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Establishment of ATP-Based Luciferase Viability Assay in 96-Well Plate for Trypanosoma congolense OAK
SUGANUMA, Keisuke; ALLAMANDA, Puttik; HAKIMI, Hassan; ZHOU, Mo; ANGELES, Jose Ma.; KAWAZU, Shin-ichiro; INOUE, Noboru; 河津, 信一郎; 井上, 昇.
Animal African trypanosomosis (AAT), caused by Trypanosoma congolense, is widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa. There are significant concerns related to the current drugs available for the treatment of AAT due to their limited effectiveness across species and their adverse effects. Moreover, drug resistant trypanosomes have recently been reported in the field. High throughput screening (HTS) of large chemical compound library collections is a promising approach for identifying novel drug candidates. While HTS for Trypanozoon trypanosomes, T. brucei sspp. and T. evansi is well established, no assays have been developed for T. congolense. In the present study, the authors developed an ATP-based luciferase viability assay for T. congolense in a 96-well...
Palavras-chave: Animal African trypanosomosis; Drug screening; Luciferase assay; Trypanosoma congolense.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Inorganic nanoparticles kill Toxoplasma gondii via changes in redox status and mitochondrial membrane potential OAK
Adeyemi, Oluyomi Stephen; Murata, Yuho; Sugi, Tatsuki; Kato, Kentaro.
This study evaluated the anti-Toxoplasma gondii potential of gold, silver, and platinum nanoparticles (NPs). Inorganic NPs (0.01-1,000 mu g/mL) were screened for antiparasitic activity. The NPs caused >90% inhibition of T. gondii growth with EC50 values of <= 7, <= 1, and <= 100 mu g/mL for gold, silver, and platinum NPs, respectively. The NPs showed no host cell cytotoxicity at the effective anti-T. gondii concentrations; the estimated selectivity index revealed a >= 20-fold activity toward the parasite versus the host cell. The anti-T. gondii activity of the NPs, which may be linked to redox signaling, affected the parasite mitochondrial membrane potential and parasite invasion, replication, recovery, and infectivity potential. Our results...
Palavras-chave: Antiparasite; Drug screening; Nanomedicine; Toxoplasmosis.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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