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Cat scratch disease complicated with aseptic meningitis and neuroretinitis BJID
Pinto Jr.,Vitor Laerte; Curi,André Land; Pinto,Adriana da Silva; Nunes,Estevão Portela; Teixeira,Maria de Lourdes Benamor; Rozental,Tatiana; Favacho,Alexsandra Rodrigues; Lemos,Elba Regina Sampaio de; Bóia,Márcio Neves.
Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a self limited condition characterized by fever, lymph node enlargement and less often eye involvement. Central nervous system involvement by Bartonella henselae infection is possibly an important cause of morbidity; its role as an agent of aseptic meningitis is unknown. We report a case of a 40 years-old man with CSD accompanied by aseptic meningitis and neuroretinitis. Serum indirect immmunofluorescence (IFI) assays for B. henselae were positive and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis showed mononuclear pleocytosis and increased level of protein. Serological tests for other etiologies were negative. The patient responded well to antibiotic therapy with oral doxycicline plus rifampin and in the 12th day of hospitalization...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cat scratch disease; Bartonella henselae; Aseptic meningitis.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Bartonellosis: suggestive case reports in adult and pediatric patients and therapeutic issues BJID
Manfredi,Roberto; Sabbatani,Sergio.
Cat-scratch disease warrants extensive investigation, from an epidemiological, a diagnostic, but especially a therapeutic point of view. Two suggestive episodes of Bartonella henselae-caused cat-scratch disease are reported, and discussed in the light of the most recent literature evidence. The first case occurred in a 60-year-old man, thus suggesting that it is important to maintain an elevated level of suspicion for this disease in adults as well. Both episodes were characterized by a very prolonged and complicated disease course (with the involvement of three lymph node sets in the first case), a need for lymph-node drainage, and apparently negligible activity of many antimicrobial courses, with a very slow local cure. While specific culture and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Adults; Antimicrobial chemotherapy; Bartonellosis; Bartonella henselae; Case reports; Children; Clinical presentation; Outcome; Treatment.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Seronegative cat-scratch disease diagnosed by PCR detection of Bartonella henselae DNA in lymph node samples BJID
Chondrogiannis,Konstantinos; Vezakis,Antonios; Derpapas,Michael; Melemeni,Aikaterini; Fragulidis,Georgios.
Cat scratch disease (CSD), the typical clinical manifestation of Bartonella infections usually follows a typical benign self-limited course. Nevertheless, a variety of unusual clinical manifestations and confusing imaging features can lead to misinterpretations and render the disease a diagnostic dispute. Routine laboratory tests exhibit varying reported sensitivity and are usually unhelpful in diagnosis, as serology fails in terms of specificity and/or sensitivity. Herein we report a case of seronegative Bartonella infection presenting as symptomatic suppurative lymphadenitis with abscess formation, which was surgically drained. Diagnosis was established by PCR analysis from lymph nodes samples obtained during the procedure. PCR detection of specific DNA...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Polymerase chain reaction; Cat-scratch disease; Bartonella henselae.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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