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Bioactive compounds and juice quality from selected grape cultivars Bragantia
Mota,Renata Vieira da; Glória,Maria Beatriz Abreu; Souza,Bianca Sarzi de; Peregrino,Isabela; Pimentel,Rodrigo Meireles de Azevedo; Dias,Frederico Alcântara Novelli; Souza,Laís Cristina de; Souza,André Luiz de; Regina,Murillo de Albuquerque.
ABSTRACT Grape juices have been valued due to their potential health benefits, which have demanded increased grape productivity and quality. Five grape cultivars grown in Brazil, Isabel Precoce, Carmem, Violeta, Concord and Bordo were evaluated in 2013 and 2014 seasons for bioactive components and also for juice processing quality traits. Production cycle was the longest for Carmem but lower and similar for Violeta, Isabel, Bordo and Concord. Isabel showed higher productivity (5.4 kg∙plant-1) but lowest soluble solids content (16.9 °Brix), anthocyanins (26.7 mg∙100 g-1) and total phenolics (110.7 mg∙100 g-1). The highest anthocyanins contents were observed in Violeta (189.9 mg∙100 g-1) and Bordo (133.8 mg∙100 g-1). These cultivars were also rich in...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Vitis labrusca; Fruit juices; Phenolics; Amines; Acceptance.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Bioactive amines in Brazilian wines: types, levels and correlation with physico-chemical parameters BABT
Souza,Solange C.; Theodoro,Karine H.; Souza,Élson R.; Motta,Silvana da; Glória,Maria Beatriz Abreu.
The levels of ten bioactive amines and the physico-chemical characteristics of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot wines from Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brazil, vintage of 1999 were investigated. The physico-chemical characteristics varied significantly: pH from 3.80 to 4.07, total acidity from 67.7 to 85.3 meq/L, alcohol content from 11.45 to 12.46 mL/100 mL and total SO2 from 9.6 to 102 mg/L. Six amines were detected in every sample - spermidine, putrescine, histamine, tyramine, serotonine and phenylethylamine. Total amine levels ranged from 2.03 to 7.60 mg/L. Putrescine was the prevalent amine, contributing with 20 to 66% of total levels. The amine profile and total levels were affected to a greater extent by vinification practices compared to grape...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Red wine; Amines; Histamine; Tyramine.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Чувствительность обонятельных рецепторов травяной креветки к пищевым аттрактантам IBSS Repository
Блинова, Н. К..
Электрофизиологическим методом исследована чувствительность хеморецепторов антеннул травяной креветки Pandalus kessleri к 5 азотсодержащим органическим веществам – аминам и пиридинам в концентрациях от 10-9 до 10-5 М. Пороговая концентрация аминов и пиридинов составила 10-7 М. Максимальные реакции обонятельных рецепторов вызывали растворы с молярной концентрацией 10-5 - 10-6. Ответы хеморецепторов практически на все предъявляемые концентрации аминов и пиридинов были ниже, чем на естественный пищевой раздражитель.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Травяная креветка; Хеморецепция; Антеннулы; Обонятельные рецепторы; Пищевой раздражитель; Амины; Пиридины; Grass shrimp; Chemoreception; Antennules; Olfactory receptors; Feeding irritant; Amines; Pyridines.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Bud Necrosis:Bud Necrosis: A Disease of Groundnut Caused by Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Necrosis; ELISA; Groundnuts; Sucrose; Amines; Insecticides; Cytoplasmic organelles; Poultry equipment; Viruses; Antibiotics.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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