Registros recuperados: 70 | |
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Tolvanen, Anne; Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland; Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland; anne.tolvanen@metla.fi; Juutinen, Artti; Finnish Forest Research Institute, Finland; Thule Institute, University of Oulu, Finland; Department of Economics, University of Oulu, Finland; artti.juutinen@metla.fi; Svento, Rauli; Department of Economics, University of Oulu, Finland; rauli.svento@oulu.fi. |
We analyze the potential for socioeconomically sustainable peatland use by investigating conflicting interests, revealing trade-offs that people are willing to accept, and studying whether opinions are dependent on socioeconomic and demographic factors. Opinions toward five forms of peatland use and seven peatland ecosystem services were surveyed in Northern Ostrobothnia in northern Finland in 2011. Choice experiment (CE) was used to reveal trade-offs in land use preferences, and groups of respondents were identified using the latent class model (LCM). We identified three classes of respondents in which environmentalists showed a high preference toward the cessation of peat production and increase of peatland restoration, the production-oriented class... |
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports |
Palavras-chave: Choice experiment; Conflict management; Ecosystem services; Land use management. |
Ano: 2013 |
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河田, 幸視; KAWATA, Yukichika. |
本稿の目的は、無農薬や減農薬野菜の購入に際して、どの程度の理解がなされた上で購入されているのかを、枝豆を事例として分析することである。一般の人々と本学学部生を対象に、それぞれCVMと選択型実験を用いてデータを収集した。データ収集のためのアンケート調査では、中途で枝豆の虫喰い・虫残存についての情報を提供し、情報の提供によって消費行動に変化が起こるかを、支払意志額の変化をもとに分析した。その結果、情報の提供前後で支払意志額は変化し、 主として虫喰い・虫残存の可能性を低くする行動が見られた。一般の人々と本学学部生とでは、一般の人々の方が無農薬・減農薬をいっそう評価しており、支払意志額は学生の方が高くなった。 The purpose of this paper is to examine how well consumers understand the attributes of pesticide-free and/or pesticide-reduced vegetables when they purchase them. We examined this issue taking green soybeans as an example. We collected data by applying the contingent valuation method and the choice experiment approach for the general public and undergraduate students, respectively. We provided information on worm-eaten green soybeans between the first and... |
Palavras-chave: 選択型実験; CVM; 市場の失敗; 消費者行動; 枝豆; Choice experiment; Contingent Valuation Method; Market failure; Consumer behavior; Green soybean. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3816 |
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葉, 雅雯; 澤田, 学; YEH, Yawen; SAWADA, Manabu. |
小稿の目的は,国産冷凍枝豆と,原料枝豆農場と冷凍加工会社の形態が異なる複数の外国産冷凍枝豆が購入可能な状況を想定した冷凍枝豆の選択実験により,冷凍枝豆の原産国属性の消費者評価を計量的に明らかにすることである。北海道帯広市の215 名から得た選択実験回答データを条件付きロジットモデルで分析した結果,1)外国産冷凍枝豆に対する平均的消費者の支払意志額は,国産冷凍枝豆に比べ極めて低いが,「低価格志向」が強く,「国産志向」の弱い消費者では 国産と外国産の間の評価差が縮小する,2)原料枝豆栽培農場を日本の輸入販売会社の指定農場とすることで外国産冷凍枝豆に対する支払意志額が高まる,ことが明らかとなった。 The purpose of this study was to clarify quantitatively Japanese consumers’ valuation of frozen edamame. Two hundred and fifteen consumers living in Obihiro City, Hokkaido, served as respondents. Four different types of frozen edamame (domestic frozen edamame, frozen edamame from Taiwan, frozen edamame from Thailand, and frozen edamame from China) were analyzed in a choice experiment using a conditional logit model. The following results were obtained: 1)... |
Palavras-chave: 冷凍枝豆; 原産国; 消費者評価; 選択実験; 支払意志額; Frozen edamame; Country of origin; Consumer valuation; Choice experiment; Willingness-to-pay. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3534 |
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Glenk, Klaus; Barkmann, Jan; Schwarze, Stefan; Zeller, Manfred; Marggraf, Rainer. |
Ecosystem services generate benefits that enter human consumption either directly or indirectly via their contribution to human production activities. In this contribution, we provide evidence that (i) the demand of peasants for ecosystem services in rural Indonesia depends on relative poverty; and that (ii) the type of reaction to poverty depends on the specific relation of the ecosystem services to peasant production and consumption. In early 2005 a representative choice experiment study was conducted in the Lore Lindu area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, to quantify regional economic preferences (marginal willingessto- pay: MWTP) for four different ecosystem services (n=249; rattan and water availability, shading in cacao agroforestry, population size... |
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation |
Palavras-chave: Relative poverty; Choice experiment; Ecosystem services; Environmental valuation; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; Q21; Q51; Q56; Q57. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/25681 |
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Registros recuperados: 70 | |