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Antigen-presenting cells transfected with Hsp65 messenger RNA fail to treat experimental tuberculosis BJMBR
Rocha,C.D.; Trombone,A.P.F.; Lorenzi,J.C.C.; Almeida,L.P.; Gembre,A.F.; Padilha,E.; Ramos,S.G.; Silva,C.L.; Coelho-Castelo,A.A.M..
In the last several years, the use of dendritic cells has been studied as a therapeutic strategy against tumors. Dendritic cells can be pulsed with peptides or full-length protein, or they can be transfected with DNA or RNA. However, comparative studies suggest that transfecting dendritic cells with messenger RNA (mRNA) is superior to other antigen-loading techniques in generating immunocompetent dendritic cells. In the present study, we evaluated a new therapeutic strategy to fight tuberculosis using dendritic cells and macrophages transfected with Hsp65 mRNA. First, we demonstrated that antigen-presenting cells transfected with Hsp65 mRNA exhibit a higher level of expression of co-stimulatory molecules, suggesting that Hsp65 mRNA has immunostimulatory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Tuberculosis; Therapeutic immunization; CD; MHSP65; DNA vaccine; APCs.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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B cells expressing IL-10 mRNA modulate memory T cells after DNA-Hsp65 immunization BJMBR
Fontoura,I. C.; Trombone,A.P.F.; Almeida,L. P.; Lorenzi,J. C. C.; Rossetti,R. A. M.; Malardo,T.; Padilha,E.; Schluchting,W.; Silva,R. L. L.; Gembre,A. F.; Fiuza,J. E. C.; Silva,C. L.; Panunto-Castelo,A.; Coelho-Castelo,A. A. M..
In DNA vaccines, the gene of interest is cloned into a bacterial plasmid that is engineered to induce protein production for long periods in eukaryotic cells. Previous research has shown that the intramuscular immunization of BALB/c mice with a naked plasmid DNA fragment encoding the Mycobacterium leprae 65-kDa heat-shock protein (pcDNA3-Hsp65) induces protection against M. tuberculosis challenge. A key stage in the protective immune response after immunization is the generation of memory T cells. Previously, we have shown that B cells capture plasmid DNA-Hsp65 and thereby modulate the formation of CD8+ memory T cells after M. tuberculosis challenge in mice. Therefore, clarifying how B cells act as part of the protective immune response after DNA...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: DNA-Hsp65 vaccine; Memory T cells; B cells.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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