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Marinitoga hydrogenitolerans sp nov., a novel member of the order Thermotogales isolated from a black smoker chimney on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge ArchiMer
Postec, Anne; Le Breton, Claire; Fardeau, Marie-laure; Lesongeur, Francoise; Pignet, Patricia; Querellou, Joel; Ollivier, Bernard; Godfroy, Anne.
A novel, thermophilic, anaerobic bacterium that is able to tolerate hydrogen was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal chimney collected at the Rainbow field on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Cells were rod-shaped and surrounded by a sheath-like outer structure (toga); they were weakly motile by means of a polar flagellum. They appeared singly, in pairs or in short chains. They grew at 35-65 degrees C (optimum 60 degrees C), pH 4.5-8.5 (optimum pH 6.0) and 10-65 g sea salts l(-1) (optimum 30-40 g l(-1)). The isolate was organotrophic, and able to grow on various carbohydrates or complex proteinaceous substrates. Growth was not inhibited under 100% hydrogen or in the presence of 2% oxygen in the gas phase. The isolate reduces sulfur, although sulfur reduction is...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anaerobic bacterium; Marinitoga hydrogenitolerans; Thermotogales; Thermophile; Deep sea vent.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Thermosipho atlanticus sp nov., a novel member of the Thermotogales isolated from a Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent ArchiMer
Urios, Laurent; Cueff-gauchard, Valerie; Pignet, Patricia; Postec, Anne; Fardeau, Marie-laure; Ollivier, Bernard; Barbier, Georges.
A novel anaerobic, thermophilic and heterotrophic bacterium, designated strain DV114O(T), was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent sample from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The cells were non-motile straight rods, 1-8 mum long and 0-4 mum wide, surrounded by an outer sheath-like structure (toga). They grew at 45-80 degreesC (optimum 65 degreesC), pH 5-0-9-0 (optimum pH 6-0) and at sea salt concentrations of 20-60 gl(-1) (optimum 30 gl(-1)). Strain DV1140(T) was able to ferment yeast extract, peptone, brain heart infusion, gelatin, starch, galactose, arabinose, glucose, trehalose and cellobiose. The fermentation products identified on glucose in the presence of yeast extract and peptone were acetate, isovalerate and hydrogen. The G + C content of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine microorganisms; Thermosipho atlanticus; Thermotogales; Thermophile; Deep sea vent.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Continuous enrichment culture and molecular monitoring to investigate the microbial diversity of thermophiles inhabiting deep-sea hydrothermal ecosystems ArchiMer
Postec, Anne; Urios, Laurent; Lesongeur, Francoise; Ollivier, Bernard; Querellou, Joel; Godfroy, Anne.
The microflora developing during a continuous enrichment culture from a hydrothermal chimney sample was investigated by molecular methods. The culture was performed in a gas-lift bioreactor under anaerobic conditions, at 90 degrees C and pH 6.5, on a complex medium containing sulfur as the terminal electron acceptor. Archaeal and bacterial diversity was studied. Microorganisms affiliated with the genera Pyrococcus, Marinitoga, and Bacillus were detected through DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA. Additional sequences phylogenetically related to Thermococus and epsilon-Proteobacteria were detected by cloning and sequencing of 16S rDNA from two samples of the enrichment culture. In comparison, the sequences retrieved from cloning analysis from an enrichment culture...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sequence alignment; Anaerobic digester; Thermotogales; Thermophile; Deep sea vent.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Biogeography and Potential Exchanges Among the Atlantic Equatorial Belt Cold-Seep Faunas ArchiMer
Olu, Karine; Cordes, Erik E.; Fisher, Charles R.; Brooks, James M.; Sibuet, Myriam; Desbruyeres, Daniel.
Like hydrothermal vents along oceanic ridges, cold seeps are patchy and isolated ecosystems along continental margins, extending from bathyal to abyssal depths. The Atlantic Equatorial Belt (AEB), from the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of Guinea, was one focus of the Census of Marine Life ChEss (Chemosynthetic Ecosystems) program to study biogeography of seep and vent fauna. We present a review and analysis of collections from five seep regions along the AEB: the Gulf of Mexico where extensive faunal sampling has been conducted from 400 to 3300m, the Barbados accretionary prism, the Blake ridge diapir, and in the Eastern Atlantic from the Congo and Gabon margins and the recently explored Nigeria margin. Of the 72 taxa identified at the species level, a total...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gulf of mexico; Barbados accretionary prism; Mussel bathymodiolus childressi; Hydrothermal vent communities; Deep sea vent; Spatial distribution; Family veiscomyidae; Dispersal barriers; Hydrocarbon seeps; Species diversity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Caloranaerobacter azorensis gen. nov., sp nov., an anaerobic thermophilic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent ArchiMer
Wery, Nathalie; Moricet, Jean-marc; Cueff, Valerie; Jean, Joelle; Pignet, Patricia; Lesongeur, Francoise; Cambon-bonavita, Marie-anne; Barbier, Georges.
A thermophilic, anaerobic, chemo-organotrophic bacterium, designated MV1087(T), was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal chimney sample collected from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The cells were straight, motile and stained Gram-negative. Growth was observed from 45 to 65 degreesC, with an optimum around 65 degreesC. No growth was observed at 40 or 70 degreesC. Growth was observed from pH 5.5 to 9.0 and the optimum pH was around 7. The salinity range for growth was 10-100 g sea salt l(-1) (corresponding to 6.5-65 g NaCl l(-1)) with an optimum at 30 g sea salt l(-1) (20 g NaCl l(-1)). Strain MV1087(T) was heterotrophic, able to ferment proteinaceous substrates, such as brain/heart infusion and gluten, and carbohydrates, such as glucose, xylan and starch. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Thermophile; Deep sea vent; Caloranaerobacter azorensis; Caloranaerobacter; Bacteria.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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