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Risk factors related to hypertension among patients in a cohort living with HIV/AIDS BJID
Arruda Junior,Evanizio Roque de; Lacerda,Heloisa Ramos; Moura,Libia Cristina Rocha Vilela; Albuquerque,Maria de Fatima Pessoa Militão de; Miranda Filho,Democrito de Barros; Diniz,George Tadeu Nunes; Albuquerque,Valeria Maria Gonçalves de; Amaral,Josefina Cláudia Zirpoli; Ximenes,Ricardo Alencar de Arraes; Monteiro,Verônica Soares.
INTRODUCTION: Studies disagree as to whether there is a greater prevalence of hypertension among HIV/AIDS patients and the role of antiretroviral therapy. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the prevalence of hypertension and risk factors in a cohort of HIV-infected patients, with emphasis on antiretroviral therapy. METHOD: Case-control study conducted at baseline of a cohort, between June/2007 and December/2008 in Pernambuco/Brazil. Blood pressure was classified as normal, prehypertension, and hypertension. RESULTS: Of 958 patients, 245 (25.6%) had hypertension (cases), 325 (33.9%) had prehypertension, and 388 (40.5%) were normotensive (controls). Comparison between hypertensive and normotensive patients showed that traditional factors, such as age > 40 (OR = 3.06, CI...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HIV/AIDS; Hypertension; Antiretroviral therapy; Cardiovascular risk.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Lipid accumulation product index in HIV-infected patients: a marker of cardiovascular risk BJID
Guimarães,Milena Maria Moreira; Greco,Dirceu Bartolomeu; Moreira,Allyson Nogueira; Guimarães,Nathalia Sernizon; Freire,Cláudia Maria Vilas; Rohlfs,Bruna Guimarães; Machado,Lucas José de Campos.
ABSTRACT The lipid accumulation product (LAP) index is an emerging cardiovascular risk marker. We aimed to assess the accuracy of this index as a marker of cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients. A cross-sectional study of 133 HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral drugs and 20 non-infected controls was conducted at the outpatient clinic of a referral center of infectious and parasitic diseases. Evaluations included LAP index, homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index, anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, glucose tolerance test, and cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Body mass index (BMI) was similar in both groups; however, waist circumference was greater in the HIV-infected patients. Triglyceride levels were significantly higher (p <...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HIV; Hyperlipidemia; Atherosclerosis; Lipid accumulation product index; Cardiovascular risk; Insulin resistance.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Cardiovascular risk profile in patients with myelopathy associated with HTLV-1 BJID
Prado,Fabio Luís Silva do; Prado,Renata; Ladeia,Ana Marice Teixeira.
ABSTRACT HAM/TSP (HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis) is a slowly progressive disease, characterized by a chronic spastic paraparesis. It is not known if the disease carries an independent risk for cardiovascular disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular risk profile related to HAM/TSP and compare it with the general population. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, with a control group. HAM/TSP patients were evaluated using cardiovascular risk scores (ASCVD RISK, SCORE and Framingham) and inflammatory markers (ultrasensitive CRP and IL-6), and compared with a control group of healthy individuals. We also evaluated the correlation between cardiovascular risk and the functional status of patients...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: HTLV-1; HAM/TSP; Cardiovascular risk; C reactive protein; Interleukin-6.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Different methods of calculating ankle-brachial index in mid-elderly men and women: the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) BJMBR
Miname,M.; Bensenor,I.M.; Lotufo,P.A..
The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a marker of subclinical atherosclerosis related to health-adverse outcomes. ABI is inexpensive compared to other indexes, such as coronary calcium score and determination of carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). Our objective was to identify how the ABI can be applied to primary care. Three different methods of calculating the ABI were compared among 13,921 men and women aged 35 to 74 years who were free of cardiovascular diseases and enrolled in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). The ABI ratio had the same denominator for the three categories created (the highest value for arm systolic blood pressure), and the numerator was based on the four readings for leg systolic blood pressure: the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peripheral artery disease; Risk factors; Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular risk; Primary care.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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High sensitivity C-reactive protein distribution in the elderly: the Bambuí Cohort Study, Brazil BJMBR
Assunção,L.G.S.; Eloi-Santos,S.M.; Peixoto,S.V..
The measurement of the serum concentration of the acute-phase reactant C-reactive protein (CRP) provides a useful marker in clinical practice. However, the distribution of CRP is not available for all age and population groups. This study assessed the distribution of high sensitivity-CRP (hs-CRP) by gender and age in 1470 elderly individuals from a Brazilian community that participates in the Bambuí Cohort Study. Blood samples were collected after 12 h of fasting and serum samples were stored at -70°C. Measurements were made with a commercial hs-CRP immunonephelometric instrument. More than 50% of the results were above 3.0 mg/L for both genders. Mean hs-CRP was higher in women (3.62 ± 2.58 mg/L) than in men (3.03 ± 2.50 mg/L). This difference was observed...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: C-reactive protein; Elderly; Epidemiology; Cardiovascular risk; Brazil.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Association between soluble biomarkers - microbial translocation, inflammation and cardiovascular risk in HIV- infected individuals: a systematic review BJPS
Borato,Danielle Cristyane Kalva; Vellosa,José Carlos Rebuglio.
Microbial translocation is associated with the increased risk of cardiovascular disease in HIV-infected individuals. There is scarce information regarding the possible associations between the biomarkers of microbial translocation, inflammation and cardiovascular risk that can be evaluated in clinical laboratories using plasma or serum samples. This systematic review was conducted according to the PRISMA protocol in order to verify the most used soluble biomarkers of microbial translocation, inflammation and cardiovascular risk, as well as possible associations between them, in HIV-infected individuals. A search was performed using the Medline, Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify existing studies regarding the relationship between microbial...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Microbial translocation; Inflammation; Cardiovascular risk; HIV; Biomarkers.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Cardiovascular risk rate in hypertensive patients attended in primary health care units: the influence of pharmaceutical care BJPS
Firmino,Paulo Yuri Milen; Vasconcelos,Tainá Osterno; Ferreira,Caroline Carneiro; Moreira,Larissa Mendonça; Romero,Nirla Rodrigues; Dias,Lilian Araújo; Queiroz,Maria Goretti Rodrigues de; Lopes,Marcos Venícios de Oliveira; Fonteles,Marta Maria de França.
Cardiovascular complications are relevant due to their frequency and severity on the hypertension scenario. Studies refer Pharmaceutical Care (PC) as capable of decreasing cardiovascular risk rate (%CVR) on hypertensive patients. This study aimed to investigate, through a randomized clinical assay, the influence of PC service on the %CVR of hypertensive patients assisted in a health primary care unit from Fortaleza-Ceará. Two study groups were formed: i. Intervention Group (IG), which received orientation about taking medicines, actions aiming to prevent/solve medicine interactions and adverse effects and non-pharmacological interventions for 9 months and, ii. Control Group (CG), which received traditional assistance of the unit and was monitored during...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pharmaceutical care; Cardiovascular risk; Hypertension.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The UCP2 -866G/A, Ala55Val and UCP3 -55C/T polymorphisms are associated with premature coronary artery disease and cardiovascular risk factors in Mexican population Genet. Mol. Biol.
Gamboa,Ricardo; Huesca-Gómez,Claudia; López-Pérez,Vanessa; Posadas-Sánchez,Rosalinda; Cardoso-Saldaña,Guillermo; Medina-Urrutia,Aida; Juárez-Rojas,Juan Gabriel; Soto,María Elena; Posadas-Romero,Carlos; Vargas-Alarcón,Gilberto.
Abstract We examined the role of UCP gene polymorphisms as susceptibility markers for premature coronary artery disease (pCAD). The UCP2 Ala55Val (C/T rs660339), UCP2 -866G/A (rs659366), and UCP3 -55C/T (rs1800849) polymorphisms were genotyped in 948 patients with pCAD, and 763 controls. The distribution of the UCP2 A55V (C/T rs660339) and UCP3 -55 (rs1800849) was similar in patients and controls. However, under a recessive model, the UCP2 -866 (rs659366) A allele was associated with increased risk of developing pCAD (OR = 1.43, Pc = 0.003). On the other hand, patients with pCAD and UCP2 A55V (rs660339) TT showed high levels of visceral abdominal fat (VAF) (Pc = 0.002), low levels of subcutaneous abdominal fat (SAF) (Pc = 0.001) and high VAT/SAT ratio (Pc...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: UCPs polymorphisms; Premature coronary artery; Cardiovascular risk; Mexican population.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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