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E-learning in Pharmacy Education: what do we know about it? BJPS
Lorenzoni,Andrigo Antonio; Manzini,Fernanda; Soares,Luciano; Leite,Silvana Nair.
The increase and flexibilization of e-learning in Brazil has generated concern about the low capacity to ensure the quality of institutions and courses. The objective is to identify the literature on experiences of pharmaceutical e-learning. A scope review was carried out, mapping key concepts and evidence. The selected articles, without period restriction, from the Scielo, Pubmed and Scopus databases provided data on the educational level of experience, modality, workload, content delivery method, instruments used, types of topics, evaluation information and purpose of the study. There were 87 articles on preparation for subsequent classes; feedback or continuation of previous classes; to specific training; the comparison between face-to-face and distance...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pharmacy education; E-learning; Distance learning.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Improving Agriculture Students' Understanding of Global Production Systems through Distance Learning AgEcon
Bernardo, Daniel J.; Cameron, Donald; Conforte, Daniel; Sorokin, Pavel.
Globalization is a fundamental force currently shaping agricultural sector throughout the world. To make sound decisions in a globalised economy, agricultural producers and agribusiness managers must have a high level of understanding of the international dimensions of their industry. To address this need, we are developing a course aimed at helping agricultural students better understand the managerial environment faced by producers worldwide. This course will provide students an opportunity to learn about agricultural production, and the context in which it occurs, by analyzing real-world farm case studies in various countries on four continents in both hemispheres of the globe. Eight case studies are being developed to exemplify the production and...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Globalization; International; Comparative farm case studies; Distance learning; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Using Distance Education in Extension Programming AgEcon
Jones, Rodney D.; Goheen, Alicia; Dhuyvetter, Kevin C.; Kastens, Terry L.; Amanor-Boadu, Vincent.
This paper provides an overview of the development of the Management Analysis and Strategic Thinking (MAST) program conducted by Kansas State University. This intensive management training course for progressive farm and agribusiness operators is being delivered successfully using a combination of face-to-face and distance extension delivery techniques. We find that some parts of the program are best delivered face to face and other parts are best delivered via distance. Of participants surveyed, 94% would recommend the MAST program to their peers, and 100% believe the program will have a positive impact on their businesses' bottom line.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Distance learning; Education; Extension; Management; Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession; A20; A29; Q16; Q12; Q19.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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