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Evaluation of antibiotics as a methodological procedure to inhibit free-living and biofilm bacteria in marine zooplankton culture Anais da ABC (AABC)
Agostini,Vanessa O.; Macedo,Alexandre J.; Muxagata,Erik.
There is a problem with keeping culture medium completely or partially free from bacteria. The use of prokaryotic metabolic inhibitors, such as antibiotics, is suggested as an alternative solution, although such substances should not harm non-target organisms. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments in inhibiting free-living and biofilm bacteria and their half-life in artificial marine environment using the copepod Acartia tonsa as bioindicador of non-harmful antibiotic combinations. Regarding to results, the application of 0.025 g L-1 penicillin G potassium + 0.08 g L-1 streptomycin sulphate + 0.04 g L-1 neomycin sulphate showed great potential for use in marine cultures and scientific experiments without...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acartia tonsa; Antimicrobials; Experiment; Marine culture; Toxicity.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Diet influence on egg production of the copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana, 1896) Anais da ABC (AABC)
Teixeira,Priscila F.; Kaminski,Sonia M.; Avila,Tatiana R.; Cardozo,Alessandro P.; Bersano,José G.F.; Bianchini,Adalto.
Egg production in the copepod Acartia tonsa was evaluated using different densities of the microalgae Thalassiosira weissflogii, Chaetoceros muelleri and Isochrysis galbana. Male and female were kept under controlled conditions (salinity 30, 20°C, photoperiod 12L:12D), acclimated to the experimental conditions and left over a period of 24 h to allow copulation. Algal densities tested were equivalent in biovolume and corresponded to 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60.10³ cells.mL-1 of T weissflogii. Ten acclimated female were separated, transferred to glass bottles and exposed for further 24 h to the corresponding experimental medium. After this period, the eggs were fixed and counted. Copepod egg production reached a threshold value when T weissflogii, C....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Egg production; Acartia tonsa; Microalgae.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Распределение живого и мёртвого мезозоопланктона в прибосфорских районах Чёрного и Мраморного морей: солёностная толерантность Acartia clausi и A. tonsa. IBSS Repository
Губарева, Е. С.; Светличный, Л. С.; Ишинибилир, М.; Бельмонте, Г..
В прибосфорских районах Чёрного и Мраморного морей в октябре 2005 г. наблюдалось снижение биомассы кормового зоопланктона с 6102.6 до 2363.7 мг м-2 по направлению к Мраморному морю. Эта тенденция обусловлена резким изменением биомассы 4 видов копепод – Calanus euxinus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Acartia clausi и A. tonsa. Одновременно с этим возрастала доля мёртвых организмов. Максимальная доля мёртвых особей A. clausi (88 %) отмечена в слое солёностного градиента Мраморного моря, что указывает на низкую галотолерантность этого вида. В лабораторных кратковременных экспериментах A. clausi, собранные у входа в пролив Босфор, погибали при повышении солёности с 18.9 до 29.4 ‰. Выживаемость A. clausi из удалённого от Босфора района Принцевых о-вов оказалась более...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Мезозоопланктон; Биомасса; Численность; Выживаемость; Acartia clausi; Acartia tonsa; Солёностная толерантность; Скорость дыхания; Двигательная активность; Чёрное море; Мраморное море; Mesozooplankton; Biomass; Abundance; Survival; Acartia clausi; Acartia tonsa; Salinity tolerance; Respiratory rate; Locomotory activity; Black Sea; Marmara Sea; Біомаса; Чисельність; Виживаність; Солоністна толерантність; Швидкість дихання; Рухова активність; Чорне море; Мармурове море.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Распределение живого и мёртвого мезозоопланктона в прибосфорских районах Чёрного и Мраморного морей: солёностная толерантность Acartia clausi и A. tonsa. IBSS Repository
Губарева, Е. С.; Светличный, Л. С.; Ишинибилир, М.; Бельмонте, Г..
В прибосфорских районах Чёрного и Мраморного морей в октябре 2005 г. наблюдалось снижение биомассы кормового зоопланктона с 6102.6 до 2363.7 мг м-2 по направлению к Мраморному морю. Эта тенденция обусловлена резким изменением биомассы 4 видов копепод – Calanus euxinus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Acartia clausi и A. tonsa. Одновременно с этим возрастала доля мёртвых организмов. Максимальная доля мёртвых особей A. clausi (88 %) отмечена в слое солёностного градиента Мраморного моря, что указывает на низкую галотолерантность этого вида. В лабораторных кратковременных экспериментах A. clausi, собранные у входа в пролив Босфор, погибали при повышении солёности с 18.9 до 29.4 ‰. Выживаемость A. clausi из удалённого от Босфора района Принцевых о-вов оказалась более...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Мезозоопланктон; Биомасса; Численность; Выживаемость; Acartia clausi; Acartia tonsa; Солёностная толерантность; Скорость дыхания; Двигательная активность; Чёрное море; Мраморное море; Mesozooplankton; Biomass; Abundance; Survival; Acartia clausi; Acartia tonsa; Salinity tolerance; Respiratory rate; Locomotory activity; Black Sea; Marmara Sea; Біомаса; Чисельність; Виживаність; Солоністна толерантність; Швидкість дихання; Рухова активність; Чорне море; Мармурове море.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Солёностная и температурная толерантность морских копепод Acarita clausi и Acarita tonsa в эмбриональный период IBSS Repository
Губарева, Е. С.; Светличный, Л. С..
Speed of sinking to salinity and temperature gradients of the Marmara and Black Seas was calculated for eggs of Acartia clausi and A. tonsa laid in the upper layers basing on egg mass densities. The effect of gradual changing of temperature and salinity on egg hatching success of these species was studied.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Acartia clausi; Acartia tonsa; Eggs; Density; Hatching success; Marmara Sea; Black Sea.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Long-term changes on estuarine ciliates linked with modifications on wind patterns and water turbidity ArchiMer
López-abbate, M. Celeste; Molinero, Juan-carlos; Perillo, Gerardo M.e.; Barría De Cao, M. Sonia; Pettigrosso, Rosa E.; Guinder, Valeria A.; Uibrig, Roman; Berasategui, Anabela A.; Vitale, Alejandro; Marcovecchio, Jorge E.; Hoffmeyer, Mónica S..
Planktonic ciliates constitute a fundamental component among microzooplankton and play a prominent role in carbon transport at the base of marine food webs. How these organisms respond to shifting environmental regimes is unclear and constitutes a current challenge under global ocean changes. Here we examine a multiannual field survey covering 25 years in the Bahía Blanca Estuary (Argentina), a shallow, flood-plain system dominated by wind and tidal energy. We found that the estuary experienced marked changes in wind dominant regimes and an increase in water turbidity driven from the joint effect of persistent long-fetch winds and the indirect effect of the Southern Annular Mode. Along with these changes, we found that zooplankton components, i.e. ciliates...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Tintinnids; Oligotrichs; Acartia tonsa; Wind; Turbidity; Estuaries.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Short term variations in feeding and metabolism of Acartia tonsa (pelagic copepod) in the Berre lagoon (France) ArchiMer
Gaudy, R; Pagano, M; Cervetto, G; Saintjean, L; Verriopoulos, G; Beker, B.
Feeding, respiration, and ammonia excretion of Acartia tonsa were studied in a brackish lagoon, near Marseilles (Southern France). The experiments were performed during the same season in two successive years, using naturally occurring particles as food. Strong variations in both quantity and quality of food particles were recorded between the two series of experiments. The ingestion of particles according to their size was studied by means of the Coulter Counter technique. Females ingested more food than males. In both sexes, there was a tendency to select median to large particles, regardless of the shape of the particles-size spectrum. In 1990, the specific production rate, deduced from the energy budget, was equivalent to or greater than the observed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acartia tonsa; Feeding; Metabolism; Production.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Measuring selectivity of feeding by estuarine copepods using image analysis combined with microscopic and Coulter counting OMA
Tackx, M.L.M.; Zhu, L.; De Coster, W.; Billones, R.G.; Daro, M.H..
Although estuarine zooplankters are generally believed to be detritivorous, high clearance rates by the estuarine copepods <i>Eurytemora affinis</i> and <i>Acartia tonsa</i> on natural estuarine microplankton have been reported in the literature. In order to enable detection of possible selectivity for these microplankton organisms over detritus, a method that measures clearance rates on total particulate matter is proposed. Image analysis is used to measure copepod gut contents, and combined with Coulter counter measurements of total particulate matter concentration, allows one to calculate clearance rates on the latter. The first results indicate that, in the Westerschelde estuary (SW Netherlands), both <i>E....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Estuarine organisms; Feeding behaviour; Image processing; Selective feeding; Acartia tonsa; Copepoda [copepods]; Eurytemora affinis.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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