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Influence d'un élevage ostréicole sur les flux de nutriments et d'oxygène dans un écosystème lagunaire ArchiMer
Mazouni, Nabila; Deslous-paoli, Jean-marc; Landrein, Sonia.
The impact of suspended oyster culture (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg) on oxygen and nutrient fluxes has been studied in situ, in a coastal lagoon (Thau, France), during a seasonal cycle. On the first plan of the multiple factorial correspondences analysis (MCA), seasons were well discriminated. The fluxes were maximum in summer and minimum in winter. However, this seasonal pattern was not only linked to the water temperature, as autumn and spring (similar temperatures of about 12 degrees C) were distinct in the second factorial plan (2.3). Oxygen uptake by the oyster cultures varied between 0 mu mol m(-2) h(-1) (January) and 11 823 +/- 377 mu mol m(-2) h(-1) (July). Ammonia and nitrate-nitrites were released into the water column respectively at a rate of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oxygen; Nutrients; Fluxes; Oyster culture; Oxygène; Nutriments; Flux; Elevage ostréicole.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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