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Cloridrato de ractopamina em dietas para suínos em terminação - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i1.9281 Animal Sciences
Ferreira, Matheus Soares da Silva; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Sousa, Raimundo Vicente de; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Silva, Viviam de Oliveira; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Zangerônimo, Márcio Gilberto; Universidade Federal de Lavras; Amaral, Nikolas de Oliveira; IFET - Machado/MG.
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o uso de ractopamina em diferentes níveis de inclusão na dieta para suínos em terminação. Foram utilizados 50 suínos híbridos comerciais com peso inicial de 74,08 (1,42) kg, aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco blocos casualizados. Havia dois animais em cada parcela experimental, macho e fêmea, alimentados com dieta suplementada com ractopamina (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 ppm) durante 28 dias. Foram avaliados desempenho e características de carcaça dos animais. A ractopamina melhorou o desempenho, espessura de toucinho, profundidade, área de olho de lombo e rendimento de carne na carcaça, porém sem influenciar no consumo de ração, rendimento de cortes e qualidade da barriga. Exceto a dose de 0 ppm, não houve diferença entre as...
Tipo: Pesquisa de campo Palavras-chave: agonista β-adrenérgico; Carcaça; Desempenho; Partidor de nutrientes; Qualidade de carne nutrição e alimentação animal β-adrenergic agonist; Carcass; Performance; Nutrient partitioner; Meat quality.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Subprodutos do maracujá em dietas para frangos de corte - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i4.948 Animal Sciences
Togashi, Cristina Kimie; Sec. Ag. - São Paulo; Fonseca, José Brandão; UENF; Soares, Rita da Trindade Ribeiro Nobre; UENF; Costa, Ana Paula Delgado da; UENF; Silveira, Karla Ferreira da; UENF; Detmann, Edenio; UFV.
Um experimento foi realizado com 200 frangos de corte machos da linhagem Cobb, a fim de avaliar desempenho, características de carcaça e teores de colesterol em tecidos e soro quando alimentados com rações compostas por milho e farelo de soja suplementadas com diferentes níveis de semente e casca de maracujá. Os tratamentos foram: 4% de casca, 8% de casca, 4% semente e 8% semente. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em modelo fatorial 2x2, com um tratamento adicional, quatro repetições e dez aves por unidade experimental. Foram utilizados contrastes ortogonais com dois níveis de suplementação e dois subprodutos. As aves foram criadas com as rações experimentais a partir de 22 dias e abatidas aos 42 dias de idade para a...
Tipo: Análise laboratorial Palavras-chave: Nutrição e Alimentação Animal avicultura; Carcaça; Colesterol; Soro; Tecidos. Zootecnia aviculture; Carcass; Cholesterol; Serum; Tissue..
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Inclusão da farinha de varredura de mandioca em rações de frangos de corte - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4680 Animal Sciences
Freitas, Cleber Rondinelli Gomes de; UFRPE; Ludke, Maria do Carmo Mohaupt Marques; UFRPE; Ludke, Jorge Vitor; UFRPE; Rabello, Carlos Bôa-Viagem; UFRPE; Nascimento, Guilherme Rodrigues do; UFRPE; Barbosa, Emanuela Nataly Ribeiro; UFRPE.
O trabalho objetivou avaliar o desempenho, a viabilidade econômica e as características de carcaça de frangos de corte alimentados com dietas contendo níveis de inclusão (0,0; 7,5; 15,0; 22,5 e 30,0%) de farinha de varredura de mandioca (FVM). Foram utilizados 360 pintainhos de um dia, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições contendo 12 aves por parcela. Os parâmetros avaliados foram o consumo de ração, ganho de peso, conversão alimentar, custo da alimentação, renda bruta, margem bruta e rentabilidade. Aos 42 dias, foram abatidos dois frangos por parcela para avaliação do peso: da carcaça, dos cortes, das vísceras e da gordura total, para determinar o rendimento de carcaça e calcular as porcentagens de...
Palavras-chave: Nutrição e Alimentação Animal alimento alternativo; Avaliação econômica; Aves; Carcaça; Desempenho. alternative feedstuff; Economic evaluation; Birds; Carcass; Performance.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Genetic parameters for performance and carcass traits in a paternal 1 lineage of broiler Anais da ABC (AABC)
Abstract The objective of this study was to estimate variance components for performance and carcass traits in a paternal broiler line. The (co)variance components were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method applied to the animal model, including the fixed effect of group (sex and hatch) and additive genetic and residual as random effects. Estimated heritability for performance traits ranged from 0.09 to 0.42. The genetic correlations between traits ranged from -0.50 to 0.97. The heritability estimates of feed intake, weight gain, and feed conversion from 35 to 41 days of age were of low magnitude. The genetic correlations among them were favorable to genetic selection. These results suggest that moderate genetic gain can be obtained to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass; Feed conversion; Genetic correlation; Heritability; Weight gain.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Performance, digestibility and carcass characteristics of feedlot dairy steers fed diets with different urea levels Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Magalhães,K.A.; Valadares Filho,S.C.; Paulino,P.V.R.; Paulino,M.F.; Valadares,R.F.D..
The effects of urea levels on feed intake, digestibility and carcass traits of 27 confined cross bred steers weighing 303.25 ± 60.8kg, were evaluated. After weighing, castrating, vaccinating and a period of seven days, three steers were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment and the remaining 24 were allotted in a completely randomized design to four isonitogenous experimental diets (12% of crude protein) and increasing level of urea on the dry matter-basis (0.0; 0.65; 1.30 and 1.65%) to replace soybean meal, so that the final content of the experimental diets were approximately 22, 37, 50 and 63% of crude protein in the form of NPN. Corn and elephant grass silages were supplied at a 70:30 ratio and the total diet had a 65:35, forage: concentrate...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Feedlot; Carcass; Intake; Digestibility; Non-protein nitrogen.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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The effect of mango waste meal in the protein:carbohydrate ratio on performance and body composition of pacamã fish (Lophiosilurus alexandri) Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Souza,A.M.; Melo,J.F.B.; Moreira,E.M.S.; Souza,E.M..
We evaluated the inclusion of peeled-mango waste meal as a source of carbohydrate in the protein:carbohydrate ratio (CP:CH) on performance and chemical composition of pacamã (Lophiosilurus alexandri) juveniles. One hundred and fifty fish (11.31±0.96g) were stocked in sixteen 500 L tanks, fed three times daily (10% of live weight), in a system with water recirculation with biofilter. The treatments consisted of four experimental diets with decreasing levels of the ratio between crude protein and carbohydrate (1.40, 0.94, 0.56 and 0.29), with four replications per treatment. At the end of 60 days, we evaluated animal performance (final average weight gain, specific growth rate, total apparent feed intake, carcass yield, survival) and physicochemical...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nutrition; Inclusion; Carcass.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Carcass characteristics, physicochemical changes and oxidative stress indicators of meat from sheep fed diets with coffee pulp Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec.
Salinas-Rios,T.; Sánchez-Torres-Esqueda,M.T.; Hernández-Bautista,J.; Díaz-Cruz,A.; Nava-Cuellar,C.; Ortega-Cerrilla,M.E.; Cordero-Mora,J.L.; Vaquera-Huerta,H.; Velasco,J.L.F..
The purpose of this study was to determine how feeding sheep coffee pulp affects carcass characteristics and what changes occur in physicochemical, antioxidant capacity and oxidation of the meat during refrigerated storage. The experiment was carried out in 15 Blackbelly lambs weighing an average 22.86±0.76kg. The animals were assigned to three treatments: T0=control diet, T1=diet with 8% coffee pulp, and T2=diet with 16% coffee pulp. After fattening for 56 days, the sheep were slaughtered and the carcasses assessed. The inclusion of 16% coffee pulp in the diet increased carcass dressing from 48.19 to 50.83% and decreased the amount of fat in rumen and intestines from 3.43 to 2.53% (P<0.05). The inclusion of coffee pulp in the diet did not alter the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antioxidant; Carcass; Dressing percent; Fat.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Metabolizable energy requirement for starting barrow pigs (15 to 30 kg) fed on the ideal protein concept based diets BABT
Oliveira,Gisele Cristina de; Moreira,Ivan; Fraga,Alessandro Luís; Kutschenko,Marianne; Sartori,Iolanda Maria.
The objective of this study was to determine the metabolizable energy (ME) requirement for starting barrow pigs. Forty-three animals, selected for their high lean gain, were allotted in a completely randomized block design, divided in four treatments with five blocks and two animals in each experimental unit. The diet in Treatment 1 consisted of 3,264 kcal of ME/kg containing 0.96% of digestible lysine, 0.55% of digestible methionine+cystine, 0.60% of digestible threonine, and 0.188% of digestible tryptophan reaching the ideal protein pattern. The diets in Treatments 2, 3, and 4 were similar to the diet in Treatment 1; nevertheless, the levels of ME in Treatments 2, 3, and 4 were 2, 4, and 6% higher than those in Treatment 1. The lysine:ME ratio, was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Synthetic amino acids; Carcass; Performance; Plasma urea nitrogen; Energy requirements.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Evaluation of carcass characteristics and meat chemical composition of Bos indicus and Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbred steers finished in pasture systems BABT
Moreira,Fernanda Barros; Souza,Nilson Evelázio de; Matsushita,Makoto; Prado,Ivanor Nunes do; Nascimento,Willian Gonçalves do.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the carcass characteristics (carcass weight, carcass yield, fat thickness, loin area, marbling and colour) and chemical composition of the Longissimus dorsi muscle (moisture, ash, crude protein, fat and cholesterol) of cuts with or without fat thickness, of Bos indicus and Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbred steers finished in millet (Pennisetum americanum L.) or star grass (Cynodon plectostachyus Pilger) pasture systems, with mineral or mineral protein supplementation. Animals were slaughtered with an average body weight of 450 kg (Bos indicus) or 470 kg (Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbreed). There was no treatments effect on carcass characteristics and meat chemical composition of cut without fat thickness. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bos indicus; Bos taurus; Carcass; Meat; Pasture.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Potentiality of Using Mechanically Separated Meats of Nile Tilapia in Fishburgers: Chemical, Physical and Sensory Characterization BABT
Costa,Denise Pinheiro Soncini da; Gonçalves,Tania Maria Vinturin; Conti-Silva,Ana Carolina.
Abstract Fishburgers were made with washed mechanically separated meat (MSM) from carcass and filleting by-product (both washed and unwashed) of the Nile tilapia. The proximal composition of fishburgers was different and varied according to the raw material used, as well the color parameters. Fishburgers with MSM from filleting by-product had lower hardness and springiness, and fishburger with MSM from unwashed filleting by-product had higher yield and lower reduction in thickness. The fishburgers containing MSM from filleting by-product had better sensory acceptance, due to higher color intensities (sensory), fish odor, tenderness, succulence, cohesiveness and fish flavor. The fishburger with MSM from washed carcass was the least acceptable, because of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass; Filleting by-product; Sensory profile; Sensory acceptance.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Bovine carcass sexing by PCR method Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci.
Curi,Rogério Abdallah; Mota,Lígia Souza Lima Silveira da; Amarante,Mônica Regina Vendrame; Lopes,Catalina Romeiro.
The objective of the present study was to develop a methodology that would permit sexing bovine meat ready for commercialization. A male-specific primer sequence was used, followed by analysis of the amplified product. The method proved to be efficient for sex verification and is of practical utility in the prevention of fraud in beef sale.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bovine; Carcass; Sexing; PCR.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Evaluation of sunflower meal on growth and carcass traits of finishing pigs Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Carellos,Douglas de Carvalho; Lima,José Augusto de Freitas; Fialho,Elias Tadeu; Freitas,Rilke Tadeu Fonseca de; Silva,Hunaldo Oliveira; Branco,Patrícia Azevedo Castelo; Souza,Zuleide Alves de; Vieira Neto,José.
With the objective to evaluate the influence of increasing levels of inclusion of sunflower meal (SFM) solvent extraction (DM: 92.71%, CP: 27.50%, NDF: 43.57%, ADF: 32.96%, CF: 25.91%, EE: 3,08% and GE: 4390 kcal) on the performance and carcass characteristics of finishing swine, a performance trial was conducted in the Department of Animal Science of the Federal University of Lavras - MG. A total of 80 crossbred pigs (LD x LW) with initial weight of 62.20 ± 4.21 kg were utilized, one barrow and one gilt per experimental unit, allocated in a randomized block design. The treatments were represented by five diets with increasing levels of inclusion (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16%) of SFM. At the end of the experimental period, all pigs were slaughtered (99.80 ± 6.91kg)...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Swine; Sunflower meal; Performance; Carcass.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Passion fruit seed meal at growing and finishing pig (30-90 kg) feeding Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Perondi,Dani; Moreira,Ivan; Pozza,Paulo Cesar; Carvalho,Paulo Levi de Oliveira; Pasquetti,Tiago Junior; Huepa,Laura Marcela Diaz.
The passion fruit seed is a byproduct of the extraction of the passion fruit pulp and can be used for feeding to pigs. Two experiments were conducted (digestibility and performance) to evaluate the use of the passion fruit seed meal in feed for growing and finishing pigs. A digestibility trial was conducted with growing and finishing pigs, in which the passion fruit seed meal (PSM) replaced the reference diet (0% PSM) in levels of 4, 8, 12 and 16%. Thirty barrows were used with average weight of 36.85±4.19. The PSF showed DE and ME of 3.244 and 3.223 Mcal/kg, respectively. In the performance trial, were used 150 pigs, which 75 in the growing phase and 75 pigs in the finishing, with initial body weight of 30.63±1.49 and final of 60.38±4.75 kg and 60.40±1.50...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Co-product; Digestibility; Nutritional value; Carcass.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Net energy for 60- to 120-kg pigs fed low-crude protein diets Ciência Rural
Saraiva,Alysson; Donzele,Juarez Lopes; Oliveira,Rita Flávia Miranda de; Silva,Francisco Carlos de Oliveira; Abreu,Márvio Lobão Teixeira de; Santos,Fabrício de Almeida; Haese,Douglas.
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of dietary net energy content (NE) on performance and carcass traits of finishing barrows fed low-crude protein (CP) diets. Pigs (60.0±1.05kg, Exp. 1, 93.0±1.56kg, Exp. 2) were allotted in a randomized block design to 3 dietary treatments. Exp. 1 had 6 pens treatment-1 and Exp. 2 had 8 pens treatment-1 and all pens had 2 pigs. The treatments were: 199g kg-1 CP and 2566kcal kg-1 NE, 155g kg-1 CP and 2631kcal kg-1 NE, 155gk g-1 CP and 2566kcal kg-1 NE in Exp. 1, and 180g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 NE, 145g kg-1 CP and 2638kcal kg-1 NE, 145g kg-1 CP and 2588kcal kg-1 NE, in Exp. 2. In Ep.1, except for average daily gain (ADG) there was no effect of dietary CP or NE on any other parameter evaluated. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass; Finishing phase; Nutrition; Requirement.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Molecular typing of Clostridium perfringens isolated from swine in slaughterhouses from São Paulo State, Brazil Ciência Rural
Ferreira,Thais Sebastiana Porfida; Moreno,Andrea Micke; Almeida,Renata Rodrigues de; Gomes,Cleise Ribeiro; Gobbi,Debora Dirani Sena de; Filsner,Pedro Henrique Nogueira de Lima; Moreno,Marina.
Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic Gram-positive bacterium known as common pathogen for humans, for domestic and wildlife animals. Although infections caused by C. perfringens type C and A in swine are well studied, just a few reports describe the genetic relationship among strains in the epidemiological chain of swine clostridioses, as well as the presence of the microorganism in the slaughterhouses. The aim of the present study was to isolate C. perfringens from feces and carcasses from swine slaughterhouses, characterize the strains in relation to the presence of enterotoxin, alpha, beta, epsilon, iota and beta-2 toxins genes, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and comparing strains by means of Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Clostridium perfringens; Swine; Slaughterhouse; PFGE; Carcass; Toxins.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Principal components for the in vivo and carcass conformations of Anglo-Nubian crossbred goats Ciência Rural
Ribeiro,Marta Jeidjane Borges; Pinto,Luís Fernando Batista; Barbosa,Ana Carla Borges; Santos,Gladston Rafael de Arruda; Pinto,Ana Paula Gomes; Nascimento,Carlos Souza do; Barbosa,Leandro Teixeira.
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to identify the principal components (PC) that explain the highest percentages of total variance and best characterize the in vivo and carcass morphologies of Anglo-Nubian crossbred goats. Nineteen carcass morphometric traits and six in vivo morphometric traits were measured in 28 kids at eight months of age. Principal component analysis indicated that five PC were able to explain 83.57% of the total variance in the 19 original carcass traits. Those components were termed PC1-Carcass Size, PC2 - Body Condition, PC3-Carcass Width, PC4-Chest Depth, and PC5 - Hindquarter. For in vivo morphometric traits, the first two principal components explained 78.86% of the total variance. These components were called PC1-In vivo Size and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass; Correlation; Multivariate analysis; Variance..
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Sequences of digestible lysine for gilts from 60 to 148 days of age Ciência Rural
Silva Júnior,Veredino Louzada da; Donzele,Juarez Lopes; Oliveira,Rita Flávia Miranda de; Saraiva,Alysson; Silva,Francisco Carlos de Oliveira; Kill,João Luís.
The experiment was conducted to evaluate five nutritional plans based on sequences of standardized ileal digestible lysine: 0.90-0.80-0.70, 1.00-0.90-0.80, 1.10-1.00-0.90, 1.20-1.10-1.00, and 1.30-1.20-1.10% fed to gilts from 60 to 99, 129 to 100, and 130 to 148 days of age, respectively. Eighty commercial hybrid gilts, selected for lean gain, with initial weight of 23.46±0.27kg were allotted in a randomized block design, with five treatments, eight replicates, and two pigs per experimental unit. No effect (P>0.05) of the nutritional plans was verified on daily feed intake, daily weight gain and feed conversion. The nutritional plans had no influence (P>0.05) on any of the carcass traits evaluated (carcass yield, meat amount, and meat yield). The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Amino acid; Carcass; Performance; Pigs; Requirement.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Net energy and ractopamine levels for barrows weighing 70 to 100kg Ciência Rural
Gonçalves,Liliane Maria Piano; Kiefer,Charles; Souza,Karina Márcia Ribeiro de; Marçal,Danilo Alves; Abreu,Rodrigo Caetano de; Santos Nieto,Viviane Maria Oliveira dos; Rodrigues,Gabriela Puhl; Alencar,Stephan Alexander da Silva.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to evaluate net energy and dietary ractopamine levels for barrows weighing 70 to 100kg. The 150 pigs investigated (initial weight 70.80±3.84kg) were distributed in a randomized block design with a 5×3 factorial arrangement, comprising five levels of net energy (2,300; 2,425; 2,550; 2,675; and 2,800Kcal kg-1 of diet) and three levels of ractopamine (5, 10, and 20ppm kg-1 of diet), with five replicates, and two animals per experimental unit. No interaction (P>0.05) was observed between net energy and ractopamine levels. Increasing the dietary net energy levels led to a linear reduction in feed intake, with a linear improvement in feed conversion. Net energy levels had no observable effect (P>0.05) on weight gain,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Carcass; Energy requirement; Nutrition.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Taninos de forraje de árboles y su efecto en producción y calidad de la carne de bovinos y ovinos. Colegio de Postgraduados
Velázquez Martínez, Mauricio.
Se evalúo el comportamiento productivo y calidad de la carne de toretes y corderos alimentados con taninos en la dieta. Se realizaron dos experimentos. En el primero, se usaron 27 toretes B. taurus x B. indicus (peso inicial 412.7±20 kg), asignados al azar a uno de tres tratamientos: dieta base (DB), dieta base + 2500 IU de vitamina E/animal/día (DVE), y dieta base + 3% (base seca) de taninos condensados de extracto de Quebracho (DEQ). Se evaluó consumo de materia seca (CMS), ganancia diaria de peso (GDP), conversión y eficiencia alimenticia, rendimiento en canal, color, pH, composición química y actividad de agua (Aw) de la carne. Las variables se analizaron en un diseño de bloques completos al azar usando el Proc GLM; y se estimaron las curvas de consumo...
Palavras-chave: Bovinos; Ovinos; Consumo; Carne; Canales; Quebracho; Antioxidante; Cattle; Lambs; Intake; Meat; Carcass; Antioxidant; Ganadería; Doctorado.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Finalización de borregos pelibuey utilizando dietas con diferentes niveles de alfalfa: respuesta en producción y calidad de la carne. Colegio de Postgraduados
Reséndiz Cruz, Verónica.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de incluir diferente nivel de alfalfa en la dieta de borregos, en la respuesta productiva y calidad de la carne. El estudio se dividió en dos etapas. La primera consistió en la evaluación del comportamiento productivo, y la segunda, en la evaluación del aspecto físico-químico y el perfil de ácidos grasos de la carne. Se utilizaron 36borregos machos de la raza Pelibuey, con peso inicial promedio de 22 kg y 5 meses de edad, distribuidos homogéneamente en 4 grupos de 3 animales cada uno, con 3 repeticiones por grupo, y sacrificados a peso promedio de 38 kg. Los grupos fueron asignados al azar a cada uno de cuatro tratamientos evaluados: 0, 20, 30 y 40 % base seca de alfalfa.En la primera etapa, se evaluó...
Palavras-chave: Borregos pelibuey; Alfalfa; Producción; Carne; Canal; Calidad; Sheep pelibuey; Production; Meat; Carcass; Quality; Maestría; Ganadería.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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