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International Capital Markets and Informal Dollar Standards in the CIS and East Asia AgEcon
Schnabl, Gunther.
Although most CIS and East Asian countries are de jure classified as free floaters, they de facto pursue (tight) dollar pegs. This paper emphasizes dollar denomination of short-term and long-term payment flows as reasons for exchange rate stabilization. Based on the analysis of "competitive depreciations" and "competitive appreciations" among the CIS and East Asian currencies it is argued that the adherence to a common external anchor currency enhances macroeconomic stability. Finally, the potential of euro and ruble (CIS) as well as yen and yuan (East Asia) to challenge the dollar as anchor currencies in the respective regions is explored.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: CIS; East Asia; Informal Dollar Standard; Liability Dollarization; Asset Dollarization; Competitive Depreciation; Competitive Appreciation; Exchange Rate Systems; Financial Economics; F31; F32.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Relationship Between Trade Liberalisation, Economic Growth and Trade Balance: An Econometric Investigation AgEcon
Parikh, Ashok; Stirbu, Corneliu.
This is a study of 42 developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America in which we first examine the impact of trade liberalisation on economic growth, investment share of GDP, openness, trade balance and current accounts (as percentages of GDP). Both panel data and country by country data are used to measure the impact of liberalisation on domestic economic growth measured in PPP terms from the data available in Heston, Summers and Aten (2001) study. Domestic economic growth is often positively related to liberalisation for many countries of our sample. Next we analyse the impact of growth on trade balance and current account to examine whether higher economic growth due to liberalisation leads to adverse effect on balance of trade. Trade balance is...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Liberalisation; Trade balance; Developing countries; Panel data estimation; International Development; International Relations/Trade; F32; F14; O24; C21; C23.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Import Protection, Capital Flows, and Real Exchange Rate Dynamics AgEcon
Sjaastad, Larry A.; Manzur, Meher.
This paper focuses on the effect of import protection on the response of the real exchange rate to capital flows. The central hypothesis is that barriers to imports blunt the expenditure and production shifting effects of changes in relative prices, and hence the ability of the real exchange rate to equilibrate the economy in response to international capital flows. Employing a cross-section approach, the study focuses on three broadly similar countries but with very different levels of protection: Argentina, Australia, and Canada. The empirical results are consistent with the central hypothesis.
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Import protection; Real exchange rate; International Relations/Trade; Financial Economics; F13; F32; F41.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Sudden Stops in Capital Inflows and the Design of Exchange Rate Regimes AgEcon
Ritter, Raymond.
A two sector small open economy model developed by Corden (1991, 2002) is used to analyse the impact of sudden stops in capital inflows on an internal and external equilibrium and to explore the merits of disposing of the nominal exchange rate as policy tool in rectifying real exchange rate misalignments. It is shown how the economy's sectoral demand properties determine the extent of recession associated with real exchange rate adjustment that is neither engineered by nominal exchange rate changes nor brought about by a decline in nontraded goods prices. The conclusion is drawn that, when deciding on the design of exchange rate regimes, the structural characteristics of the economy ought to be considered so as to appropriately strengthen its capacity to...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Capital inflows; Sudden stops; Real exchange rate adjustment; Exchange rate regimes; Financial Economics; F31; F32; F41.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Relationship between Trade Liberalisation, Growth and Balance of Payments in Developing Countries: An Econometric Study AgEcon
Parikh, Ashok.
The objectives of this paper are to study the impact of liberalisation on trade deficits and current accounts of developing countries. It is expected that trade liberalisation would promote economic growth from the supply side by leading to a more efficient use of resources, by encouraging competition, and by increasing the flow of ideas and knowledge across national boundaries. Trade liberalisation could lead to faster import growth than export growth and hence the supply side benefits may be offset by the unsustainable balance of payments position. This study uses panel data of 42 countries (both time-series and cross-section dimension) to estimate the effect of trade liberalisation and growth on trade balance while controlling for other factors such as...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Panel data; Income Terms of Trade; Dynamic Optimisation; Dynamic panel model; International Relations/Trade; C21; C22; C23; F13; F14; F32.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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A Currency Crisis in Europe? - The Europe's Common Currency and the New Accession Countries - AgEcon
Krawczyk, Mariusz K..
The politically and legally complicated character of the EU Eastern Enlargement heavily influenced the conflict between the legal and economic rationality underlying the construction of the EMR-II. This makes the ERM-II vulnerable to currency crises and creates conditions for a widespread currency and asset substitution in the accession countries. As a result, the required participation of all accession countries in the ERM-II imposes unnecessary costs on the whole enlargement process. The costs could be avoided if the EU adopted a more flexible approach to the enlargement of its monetary union, allowing for an individual path of adopting the euro in each accession country depending on the country's economic conditions.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: EU enlargement; Monetary integration; Currency crisis; Asset substitution; Financial Economics; F32; F33; F36.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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