Registros recuperados: 22 | |
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Weibel, Franco P.; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Rois, Elena; Tschabold, Jean-Luc; Stadler, Walter. |
The aim of our study was to find new thinning methods for organic apple production able to fulfil the standards of Bio Suisse, the main label organisation of the organic food sector in Switzerland. The 17 trials reported were carried out during flowering period in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 on the cultivars ‘Pinova’, ‘Gala’, ‘Maigold’, ‘Elstar’, ‘Breaburn’, ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Otava’ at different sites. The results confirm the good efficiency of mechanical thinning with the rope thinner and the thinning potential of vinasse, a by product of molasses. Different vinasse products were tested (K-Vinasse, light-vinasse, N Vinasse; NK-Vinasse) and it was observed that those containing less nitrogen had a minor thinning effect. To avoid phytotoxicity on... |
Tipo: Journal paper |
Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Fruit and berries. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/13369/1/Weibel_Thinning_EuJourHort_6.doc |
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Jahrl, Ingrid; Home, Robert; Tschabold, Jean-Luc; Stolz, Hanna; Lichtsteiner, Stéphanie. |
Die Studie zu den Einstellungen, dem Wissen und der Umsetzung des biologischen Gärtnerns in vier Schweizer Städten hat sechs zentrale Resultate bzw. Schwachstellen hervorgebracht. Die Analyse konnte zeigen, dass die Eigendefinition und Praxis als BiogärtnerIn nicht immer überein stimmen. GärtnerInnen, welche sich selbst als BiogärtnerInnen bezeichnen, haben ihrer eigenen Einschätzung nach nur teilweise viel Wissen zum Biogärtnern und wenden auch nicht immer biologische Methoden an. Des Weiteren wurde aufgezeigt, dass biologisches Gärtnern teilweise negativ wahrgenommen und mit nachlässiger Gartenbewirtschaftung gleichgesetzt wird. Seitens der Vereine/Städte gibt es teilweise Vorschriften zum biologischen Gärtnern, diese sind aber nicht allen GärtnerInnen... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Social aspects Education; Extension and communication. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/33651/1/Familiengarten%20Schlussbericht_Juni%202015_final.pdf |
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Suter, Francisco; Weibel, Franco; Tschabold, Jean-Luc; Lévite, Dominique. |
Organic fruit and wine producers have to use organically produced plant material if available on the market. To support and enhance this difficult production sector a project was started in 2003 funded by the Coop Naturaplan Fonds. The improvement or development of better methods for fertilization, soil management, growth regulation and plant protection are the main objectives of this project. In our trials with apple trees we found that an intensification of the nitrogen fertilization including application of foliar fertilizers did not result in a better quality of young trees. The use of the bacterial bio-fertilizer BactoFil® Professional-2 without any nitrogen fertilization increased the tree quality under our conditions. In another experiment... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Fruit and berries. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/14482/1/Suter_14482.pdf |
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Weibel, Franco P.; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Tschabold, Jean-Luc; Stadler, Walter. |
The aim of our study was to find new thinning methods for organic apple production able to fulfil the standards of Bio-Suisse, the main label organisation of the organic food sector in Switzerland. The 14 trials reported were carried out during flowering period in 2003 and 2004 on the cultivars Pinova, Gala, Maigold, Elstar, Golden Delicious and Otava at different sites. The results confirm the good efficiency of mechanical thinning with the rope thinner and the thinning potential of vinasse, a by-product of molasses. Different vinasse products were tested (K-Vinasse, light-vinasse, N-Vinasse) and it was observed that those containing less nitrogen had a minor thinning effect. To avoid phytotoxicity on leaves, the concentration of N-Vinasse should not... |
Tipo: Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Palavras-chave: Crop health; Quality; Protection Fruit and berries. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://orgprints.org/9020/1/ecofruit_12th_33.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 22 | |