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Roles of nibrin and ATM/ATR kinases on the G2 checkpoint under endogenous or radio-induced DNA damage Biol. Res.
Marcelain,Katherine; de la Torre,Consuelo; González,Patricio; Pincheira,Juana.
Checkpoint response to DNA damage involves the activation of DNA repair and G2 lengthening subpathways. The roles of nibrin (NBS1) and the ATM/ATR kinases in the G2 DNA damage checkpoint, evoked by endogenous and radio-induced DNA damage, were analyzed in control, A-T and NBS lymphoblast cell lines. Short-term responses to G2 treatments were evaluated by recording changes in the yield of chromosomal aberrations in the ensuing mitosis, due to G2 checkpoint adaptation, and also in the duration of G2 itself. The role of ATM/ATR in the G2 checkpoint pathway repairing chromosomal aberrations was unveiled by caffeine inhibition of both kinases in G2. In the control cell lines, nibrin and ATM cooperated to provide optimum G2 repair for endogenous DNA damage. In...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Ataxia-telangiectasia; ATM; ATR kinases; Caffeine; G2 checkpoint; Nibrin (Nbs1); Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS).
Ano: 2005 URL:
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