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Resistance to leaf rust in coffee carrying S H3 gene and others S H genes BABT
Sera,Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera,Tumoru; Ito,Dhalton Shiguer; Azevedo,José Alves de; Mata,João Siqueira da; Dói,Deisy Saori; Ribeiro Filho,Claudionor; Kanayama,Fabio Seidi.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the resistance to rust in coffee carrying S H3 gene and other S H genes. Twenty one CIFC’s coffee trees with several resistance genes S H were evaluated in field conditions. All the evaluated coffees carrying Sh3 gene presented resistance to the rust. It was possible that rust races with the virulence gene v3 in the Paraná State didn’t exist. The S H3 gene in combination with genes S H5, S H6, S H7, S H8, S H9 and S H? would be very important to obtain cultivars with more durable resistance to the rust.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hemileia vastatrix; Cultivars; Breeding; Durable resistance; Coffee crop; Differential clones.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Selection for durable resistance to leaf rust using test-crosses on IAPAR-59 and Tupi IAC 1669-33 cultivars of Coffea arabica BABT
Sera,Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera,Tumoru; Ito,Dhalton Shiguer; Azevedo,José Alves de; Mata,João Siqueira da; Doi,Deisy Saori; Ribeiro Filho,Claudionor.
The aim of this study was to identify plants of the IAPAR-59 and Tupi IAC 1669-33 coffee cultivars with less defeated resistance genes by the rust races present at IAPAR (Londrina, Paraná State, Brazil) using test-crosses. Eighteen test-crosses derived from hybridizations between 'IAPAR-59' or 'Tupi IAC 1669-33' with susceptible coffee to the rust disease were evaluated. Six hybrids were used as susceptible standards originated from hybridizations between two susceptible coffee plants. Many parental plants of the 'IAPAR-59' and 'Tupi IAC 1669-33' presented more defeated resistance genes against rust races present at IAPAR than others of these cultivars or the genes were in heterozygous, because of segregant susceptible plants observed in some test-crosses....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hemileia vastatrix; Breeding; Coffee crop; Rust races; SH genes.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Genetic variability for frost resistance among Coffea accessions assessed in the field and in a cold chamber BABT
Petek,Marcos Rafael; Sera,Tumoru; Alteia,Marcos Zorzenon.
The genetic variability for frost resistance was evaluated in field conditions and cold chamber among Coffea accessions. Results showed that C. liberica var. dewevrei and C. racemosa, as well as hybrids obtained from these species were more resistant to frost. There was a great genetic variability for frost resistance among the evaluated sources (b² = 0,98). The correlation estimated between damages in the field and in the cold chamber was 0.933**, therefore, this methodology was efficient and feasible and could be potentially used in a breeding program.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coffee crop; Breeding; Frost resistance; Cultivar.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Spatial variability of pores in oxidic latosol under a conservation management system with different gypsium doses Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Carducci,Carla Eloize; Oliveira,Geraldo César; Curi,Nilton; Rossoni,Diogo Francisco; Costa,Alisson Lucrécio; Heck,Richard Jonh.
Soil structure is modify when subjected to the agricultural process, i.e., a new spatial organization of the pores system is formed, with relation to the physical quality of it. Thus the aim of this work was to visualize and quantify, through X-ray CT scan, the pores distribution in an oxidic Latosol submitted to a conservation management system with different gypsum doses. Three random trenches were dug lengthwise along the plant row in a very clayey gibbsitic dystrophic Red Latosol, subjected to the following gypsum levels: G0: absence of gypsum; G7: 7 Mg ha-1 and G28: 28 Mg ha-1 of additional gypsum, applied to the surface of the plant row. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in plexiglass tubes at depths of 0.20-0.34, 0.80-0.94 and 1.50-1.64 m...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: X-ray CT scan; Spatial pore continuity; Pores distribution; Coffee crop.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Fertilizer 15N balance in a coffee cropping system: a case study in Brazil Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Fenilli,Tatiele Anete Bergamo; Reichardt,Klaus; Favarin,José Laércio; Bacchi,Osny Oliveira Santos; Silva,Adriana Lúcia; Timm,Luis Carlos.
Knowledge about the fate of fertilizer nitrogen in agricultural systems is essential for the improvement of management practices in order to maximize nitrogen (N) recovery by the crop and reduce N losses from the system to a minimum. This study involves fertilizer management practices using the 15N isotope label applied in a single rate to determine the fertilizer-N balance in a particular soil-coffee-atmosphere system and to deepen the understanding of N plant dynamics. Five replicates consisting of plots of about 120 plants each were randomly defined within a 0.2 ha coffee plantation planted in 2001, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. Nine plants of each plot were separated in sub-plots for the 15N balance studies and treated with N rates of 280 and 350 kg ha-1...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Coffee crop; Nitrogen uptake; N dynamics; 15N tracer studies; Stable isotope.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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