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Estimation des stocks de poissons des lagons de Nouvelle-Calédonie : 3 – Pression de pêche, rendements potentiels et impact sur les options d’aménagement ArchiMer
Labrosse, Pierre; Letourneur, Y; Kulbicki, M; Paddon, Jr.
The potential yields of demersal reefal and lagoonal finfish, which are valuable for trade or consumption in the Northern Province of New Caledonia, are unknown. Fishing pressure was estimated from tally-sheets of professional fishermen to assess trade fishing and a household consumption survey to assess subsistence fishing. Total yield was estimated to be 1 326 tonnes in 1995, 94 % of which correspond to subsistence fishing. Most of the catches were taken from the east and west coasts; in the north zone (Belep Archipelago) catches were very low. From this fishing pressure and the total stock values, the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) was estimated to be 12 600 t, which was about 10 % of the total stocks assessed in the Northern Province (138 300 t). This...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêcheries lagonaires; Captures; Prises maximales soutenues; Pêche de subsistance; Nouvelle-Calédonie; Océan Pacifique; Lagoon fisheries; Fishery resources; Current yields; Maximum sustainable yields; Subsistence fishing; New Caledonia; Pacific Ocean.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Espèces inhabituelles capturées dans le sud du golfe de Gascogne. Synthèse 1997-2012 ArchiMer
De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Morandeau, Gilles.
This report summarise the ichthyological data collected by the laboratory on unusual catches of the Aquitain coast. They are intended to fishermen who transmit information and are also displayed in the fishing market to allow feedback to the profession. Species are classified according to their ecological affinity and their families in a second way. The unusual nature of the capture is also mentioned if it is a first catch of the specie, if it is observed occasionally or more regularly in the landings. A review is made after 15 years of collecting information and perspectives it would be interesting to develop are reported .
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Espèces inhabituelles; Sud golfe de Gascogne; Aquitaine; Captures; Rare species; South bay of Biscay; Aquitaine; Catch.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Extraction sélective d’espèces. Sous-région marine Mers celtiques. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mers celtiques; Captures; Rejets; Ressources exploitées; Etat des stocks.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Extraction sélective d’espèces. Sous-région marine Méditerranée occidentale. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Méditerranée; Captures; Rejets; Ressources exploitées; Etat des stocks.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Extraction sélective d’espèces. Sous-région marine Manche - mer du Nord. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manche; Mer du Nord; Captures; Rejets; Ressources exploitées; Etat des stocks.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Extraction sélective d’espèces. Sous-région marine Golfe de Gascogne. Evaluation initiale DCSMM. ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Golfe de Gascogne; Captures; Rejets; Ressources exploitées; Etat des stocks.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Ressources démersales et descriptions des pêcheries des bancs de Saint-Martin et Saint-Barthélémy ArchiMer
Lorance, Pascal.
Une évaluation de la variabilité du phénomène ciguatérique est réalisée et montre qu'aucune cartographie précise des zones ciguatériques n'est possible à cette échelle. Le rejet systématique des espèces à «risques» reste la méthode la plus sûre pour éviter des intoxications, mais il ne peut être exclus que quelques poissons appartenant à des espèces présumécs saines s'avèrent toxiques. Les rendements obtenus au cours de ces trois séries de campagnes de pêche sont présentés dans ce document ainsi que les résultats des tests comparatifs des secteurs et des saisons (sèche et humide). Une description des captures (composition spécifique, distribution des fréquences de taille des principales espèces) donne des indices qualitatifs d'une exploitation modérée sur...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pêcherie démersale; Captures; Rendements; Antilles; Saint-Martin; Saint-Barthélémy; Ciguatera.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Caractérisation biologique et variation des captures de la grande alose (Alosa alosa) par unité d'effort sur le fleuve Adour (Pyrénées Atlantiques, France) ArchiMer
Prouzet, Patrick; Martinet, Jean-pierre; Badia, Jacques.
The study of logbooks from commercial fishermen on the Adour River and commercial samples allowed characterization of the allis shad population (Alosa alosa L.) caught during the period 1988-91. A better knowledge of the influence of hydroclimatic factors (rate of river flow and intensity of tidal coefficient) on the catchability of the species in that never was also obtained. Allis shad are mainly recruited to this fishery from the beginning of April to the end of May: between 78 and 89 % depending on year. Males in the population were on average younger than females. However, at the same age, males were significantly smaller in size and in weight than females. These results reinforce the knowledge already obtained on French stocks in the Loire and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Alosa alosa; Grande alose ou alose vraie; Clupéidés; Captures; Stock; Pêche; Âge; Débit fluvial; Courant de marée; Atlantique; Alosa alosa; Allis shad; Clupeidae; Catch; Fishing effort; Stock assessment; Age composition; Flow and tidal currents; Atlantic.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Stock characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in France: a review ArchiMer
Prouzet, Patrick.
The general characteristics of the main salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks in the Massif armoricain (Brittany and Lower Normandy), in the Loire-Allier and in the Adour-Gaves-Nive have been summarized. Due to the poor quality of the previous fishing statistics, there is no clear picture of the historical evolution of the salmon stock. However, a dramatic decrease in the endemic range of Atlantic salmon in France can be shown since the mid-18th century a nd more particularly during the last 50 years. The lack of precise informations describing the size of the catches and the levels of exploitation at sea and in the estuaries make it impossible to estimate the impact that exploitation has led on the evolution of salmon stocks. The mean age of salmon in freshwater...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Saumon Atlantique; Salmo salar; Captures; Stocks; France; Atlantic salmon; Salmo salar; Catch records; Stocks; France.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Analyses de données halieutiques (séries historiques) sur le thon germon, Thunnus alalunga, en Atlantique Nord-est ArchiMer
Patucca, Audrey.
The works carried out during this course (March-August 2015) alowed to correct the datasets and to study the variation in catches of albacore tuna from 1967 to 2014 (except for the years 1987 to 1990) based on 3 gears: the trolling line, the line with cane and the pelagic trawl. Simultaneously, key ICCAT delivred was provide information to expert groups, with a view to defining fishing quotas. Catches released and fishing effort (defined by the number of vessels and the time spent at sea) have varied considerably over these 50 years, and have been increasing in recent years, after having decreased sharply. Fishing today is concentrated on the edge of the continental shelf, whereas it was very oceanic before. It is mainly juveniles that are caught, while...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thunnus alalunga; Captures; Atlantique; Pêcheries; Thunnus alalunga; Catch; Atlantic; Fishery.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Rapport de la septième rencontre de travail IMROP/IEO pour l’étude des pêcheries de crustacés OceanDocs
Cette rencontre entre dans le cadre du programme conjoint de recherche sur les crustacés entre l’IMROP et l’IEO (Espagne)
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Captures; Effort de pêche; Lengh distribution; Fishing effort; CPUE; Débarquement; Landing; Pêcheries; Mauritanie; Fisheries; Accords de pêche; UE; Mauritania; Crevettes; Shrimps; EU; Distribution de taille; Fishing fleets; Fishing agreements; Flottille de pêche; Catches; Crustacean fisheries.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Description de l'activité des flottilles pélagiques industrielles en 1987 dans la ZEE mauritanienne. OceanDocs
Chavance, P..
En 1987, 59 chalutiers pélagiques (62-102 m, 2000 – 3880 cv) ont opéré dans la ZEE mauritanienne. Trois pays sont représentés : l’URSS, la Roumanie et l’Allemagne de l’Est. Les captures totales atteignent 441473 tonnes dont 66,5% est pêchée par les soviétiques, 26,3% par les roumains et 7,2% par les allemands de l’Est. Les chinchards (<Trachirus sp et Decapterus rhonchus>) prédominent dans les captures avec 50,8%, les sardinelles en représentent 14,9% et la sardine 7,7%. L’activité des flottilles est apparue, comme en 1986, très marquée par les saisons hydrologiques.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Chalutiers pélagiques; Flottilles industrielles; Captures; Saisons hydrologiques; Commercial fishing; Environmental impact; Fishing effort; Fishing fleet; Pelagic fisheries; Seasonal distribution; Seasonal variations; Temperature effects; Temporal variations; Trawling; Upwelling; Environmental impact; Trawling; Fishing effort; Pelagic fisheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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