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Morpho-anatomy and ontogeny of the underground system of Chrysolaena simplex (Less.) Dematt. (Asteraceae) Anais da ABC (AABC)
Santos,Vanessa S.; Souza,Vinicius P.; Vilhalva,Divina A.A.; Ferreira,Fernanda P.S.; Paula,José R.; Rezende,Maria Helena.
The occurrence of thickened underground systems in Asteraceae is widely reported in the literature. Given the great complexity of underground systems, which may originate from roots, stems, or both, morpho-anatomical analyses are essential to ensure the use of correct terminology. The goals of this study were to describe the morpho-anatomy and ontogeny, investigate the occurrence of secondary metabolites and evaluate the effects of seasonality on the underground system of Chrysolaena simplex (Less.) Dematt. Samples were studied using standard protocols of plant anatomy, scanning electron microscopy, histochemical and phytochemical. The underground system of C. simplex was categorised as a rhizophore which started from cotyledonary node. In adult...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bud; Cerrado; Fructan; Phytochemical; Rhizophore; Secretory ducts.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Anatomy of the underground system in Vernonia grandiflora Less. and V. brevifolia Less. (Asteraceae) BABT
Hayashi,Adriana Hissae; Appezzato-da-Glória,Beatriz.
This work dealt with the anatomy of the underground system in Vernonia grandiflora Less. and V. brevifolia Less. (Vernonieae; Asteraceae), two perennial geophytes, to elucidate their ability to sprout in the Brazilian Cerrado conditions. V. grandiflora, a subshrubby species, possessed a thickened underground system constituted by a xylopodium and many tuberous roots. The xylopodium had stem and root structure and its buds were axillary or originated from the cortical parenchyma proliferation. The tuberous roots produced by this organ were adventitious and accumulated inulin-type fructans mainly in the cortical parenchyma. The thickened underground system of V. brevifolia, an herbaceous species, was a tuberous primary root whose buds originated from the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bud; Tuberous root; Xylopodium; Fructan; Cerrado.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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