raziskovanje koreninskih mešičkov za vezavo dušika. |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/32830/7/Decomposition%20study_Slovenian_ISD.pdf |
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Tresch, Simon; Fliessbach, Andreas. |
Comparing the decomposition of green tea as a fast -decomposing material with rooibos as a material, which is difficult to break down, allows for the calculation of the tea bag index. This provides information on the capability of the soil as a living organism to transform organic residues back into plant-available nutrients and make some contribution to the build-up of soil humus. This technique is easy to apply. Place the tea bag in the soil and take it out after three months to see how much is left. It is fascinating to discover the result of our hard working little helpers in the soil and how this work is giving nutrients to a new generation of plants. Spanish version available at http://orgprints.org/32465/ |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Composting and manuring; Nutrient turnover. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/30717/1/fertilcrop-tn-wp4-teabag_english.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 18 | |