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Pathogens in aquaculture : specific pathogens or human contamination risks ArchiMer
Renault, Tristan.
The vatness of aquaculture ventures worldwide has taken impressive leaps durint the past three decades, and a large portion of this pertains to mariculture. Significant strides have been made in the design and implementation of more efficient and cost effective growing areas, feed, and harvesting techniques. Moreover the economic impact of aquaculture will certainly increase in the years ahead.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mycoplasmas; Chlamydiae; Rickettsia; Bacteria; Virus; Aquaculture; Pathogens.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Cosmopolitan Distribution of Endozoicomonas-Like Organisms and Other Intracellular Microcolonies of Bacteria Causing Infection in Marine Mollusks ArchiMer
Cano, Irene; Ryder, David; Webb, Steve C.; Jones, Brian J.; Brosnahan, Cara L.; Carrasco, Noelia; Bodinier, Barbara; Furones, Dolors; Pretto, Tobia; Carella, Francesca; Chollet, Bruno; Arzul, Isabelle; Cheslett, Deborah; Collins, Evelyn; Lohrmann, Karin B.; Valdivia, Ana L.; Ward, Georgia; Carballal, María J.; Villalba, Antonio; Marigómez, Ionan; Mortensen, Stein; Christison, Kevin; Kevin, Wakeman C.; Bustos, Eduardo; Christie, Lyndsay; Green, Matthew; Feist, Stephen W..
Intracellular microcolonies of bacteria (IMC), in some cases developing large extracellular cysts (bacterial aggregates), infecting primarily gill and digestive gland, have been historically reported in a wide diversity of economically important mollusk species worldwide, sometimes associated with severe lesions and mass mortality events. As an effort to characterize those organisms, traditionally named as Rickettsia or Chlamydia-like organisms, 1950 specimens comprising 22 mollusk species were collected over 10 countries and after histology examination, a selection of 99 samples involving 20 species were subjected to 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis showed Endozoicomonadaceae sequences in all the mollusk species analyzed....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusk; OTU; Endozoicomonas; Chlamydiae; Mycoplasma; Francisella; Lucinoma; Ridgeia.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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