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Resposta imunitária à vacinação conjuntival com a estirpe Rev.1 de Brucella melitensis em ovinos e caprinos Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Poeta,P.; Neto,F.; Costa,D.; Rodrigues,J..
The live B. melitensis Rev.1 strain is considered the best vaccine available for the prophylaxis of brucellosis in small ruminants, especially when used at the standard dose by the conjunctival route. In the present study a 1<FONT FACE=Symbol>´</FONT> 10(9) CFU dose for both sheep and goats conjunctivally vaccinated was tested to evaluate the duration of serological responses. Conjunctival vaccination with Rev. 1 performed in adult animals induced a rapid rise in serological titres as measured by Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), Complement Fixation Test (CF) and Modified Rose Bengal Plate Test (MRBPT). Titres then decreased and became negative in most animals by four months after vaccination (except MRBPT). The goats responded better to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cabra; Ovelha; Brucella melitensis; Vacina Rev.1; Vacinação conjuntival.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Brucella peritonitis and leucocytoclastic vasculitis due to Brucella melitensis BJID
Dizbay,Murat; Hizel,Kenan; Kilic,Selcuk; Mutluay,Ruya; Ozkan,Yavuz; Karakan,Tarkan.
Brucellosis is a multisystemic disease that rarely leads to a fatal outcome. While reticuloendothelial system organs are mostly affected, peritonitis and posthepatitic cirrhosis are also complications of brucellosis, though they are very rare. Brucella spp. can also trigger immunological reactions. We report a case of brucellosis with peritonitis, renal failure and leucocytoclastic vasculitis caused by Brucella melitensis, which led to a fatal outcome. Brucellosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of vasculitic diseases, especially in endemic areas.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/report Palavras-chave: Brucella melitensis; Peritonitis; Cirrhosis; Leucocytoclastic vasculitis; Cryoglobulinemia.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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In vitro synergistic activity of antibiotic combinations against Brucella melitensis using E-test methodology BJM
Kilic,Selcuk; Dizbay,Murat; Hizel,Kenan; Arman,Dilek.
The treatment of brucellosis is still problematic, because of high rates of treatment failure or relapses. As the microorganism is an intracellular pathogen, treatment requires combined regimens. However, limited existing data on in vitro combinations are avaliable for Brucellae. The aim of this study was to investigate the in vitro efficacy of various traditional and new antibiotic combinations against 16 Brucella melitensis strains. The combination effect of antimicrobial agents was evaluated by E-test synergy method to obtain a fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) index. Co-Trimoxazole (SXT) and moxifloxocin (MXF) exhibited the lowest MIC, while Rifampin (RIF) had the highest MIC in the study. Combinations with RIF showed the best synergistic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brucella melitensis; Antibiotics; Synergism.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Martínez Herrera,D.I; Abeledo,María A; Lara Gutiérrez,A; Peniche Cardeña,A; Robledo Salinas,M.L; Pulido Camarillo,E; Rosas Sastre,T.J; Flores Castro,R.
Con el propósito de evaluar varios métodos para el aislamiento primario de Brucella melitensis a partir de leche procedente de rebaños caprinos infectados se seleccionaron de forma aleatoria 45 cabras bajo los siguientes criterios: 30 vacunadas previamente, con la cepa Rev-1 de Brucella melitensis; y 15 hembras nunca vacunadas. El tamaño de muestra se basó en un modelo probabilístico con población desconocida y con prevalencia conocida de 35% (n = 1 - p / p v); donde, n = tamaño de muestra, p = prevalencia y v = coeficiente de variación (0.05). Todas las cabras seleccionadas se muestrearon por tres ocasiones a intervalos de 30 días entre uno y otro muestreo. Las muestras de leche fueron tomadas en forma aséptica de cada mitad de la ubre, en tubos estériles...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Brucella melitensis; Aislamiento; Leche; Cabras.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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