Boyd, Roy; Uri, Noel D.. |
This study examines the effect of the sugar tariff-rate import quota program on the U.S. economy. Based on a computable general equilibrium model, the analysis suggests that a complete elimination of the sugar program will reduce output for all producing sectors by about $2.85 billion. For producing sectors in addition to the agriculture-program crops, crude oil and petroleum refining sectors, output will increase by about $2.98 billion. Additionally, there will be an increase of about $197 million on $121 million in the consumption of goods and services and in welfare, respectively. The government sector realizes a reduction in revenue of about $15 million. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: General equilibrium model; Consumer welfare; Sugar program; Tariff-rate quota; Agribusiness; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 1993 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/62335 |
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Uri, Noel D.; Hyberg, Bengt. |
This investigation looks at whether the grade determining and official criteria factors identified by the Federal Grain Inspection Service influence the price of wheat for export and, in turn, the competitiveness of United States wheat in the world market. Using data on the transactions price for hard red winter wheat, hard red spring wheat, and soft white wheat and the associated quality characteristics covering the period January 1990 through December 1991 and exported to 63 countries, the results suggest that the test weight, the percentage of shrunken and broken kernels, the protein content, the presence of aflatoxin, the presence of insects, and the falling number are characteristics consistently valued by the market. |
Tipo: Journal Article |
Palavras-chave: Demand and Price Analysis; International Relations/Trade. |
Ano: 1996 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/27068 |
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