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Effects of caffeine on learning and memory in rats tested in the Morris water maze BJMBR
Angelucci,M.E.M.; Cesário,C.; Hiroi,R.H.; Rosalen,P.L.; Cunha,C. Da.
We studied some of the characteristics of the improving effect of the non-specific adenosine receptor antagonist, caffeine, using an animal model of learning and memory. Groups of 12 adult male Wistar rats receiving caffeine (0.3-30 mg/kg, ip, in 0.1 ml/100 g body weight) administered 30 min before training, immediately after training, or 30 min before the test session were tested in the spatial version of the Morris water maze task. Post-training administration of caffeine improved memory retention at the doses of 0.3-10 mg/kg (the rats swam up to 600 cm less to find the platform in the test session, P<=0.05) but not at the dose of 30 mg/kg. Pre-test caffeine administration also caused a small increase in memory retrieval (the escape path of the rats...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Memory; Learning; Caffeine; Methylxanthines; Adenosine receptor antagonist; Morris water maze.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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